Doctor Who companions in order: From Susan Foreman to Belinda Chandra
Meet the brave and fearless companions of the Doctor.

There is only one person as important as the Doctor themselves in Doctor Who: their companion.
Often the co-protagonist of the long-running BBC series, the role of the companion is a vital component of the show's stories across space and time.
The very first companion introduced in 1963 was the Doctor's own granddaughter Susan Foreman (Carole Ann Ford) and numerous characters have filled her shoes since all the way to Catherine Tate reprising her role as fan-favourite companion Donna Noble for the 60th-anniversary episodes due to air in November.
Most recently, we saw Ruby Sunday, played by Millie Gibson, travel in the TARDIS, with new companions Joy (played by Nicola Coughlan) and Belinda Chandra (played by Varada Sethu) to be introduced very soon.
So, which companions lie in between and in what order do they appear? Additionally, who do we include in this list?
Here is the list of Doctor Who companions in order of their appearance as the Doctor's companions in the series.
Doctor Who companions in order
The following characters served as companions of The Doctor by either travelling in the TARDIS or serving as prominent comrades in at least one special or multiple regular episodes.
Susan Foreman

Who plays Susan Foreman? Carole Ann Ford.
First appearance: An Unearthly Child
Last appearance: The Dalek Invasion of Earth (regular), The Five Doctors (guest)
Susan Foreman was introduced in the first ever episode of Doctor Who in 1963, An Unearthly Child.
It is Susan's genius that draws the attention of her teachers Ian and Barbara and they follow her home to a junkyard and, ultimately, the TARDIS.
Inside, the teachers meet Susan's grandfather, the time-traveller known as The Doctor.
The character remained in the show until the 1964 story The Dalek Invasion of Earth, where Susan fell in love with a human resistance fighter named David Campbell. The Doctor locked her out of the TARDIS to enable her to move on with her life.
Ford reprised the role in the 1983 story The Five Doctors and then in the 1993 charity special Dimensions in Time.
Speaking to about Susan, actress Carole Ann Ford said: "They didn’t use any of these things, which is a shame. She could have been a much broader personality, a much more interesting personality. They wanted her to identify as the girl next door so all the interesting - I think the interesting things anyway - that I was trying to put into it were all eliminated after the first episode, which was a shame."
Barbara Wright

Who plays Barbara Wright? Jacqueline Hill.
First appearance: An Unearthly Child
Last appearance: The Chase
Barbara Wright was introduced in the first ever episode of Doctor Who in 1963, An Unearthly Child.
As one of the teachers of Susan Foreman, Barbara investigated her pupil's genius with colleague Ian Chesterton and stumbled into the TARDIS and the time-travelling exploits of the Doctor.
The pair longed to return to Earth throughout their run on the show, finally leaving The Doctor for a chance to return home at the end of the epic 1965 story The Chase.
Ian Chesterton

Who plays Ian Chesterton? William Russell.
First appearance: An Unearthly Child
Last appearance: The Chase (regular), The Power of the Doctor (guest)
Ian Chesterton was introduced in the first ever episode of Doctor Who in 1963, An Unearthly Child.
As one of the teachers of Susan Foreman, Ian investigated his pupil's genius with colleague Barbara Wright and stumbled into the TARDIS and the time-travelling exploits of the Doctor.
The pair longed to return to Earth throughout their run on the show, finally leaving The Doctor for a chance to return home in the 1965 story The Chase.
Russell would go on to make a return as Ian – 57 years later – for a cameo appearance in the 2022 story The Power of the Doctor.

Who plays Vicki? Maureen O'Brien.
First appearance: The Rescue
Last appearance: The Myth Makers (regular), Tales of the TARDIS (guest)
Introduced in the 1965 story The Rescue, Vicki is an orphan from the 25th century and a survivor of a spaceship crash on the planet Dido.
After being saved from her fellow crash survivor by The Doctor and his companions Ian and Barbara, Vicki is invited to join the group, serving as a replacement for Susan.
Vicki departs the series in the 1965 story The Myth Makers when she decides to stay in Troy after falling in love with the warrior Trollius and it is revealed that she becomes the legendary figure Cressida.
Since then, Vicki has appeared in a special short film on the Blu-ray release of the second season of Doctor Who and in an episode of the spin-off series Tales of the TARDIS opposite fellow companion Steven Taylor.
Steven Taylor

Who plays Steven Taylor? Peter Purves.
First appearance: The Chase
Last appearance: The Savages (regular), Tales of the TARDIS (guest)
A spaceship pilot from the 23rd century, Steven Taylor is introduced in the 1965 story The Chase.
Having crash-landed on the planet Mechanus he remains there for two years until he stows away on the TARDIS.
Steven clashes with the Doctor over moral dilemmas and the deaths along the way in their adventures.
The character departs the series in the 1966 story The Savages when he leaves to lead a combined society of Savages and Elders on a war-ravaged planet.
Steven also appeared in an episode of the spin-off series Tales of the TARDIS opposite fellow companion Vicki.

Who plays Katarina? Adrienne Hill.
First appearance: The Myth Makers
Last appearance: The Daleks' Master Plan
A woman from the Ancient city of Troy, Katarina is convinced to travel with the Doctor by his departing companion Vicky.
However, Katarina does not last long beyond her debut story in 1965, The Myth Makers, as she is swiftly killed off in the following story The Daleks' Master Plan.
After being taken hostage by escaped prisoner Kirksen on a spaceship, Katarina chooses to open the airlock and propel them both into space rather than have the Doctor forced to give in to Kirksen's demands.
Katarina became the first companion to be killed off in the show - but she would not be the last.
Sara Kingdom

Who plays Sara Kingdom? Jean Marsh.
First appearance: The Daleks' Master Plan
Last appearance: The Daleks' Master Plan
Although it is debated whether she counts as a companion, the Space Security Agent named Sara Kingdom aids The Doctor in the 1965-1966 story The Daleks' Master Plan.
Despite being a ruthless and cold character, Sara comes to aid The Doctor in his fight against the Daleks and helps him to stop the Daleks' plan using the Time Destructor - a weapon that rapidly advances time.
Sadly, Sara cannot save herself from the device and rapidly ages before dying. Grim.
Dorothea "Dodo" Chaplet

Who plays Dodo Chaplet? Jackie Lane.
First appearance: The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve
Last appearance: The War Machines
A teenager from Earth in 1966, the bright and enthusiastic Dodo is introduced in the 1966 story The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve.
The character is an orphan and descendant of Anne Chaplet, a character The Doctor and Steven met in 1572 Paris and whom the Doctor abandoned to die in the upcoming Massacre of 10,000 Huguenots.
Dodo travels with the Doctor for a time, having revealed she had no family to care for her in the 20th century, before abruptly leaving him to rest in the countryside in her final adventure, The War Machines (1966).

Who plays Polly? Anneke Wills.
First appearance: The War Machines
Last appearance: The Faceless Ones
A young middle-class woman from the swinging '60s, Polly is introduced in the 1966 story The War Machines as a secretary to Professor Brett, the creator of the evil artificial intelligence WOTAN.
Befriending Dodo in the story, Polly later meets working-class sailor Ben Jackson in a nightclub and he rescues her when she is harassed by another person in the club.
Polly and Ben go on to join the Doctor in his fight against WOTAN and accidentally end up travelling with him through time after returning Dodo's TARDIS key to him following her departure.
The pair travel with the Doctor as an "odd couple" and even are present for his regeneration into the Second Doctor.
Polly and Ben are later joined by Scottish Highlander Jamie McCrimmon in the TARDIS.
The pair later leave the Doctor to return to normal life when the TARDIS returns to Earth the day after they left during the 1967 story The Faceless Ones.
A 2010 story from the Doctor Who spin-off The Sarah Jane Adventures reveals that Polly and Ben are working in an orphanage in India.
Polly later appears once again in the 2017 story Twice Upon a Time opposite David Bradley as The First Doctor, now played by actress Lily Travers.
Ben Jackson

Who plays Ben Jackson? Michael Craze.
First appearance: The War Machines
Last appearance: The Faceless Ones
Royal Navy seaman Ben Jackson is introduced in the same story as Polly in the 1966 story The War Machines.
After rescuing Polly from a nasty individual in a nightclub, working-class lad Ben joins Polly in aiding The Doctor against the artificial intelligence WOTAN.
Ben is an honest and easy-going character, making an "odd-couple" pairing with the middle-class Polly whom he calls "Duchess".
The pair are present for the First Doctor's regeneration into the Second Doctor and remain with him until the 1967 story The Faceless Ones when the pair will return to Earth. The Doctor predicts that Ben will become an Admiral.
Ben later appears once again in the 2017 story Twice Upon a Time opposite David Bradley as The First Doctor, now played by actor Jared Garfield.
Jamie McCrimmon
![doctor-who-jamie Frazer Hines [R] as Jamie McCrimmon in Doctor Who](,122px,1893px,1261px&fit=700,466)
Who plays Jamie McCrimmon? Frazer Hines.
First appearance: The Highlanders
Last appearance: The War Games (regular), Tales of the TARDIS (guest)
Jamie McCrimmon is introduced as a piper of the Clan MacLeod in 18th-century Scotland in the 1966 story The Highlanders, meeting The Doctor, Ben and Polly in the aftermath of the Battle of Culloden.
Later travelling with the Doctor, Jamie appears in every story of the Second Doctor apart from his first story, The Power of the Daleks.
In terms of episodes, Jamie is the longest-running companion in Doctor Who history.
Often having banter with the Second Doctor, the pair did not always see eye to eye and sometimes clashed. Jamie was always protective of the female companions in the TARDIS, being a courtly gentleman in line with his origins.
Jamie departed the TARDIS in the final story of the Second Doctor, the 1969 epic The War Games, which saw the Doctor placed on trial by the Time Lords and led to Jamie and fellow companion Zoe having their minds wiped of memories regarding the Doctor's adventures bar their initial meetings with him.
The story saw Jamie last shown back in the Highlands of Scotland fighting with a redcoat.
Hines later reprised the role as an illusion in The Five Doctors in 1983 and then in the 1985 story The Two Doctors, which saw him appear alongside Second Doctor actor Patrick Troughton.
Hines reprises the role for a guest turn in the spin-off series Tales of the TARDIS opposite Wendy Padbury as Zoe Heriot.
Victoria Waterfield

Who plays Victoria Waterfield? Deborah Watling.
First appearance: The Evil of the Daleks
Last appearance: Fury from the Deep
The daughter of widowed Victorian scientist Edward Waterfield, Victoria joins The Doctor and Jamie after her father is killed in the fight against the Daleks in the 1967 story The Evil of the Daleks.
Jamie is especially protective of the fragile Victoria as she is terrified by the world outside of Victorian England.
Victoria decides she is not cut out to live in the TARDIS and leaves for a quiet new life in the 20th century in the 1968 story Fury from the Deep, leaving Jamie heartbroken.
Zoe Heriot

Who plays Zoe Heriot? Wendy Padbury.
First appearance: The Wheel in Space
Last appearance: The War Games
Introduced in the 1968 story The Wheel in Space, Zoe Heriot is an astrophysicist who aids the Second Doctor and Jamie in the fight against the Cybermen.
Zoe is a mathematical genius and is an ideal companion for the Doctor as she longs to gain real-world experience and also forms a close friendship with Jamie.
The character was written out of the series along with Jamie in the 1969 epic The War Games, which saw the Doctor placed on trial by the Time Lords and led to Zoe and Jamie having their minds wiped of the Doctor's adventures bar their initial meetings with him.
Padbury later reprised the role as an illusion in The Five Doctors in 1983, along with a turn in the spin-off series Tales of the TARDIS with Frazer Hines as Jamie McCrimmon.
Elizabeth "Liz" Shaw

Who plays Liz Shaw? Caroline John.
First appearance: Spearhead from Space
Last appearance: Inferno
Elizabeth "Liz" Shaw is introduced in the first story of the Third Doctor in 1970, Spearhead from Space.
As a civilian scientist, Liz Shaw is a brilliant member of the organisation UNIT hired by Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart to help combat alien threats.
Shaw has expert knowledge of meteorites, physics, medicine, and more.
The character departs off-screen and her exit is revealed in the 1971 story Terror of the Autons, where it is revealed that she resigned from UNIT to return to Cambridge after complaining about life assisting the Doctor and his ego.
Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

Who plays the Brigadier? Nicholas Courtney.
First appearance: The Web Fear
Last appearance: Battlefield (Doctor Who), Enemy of the Bane (The Sarah Jane Adventures)
Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart is introduced in the 1968 story The Web of Fear as a member of the Scots Guards commanding a British Army contingent investigating a Yeti, aiding the Second Doctor in his adventure.
The character returned in the 1968 story The Invasion as the leader of UNIT, aiding the Doctor against the Cybermen.
The Brigadier begins appearing on a regular basis as a companion following the Doctor's exile to Earth for the adventures of his third incarnation, played by John Pertwee, as the Time Lord becomes a special advisor to UNIT.
The character appeared until the 1975 story Terror of the Zygons, where he aided the Fourth Doctor, played by Tom Baker.
The Brigadier returned opposite the Fifth Doctor (Peter Davison) in the 1983 story Mawdryn Undead where he was shown to have retired from UNIT to become a maths teacher.
The character returns to aid the Doctors in the 1983 special The Five Doctors, before having a guest appearance with UNIT once again in the 1989 Seventh Doctor story Battlefield which showed him called out of retirement to aid the Doctor against a sorceress.
Courtney reprised the role on-screen one last time in the spin-off series The Sarah Jane Adventures for the 2008 story Enemy of the Bane where he aids old friend Sarah Jane Smith.
The 2011 story The Wedding of River Song sees The Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) ring the nursing home where the Brigadier has been staying and learns that the character died months prior, but spoke of the Doctor often and hoped for a visit.
The show later introduced the Brigadier's daughter, Kate Stewart.
Sergeant John Benton

Who plays Sergeant John Benton? John Levene.
First appearance: The Invasion
Last appearance: The Android Invasion
UNIT's Corporal John Benton was first introduced in the 1968 story The Invasion opposite the Second Doctor.
The right-hand man of the Brigadier, by the time he was reintroduced in the 1970 story The Ambassadors of Death, Benton was now a Sergeant and a recurring companion in the run of the Third Doctor.
Benton aids in the adventures of the Third and Fourth Doctors and also flirts with the Doctor's other companions Jo Grant and Sarah Jane Smith.
The last appearance of Benton occurs in the 1975 story The Android Invasion, but he is revealed by the Brigadier to have retired by the time of the 1983 story Mawdryn Undead.
However, Benton did appear in the first authorised Doctor Who spin-off short film Wartime in 1988, opposite the Brigadier.
Captain Mike Yates

Who plays Captain Mike Yates? Richard Franklin.
First appearance: Terror of the Autons
Last appearance: Planet of the Spiders (regular), The Five Doctors (guest)
UNIT Captain Yates is introduced in the 1971 story Terror of the Autons as another subordinate of Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart.
Yates aids the Doctor and UNIT in defeating a number of threats and even tries to date companion Jo Grant.
However, Yates changed forever in the 1973 story The Green Death when he was brainwashed by the evil BOSS and later became terrified by the prospect of environmental disaster, joining a conspiracy to reverse time on Earth in the 1974 story Invasion of the Dinosaurs.
After taking on an antagonistic role that was thwarted by the Doctor, Yates was shown mercy by the Brigadier who allowed him to merely resign from UNIT than face further punishment.
That same year, Yates received medical attention at a health centre that led to him providing helpful information to Sarah Jane Smith in the story Planet of the Spiders.
Richard Franklin reprised the role of Yates one last time as a hallucination in the 1983 special The Five Doctors.
Jo Grant

Who plays Jo Grant? Katy Manning.
First appearance: Terror of the Autons
Last appearance: The Green Death (regular), Tales of the TARDIS (guest)
Jo Grant is introduced in the 1971 story Terror of the Autons as a junior civilian operative for UNIT and acts as a less experienced co-protagonist in her time with Jon Pertwee's Third Doctor.
After the Time Lords enabled him to travel through time and space once again, Jo joins the Doctor on many adventures to alien worlds, fighting villains including the Master and the Daleks.
A bubbly and compassionate figure, Jo grows very protective of the Doctor and he does in turn.
In the 1973 story The Green Death, Jo falls in love with a scientist and environmentalist named Professor Clifford Jones and decides to leave the Doctor to marry him and work with him in the Amazon. The Doctor is shown to be pleased for her but also saddened at her departure.
Katy Manning reprised the role in the spin-off series The Sarah Jane Adventures for the 2010 story The Death of the Doctor when she met her successor companion Sarah Jane Smith and later reunited with the Doctor. Jo Jones is revealed to have seven children and 12 grandchildren with her husband Clifford, continuing to work with him on environmental causes.
The actress appeared again as Jo for a cameo in the 2022 Doctor Who special The Power of the Doctor then in an episode of Tales of the TARDIS.
Sarah Jane Smith

Who plays Sarah Jane Smith? Elisabeth Sladen.
First appearance: The Time Warrior
Last appearance: The End of Time (Doctor Who), The Man Who Never Was (The Sarah Jane Adventures)
One of the most iconic Doctor Who companions, Elisabeth Sladen made her debut as journalist Sarah Jane Smith in the 1973 story The Time Warrior.
Initially serving as a companion to Jon Pertwee's Third Doctor, Sarah Jane later stays with him after he regenerates into Tom Baker's Fourth Doctor, showing herself to be inquisitive, brave and empathetic.
Sarah Jane remained with the Doctor until he dropped her off on Earth in the 1976 episode The Hand of Fear, mistakenly leaving her in Aberdeen and not her home of Croydon. The pair did not reunite for decades.
Sladen reprised the role for the pilot of the spin-off series K-9 and Company in 1981, where she had adventures with the robot dog K9 which she received as a gift from the Doctor.
The character also returned for 1983 special The Five Doctors and later in the charity special Dimensions in Time.
After the series was revived in 2005 by showrunner Russell T Davies, Sarah Jane became the first classic companion to return to the show, making her big return in the 2006 episode School Reunion opposite David Tennant's Tenth Doctor and K9.
The popularity of Sarah Jane's return led to her own spin-off series The Sarah Jane Adventures, which saw her defend Earth with the aid of heroic teens, including her adopted son Luke.
The character returned once again to Doctor Who for the 2008 episodes The Stolen Earth and Journey's End as she aided the Tenth Doctor and other companions against the Daleks.
Sarah Jane's final appearance in Doctor Who was in David Tennant's final outing as the Tenth Doctor, in the 2009-2010 story The End of Time, appearing in a cameo in the final scenes of the second episode.
The character's spin-off show ran for five seasons and included appearances from classic Doctor Who characters and from the Tenth and Eleventh Doctor. The series ended with its fifth run after actress Elisabeth Sladen died of cancer at the age of 65.
The show ends with the message: "And the story goes on... forever."
Dr. Harry Sullivan

Who plays Harry Sullivan? Ian Marter.
First appearance: Robot
Last appearance: The Android Invasion
Harry Sullivan is a commissioned Surgeon-Lieutenant working with UNIT who is introduced in the 1974 story Robot.
Alongside Sarah Jane Smith, Harry acts as a companion to Tom Baker's Fourth Doctor, appearing to be old-fashioned, brave, but clumsy.
The character was written out in the 1975 story Terror of the Zygons as he returned to London.
However, Marter reprised the role in a guest appearance later that year in The Android Invasion.

Who plays Leela? Louise Jameson.
First appearance: The Face of Evil
Last appearance: The Invasion of Time
Leela is introduced in the 1977 story The Face of Evil as a warrior from the savage Sevateem tribe, the descendants of the human crew of an Earth ship that crashed on an unknown planet in the far future.
The strong-willed Leela barges into the TARDIS and continues to accompany the Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker) on his adventures.
Leela remained with the Doctor until her exit in the 1978 story The Invasion of Time where she decided on Gallifrey with Andred, a native of the Doctor's homeworld, after actress Louise Jameson quit the show.

Who voices K9? John Leeson, David Brierley, Roy Skelton.
First appearance: The Invisible Enemy
Last appearance: Journey's End (Doctor Who), Goodbye Sarah Jane Smith (The Sarah Jane Adventures)
K9 is introduced in the 1977 story The Invisible Enemy as a robot dog created by Professor Marius (Frederick Jaeger) in the year 5000.
The character joins the Doctor and Leela on adventures before leaving with the latter in The Invasion of Time later that year.
A second 'Mark II' version is introduced in The Ribos Operation in 1978 but later departs the show with companion Romana (Lalla Ward) in the story Warrior's Gate (1981).
A third version named 'Mark III' is introduced in the pilot for his own show K-9 and Company with Sarah Jane Smith, before returning alongside the companion in the 2006 story School Reunion, which sees Mark III destroyed and replaced later by Mark IV.
The character returns briefly for the 2008 episode Journey's End and the spin-off series The Sarah Jane Adventures.
Romana I

Who plays Romana I? Mary Tamm.
First appearance: The Ribos Operation
Last appearance: The Armageddon Factor
Romana is a Time Lady who is introduced in the 1978 story The Ribos Operation, played by Mary Tamm.
The character is a chilly and intelligent figure who is assigned to work with the Doctor by the other Time Lords in a saga devoted to obtaining the Key of Time.
The pair don't get on initially but soon grow to have a warmer relationship.
After Tamm elected to leave the series in 1979, the character of Romana regenerated into the form of a character she had encountered named Princess Astra, played by Lalla Ward.
Romana II

Who plays Romana II? Lalla Ward.
First appearance: Destiny of the Daleks
Last appearance: Warrior's Gate
The name given to the second iteration of Romana in the series, Romana II is a more adventurous and free-spirited iteration of the Time Lady companion of the Fourth Doctor, played by Tom Baker.
Ward previously portrayed Princess Astra in the 1979 story The Armageddon Factor and Romana settles on this appearance after she regenerates.
Romana has a very close and light-hearted relationship with the Fourth Doctor and it verges on romantic, mirroring the real-life romance of Baker and Ward who were married from 1980 to 1982.
After an adventure into the dimension known as E-Space, Romana elects to stay behind with K9 in the 1981 story Warrior's Gate.

Who plays Adric? Matthew Waterhouse.
First appearance: Full Circle
Last appearance: Earthshock
An alien from the planet Alzarius, Adric is a genius mathematician who joins the show in the 1980 story Full Circle.
From the parallel universe E-Space, Adric joins the Doctor on his travels and becomes a companion of the Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker) and then the Fifth Doctor (Peter Davison).
Adric remains in the series until his shocking departure in the 1982 story Earthshock when he is killed attempting to stop the crash of a Cybermen freighter into Earth, to the horror of the Doctor and his companions Tegan and Nyssa.
Never finding out if the freighter becomes the meteor to wipe out the dinosaurs and bring about the rise of mammals and humans on Earth, Adric's last words before his death are: "Now I'll never know if I was right."
Adric's death haunts the Doctor thereafter and was most recently referenced in the spin-off series Tales of the TARDIS which reunited The Fifth Doctor and Tegan Jovanka.

Who plays Nyssa? Sarah Sutton.
First appearance: The Keeper of Traken
Last appearance: Terminus (regular), The Caves of Androzani (guest)
An aristocratic humanoid alien from the planet Traken, Nyssa is introduced in the 1981 story The Keeper of Traken.
After killing Nyssa's stepmother, the villainous Master then hypnotised Nyssa and took control of her father's body. Nyssa was taken to the planet Logopolis by the iteration of the Doctor known as 'The Watcher' and learns that the planet Traken has been destroyed.
After this, Nyssa joins the Doctor, Adric and new companion Tegan on their adventures and even faces down The Master (who has her father's face) before The Fourth Doctor regenerates into the Fifth.
Nyssa continues to travel with the Doctor, even travelling alone with him for a period, but departs in the 1983 story Terminus when she elects to stay on the eponymous plague space station and turn it into a working hospital, sharing an emotional goodbye with the Doctor and kissing him.
The character returned as a hallucination to the Fifth Doctor as he regenerates in the 1984 story The Caves of Androzani.
Sarah Sutton reprised her role for the charity special Dimensions in Time in 1993, along with a special featurette episode on the Blu-ray release of the classic series' season 20.
Tegan Jovanka

Who plays Tegan Jovanka? Janet Fielding.
First appearance: Logopolis
Last appearance: Resurrection of the Daleks (regular), Tales of the TARDIS (guest)
Tegan Jovanka is an Australian airline stewardess who was introduced in the final story of the Fourth Doctor, 1981's Logopolis.
Stubborn and brash, Tegan stumbles upon the TARDIS when her aunt's car breaks down on the side of the road and she goes inside for help. After her aunt is killed by The Master, Tegan joins the Doctor, Adric and Nyssa on their adventures, but insists she will take her job at Heathrow Airport.
Tegan often debates with the Doctor and Adric, is suspicious of Turlough, and is close to Nyssa, being sad when she leaves the TARDIS for good.
After a misunderstanding, Tegan briefly leaves the TARDIS when she is left at Heathrow Airport, but returns in the following story set a year later.
The character eventually leaves for good in the 1984 story Resurrection of the Daleks when the traumatic events prove too much for her to continue travelling in the TARDIS.
Actress Janet Fielding reprised her role as Tegan in the 2022 special The Power of the Doctor when she aids the Thirteenth Doctor.
In a special featurette for the Doctor Who classic series' season 20 blu-ray release, a present-day Tegan was also seen having an emotional reunion with old friend Nyssa.
The character returned in the spin-off series Tales of the TARDIS opposite The Fifth Doctor.
Vislor Turlough

Who plays Vislor Turlough? Mark Strickson.
First appearance: Mawdryn Undead
Last appearance: Planet of Fire
Vislor Turlough is introduced in the 1983 story Mawdryn Undead as a mysterious pupil of the Brigadier at Brendon Public School.
It becomes clear that Turlough is hiding something and he is charged by the villainous Black Guardian (Valentine Dyall) with killing the Doctor, which he accepts under the condition that he will be returned to his true home.
Accepting an invitation to travel in the TARDIS with the Doctor, Turlough travels with the Time Lord and his companions, eventually rejecting the Black Guardian and choosing to stand by the Doctor.
Eventually, Turlough's origins are revealed: he is a junior ensign commander from the planet Trion and had been a political prisoner who escaped to Earth. Eventually discovering that conditions on Trion have improved, Turlough - first name Vislor - chooses to return home in the 1984 story Planet of Fire.

Who plays Kamelion? Gerald Flood (voice).
First appearance: The King's Demons
Last appearance: Planet of Fire
A shape-changing android created by The Master, Kamelion is introduced in the 1983 story The King's Demons set in England, Earth in 1215 A.D.
The Doctor manages to free Kamelion from serving the Master and he becomes a companion of the Doctor until the 1984 story Planet of Fire when the Master manages to control Kamelion again.
Eager to not be controlled by the Master again, Kamelion begs the Doctor to destroy him and he does, killing him.
Peri Brown

Who plays Peri Brown? Nicola Bryant.
First appearance: Planet of Fire
Last appearance: The Trial of a Time Lord: Mindwarp (regular), Tales of the TARDIS (guest)
Californian botany major Peri Brown is introduced in the 1984 story Planet of Fire when she encounters the Fifth Doctor and Turlough.
After Turlough departs from the TARDIS, the bright and enthusiastic Peri asks to join the Doctor on his travels.
The Fifth Doctor sacrifices himself and brings about his regeneration to save Peri and she then becomes the first companion of the Sixth Doctor (Colin Baker), who briefly tries to kill her when he is temporarily unstable following his regeneration.
The character eventually departs the series during the season-long story The Trial of a Time Lord in 1986.
During the arc Mindwarp, Peri is kidnapped and the mind of the creature Kiv is transferred into her body which results in a chaotic encounter that sees her seemingly killed.
However, towards the end of the season, the Doctor is told that Peri's death was faked by the future iteration of the Doctor known as 'The Valeyard' and that she had been saved by and then married King Yrcanos of Thoros Alpha (Brian Blessed) off-screen.
Nicola Bryant reprised her role as Peri Brown in the spin-off series Tales of the TARDIS opposite Colin Baker as the Sixth Doctor.
Melanie "Mel" Bush

Who plays Mel Bush? Bonnie Langford.
First appearance: The Trial of a Time Lord: Terror of the Vervoids
Last appearance: Dragonfire (regular), The Power of the Doctor (guest)
The cheeky and intelligent computer programmer from 20th Century Sussex, Melanie Bush is introduced in the 1986 season The Trial of a Time Lord.
Mel is introduced to the Sixth Doctor via a Matrix projection of future events where she is shown travelling with him.
The Sixth Doctor later meets Mel for the first time (in her timeline) and she joins him on his adventures.
The character remains with the Doctor when he regenerates into the Seventh Doctor (Sylvester McCoy).
Mel remains with the Doctor until the 1987 story Dragonfire when she leaves him to travel on the ship Nosferatu II with her former acquaintance and mercenary Sabalom Glitz.
Actress Bonnie Langford reprised the role in a cameo appearance in the 2022 special The Power of the Doctor.
Langford will reprise her role as Mel in the upcoming 14th season featuring Ncuti Gatwa's Fifteenth Doctor, plus fans suspect she will appear in the 60th-anniversary specials.

Who plays Ace? Sophie Aldred.
First appearance: Dragonfire
Last appearance: Survival (regular), Tales of the TARDIS (guest)
The final companion of the classic series, troubled London teen Ace is introduced in the 1987 story Dragonfire as a waitress after she was transported to Iceworld on the planet Svartos. It is on this planet that Ace meets the Seventh Doctor and accepts his invitation to travel in the TARDIS after he parts ways with Mel.
The pair develop a close bond, with Ace affectionately calling the Doctor her "Professor" and looking to protect him, while the Doctor attempts to educate her and be there for her after her troubled past - her bad relationship with her mother and the racially motivated firebomb attack of her friend Manisha when she was 13.
Armed with a baseball bat and explosives, Ace is more than capable of defending herself.
Ace's final regular appearance was the final episode of the classic series, titled Survival. The instalment saw the pair Ace and the Doctor battle the Master before she chooses to leave behind her home of Perivale to travel with the Doctor once again. At some point between the end of the original series and the subsequent TV movie, Ace and the Doctor part ways.
Actress Sophie Aldred reprised her role as a main character in the 2022 special The Power of the Doctor where she is reunited with the Doctor in their Thirteenth incarnation, played by Jodie Whittaker. It's revealed that she and the Doctor split after a falling out, but they are reconciled and Ace works alongside Tegan Jovanka in the story to aid the Doctor once again.
Ace also returned for an episode of the spin-off series Tales of the TARDIS opposite Sylvester McCoy as the Seventh Doctor.
Dr. Grace Holloway

Who plays Dr. Grace Holloway? Daphne Ashbrook.
First appearance: Doctor Who (1996)
Last appearance: Doctor Who (1996)
Appearing in the 1996 TV film Doctor Who, Dr. Grace Holloway acts as the sole central companion of the Eighth Doctor, played by Paul McGann.
A warm and kind-hearted cardiologist from San Fransisco in 1999, Grace accidentally kills the Seventh Doctor while trying to save his life after he is gunned down and brought to her hospital - but is hampered by his alien physiology.
After the Doctor regenerates, Grace aids him in his fight against The Master.
At the end of the story, Grace declines an offer from the Doctor to travel in the TARDIS but they do share a kiss.
"I finally meet the right guy and he's from another planet," she notes of her time with the Doctor.
Chang Lee

Who plays Chang Lee? Yee Jee Tso.
First appearance: Doctor Who (1996)
Last appearance: Doctor Who (1996)
Asian-American gangster Chang Lee is introduced in the TV movie Doctor Who.
Despite his status as a companion being debated, Chang Lee is often considered as being a rare combination: a companion of both the Doctor and the Master.
Gang members were attempting to kill Lee when they ended up shooting the Seventh Doctor and triggering his next regeneration.
After claiming the Doctor's belongings upon the Time Lord's "death", Lee found the TARDIS and fell under the influence of the Master who he aided in his schemes.
However, after his confrontations with the Eighth Doctor, Lee comes to aid the Doctor against the Master and his neck was snapped.
In the end, the Doctor managed to resurrect Lee and bade him farewell on New Year's Day 2000 but warned him to avoid San Fransisco the following year.
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Rose Tyler

Who plays Rose Tyler? Billie Piper.
First appearance: Rose
Last appearance: Doomsday (regular), The End of Time (guest)
Introduced in the self-titled first episode of the revived series in 2005, Rose Tyler is "just a shopgirl" until her life collides with the Ninth Doctor, played by Christopher Eccleston.
Acting as a true co-protagonist of the series, the show introduced Rose's mother Jackie (Camille Coduri) and boyfriend Mickey Smith (Noel Clarke).
Rose travels with the Ninth Doctor on multiple adventures until a battle with the Daleks saw her absorb the power of the Time Vortex and emerge with her "Bad Wolf" persona until the Doctor saves her life by absorbing the fatal level of energy flowing through her.
The subsequent regeneration of the Ninth Doctor into the Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) only brings the pair closer together and they form a romantic connection.
In the 2006 episode Doomsday, Rose is separated from the Doctor when she is trapped in a parallel universe, leading to a tragic goodbye.
The character returned in 2008 as she tried to reach out to protect the Doctor and save all universes from the coming darkness caused by Davros and the Daleks.
After this story, Rose parts ways with the Doctor once again but gets a happy ending in the form of a human copy of the Tenth Doctor.
Billie Piper reprised her role as Rose for a cameo appearance in David Tennant's final story The End of Time in 2010 when the Tenth Doctor had a short meeting with Rose before she ever met the Doctor in her timeline.
In 2013, Piper reprised the role in the 50th anniversary special The Day of the Doctor but only in Rose's Bad Wolf persona as the sentient weapon known as 'The Moment' took on her form to communicate with the War Doctor (John Hurt).
Adam Mitchell

Who plays Adam Mitchell? Bruno Langley.
First appearance: Dalek
Last appearance: The Long Game
Former Coronation Street star Bruno Langley was introduced as the scientist Adam Mitchell in the 2005 story Dalek where he aids the Doctor and develops a friendship with Rose.
The character then travels with the Doctor and Rose in the TARDIS to Satellite 5 in the year 200,000, where Adam attempts to gain an advanced computer interface port in his brain and tries to transfer data back in time to his mother's answering phone in the 21st century.
At the end of the story The Long Game, the Doctor returns Adam home and destroys the message, angered by Adam's attempts to use his travels for personal advantage. However, Adam's advanced computer interface port - useless in the present day - still opens on his forehead and displays his brain at the click of a finger, horrifying his mother.
Captain Jack Harkness

Who plays Captain Jack Harkness? John Barrowman.
First appearance: The Empty Child
Last appearance: Rev0lution of the Daleks
A former "Time Agent" from the 51st century, Captain Jack Harkness is introduced in the 2005 story The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances as an American volunteer in the Royal Air Force.
The charming omnisexual Jack flirts with the Ninth Doctor and Rose and goes on to travel with them in the TARDIS until his death on Satellite 5 in the 2005 finale The Parting of the Ways. Towards the end of the episode, Rose resurrects Jack with the powers of the Time Vortex but she and the Doctor depart Satellite 5 not knowing that Jack was still alive.
The character then returned as the lead protagonist of the spin-off series Torchwood, leading a team of agents to protect Earth from alien and supernatural threats.
Jack returned to Doctor Who in the 2007 episode Utopia where he revealed that he used a vortex manipulator to return to Earth in the year 1869 but was now immortal following his resurrection.
Living out his days on Earth, Jack even had a family and also joined Torchwood. He aids the Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones in their fight against the Master.
Torchwood continued as a series, with Jack even having a romantic relationship with colleague Ianto Jones until his death in the series Torchwood: Children of Earth. The show also explored Jack's origins, romantic history and family.
Actor John Barrowman later returned as Jack in the episodes The Stolen Earth/Journey's End in 2008 and then a cameo in the 2010 episode The End of Time: Part Two opposite the Tenth Doctor.
Jack returned in the fourth run of Torchwood, subtitled Miracle Day, in 2011, before then returning for a guest appearance in Doctor Who in the 2020 episode Fugitive of the Judoon.
John Barrowman's most recent reprisal of the role of Captain Jack Harkness was opposite the Thirteenth Doctor in the 2021 special Revolution of the Daleks, where he ultimately decides to remain on Earth and reconnect with friend and Torchwood colleague Gwen Cooper (Eve Myles).
Mickey Smith

Who plays Mickey Smith? Noel Clarke.
First appearance: Rose
Last appearance: The End of Time
Introduced in the 2005 episode 'Rose' as Rose Tyler's boyfriend, Mickey Smith is a recurring character as he deals with her departure with the Ninth Doctor and his heart being broken.
Mickey aids the Doctor in multiple stories before eventually deciding to join the Tenth Doctor and Rose in the 2006 series on multiple adventures before choosing to stay on Earth in a parallel universe to have a fresh start in the Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel two-parter.
The character returned in the finale story of the same season to help the Doctor and Rose once more and was also there for the latter after she was separated from the Doctor.
Clarke reprised his role as Mickey in the 2008 story The Stolen Earth/Journey's End which ended with him returning to his home universe. A cameo in the Tenth Doctor's final story The End of Time saw it revealed that Mickey had married fellow former companion Dr. Martha Jones and that they now fought alien adversaries together.
Donna Noble

Who plays Donna Noble? Catherine Tate.
First appearance: Doomsday
Introduced in the final scene of the 2006 episode Doomsday, the loud-mouthed temp worker Donna Noble became the companion of the Tenth Doctor in the Christmas special later that year as she was the titular 'Runaway Bride.'
At the end of this festive adventure, Donna declined to join the Doctor in the TARDIS as he still grieved the loss of Rose.
However, Donna later regretted this decision and sought out the Doctor, being reunited with him in the 2008 series which saw her become his companion full-time and also his best friend.
Donna finally found some self-esteem and self-value in her travels with the Doctor but soon became the key to saving the universe when she saved it by bringing about a Time Lord-human "meta-crisis" when she bonded with the Doctor's regenerating hand.
Despite saving all universes, Donna's brain could not handle Time Lord information and the only way the Doctor could prevent her brain "burning up" was to wipe her mind of memories of their travels and she departed the show in the 2008 series' finale, Journey's End.
After being returned to her family in Chiswick, actress Catherine Tate reprised the role in the 2009/2010 story The End of Time but the character did not regain her memories of the Doctor. At the end of the story, the Doctor helped her family to win the lottery as a parting gift to her.
Tate reprises her role as Donna in the 60th-anniversary specials opposite David Tennant as the Fourteenth Doctor, starting with The Star Beast and concluding with The Giggle.
Dr. Martha Jones

Who Dr. Martha Jones? Freema Agyeman.
First appearance: Smith and Jones
Last appearance: Journey's End (regular), The End of Time (guest)
The 2007 episode Smith and Jones saw the Doctor meet another doctor, human doctor Martha Jones.
After helping return a hospital to Earth, Martha joined the Doctor on his travels and went on to save her family, the Doctor, and the world herself from the Master.
At the conclusion of the 2007 season, Martha's unrequited love for the Doctor became too painful as she felt she could never compare in his mind to Rose. Martha chose to return to her life on Earth.
The character returned for select episodes of the 2008 season where she was now an agent of UNIT and also appeared in episodes of Torchwood season 2 opposite Captain Jack Harkness.
Freema Agyeman reprised her role one final time in a cameo appearance in the 2010 episode The End of Time: Part Two where it was revealed that she had married fellow former companion Mickey Smith and they now fought alien adversaries together.
Astrid Peth

Who plays Astrid Peth? Kylie Minogue.
First appearance: Voyage of the Damned
Last appearance: Voyage of the Damned
Australian pop star Kylie Minogue served as the companion for the 2007 Christmas special, Voyage of the Damned.
A waitress abroad the luxury space cruise ship modelled after the Titanic, Astrid was a wide-eyed woman with big dreams and even planned on travelling with the Doctor.
However, the adventure saw Astrid sacrifice herself to save countless lives. At the conclusion of the episode, the Doctor managed to preserve Astrid as stardust - allowing her to the universe forever.
Jackson Lane

Who plays Jackson Lane? David Morrissey.
First appearance: The Next Doctor
Last appearance: The Next Doctor
Initially introduced as 'The Doctor', Jackson Lane appears in the 2008 Christmas special titled The Next Doctor.
Despite initially appearing to be another incarnation of The Doctor, Lane is revealed to be a Victorian human who had been implanted with memories of the Doctor by the Cybermen.
Lane eventually aids the Tenth Doctor in defeating the Cybermen, has his memories restored and is reunited with his son. The Doctor and Jackson eventually enjoy Christmas dinner together.
Rosita Farisi

Who plays Rosita Farisi? Velile Tshabalala.
First appearance: The Next Doctor
Last appearance: The Next Doctor
Rosita Farisi is introduced as the feisty and courageous cockney companion of Jackson Lane and comes to aid the Tenth Doctor in the battle against the Cybermen.
Following the defeat of the Cybermen, Rosita goes to live with Jackson and his son.
Lady Christina de Souza

Who plays Lady Christina de Souza? Michelle Ryan.
First appearance: Planet of the Dead
Last appearance: Planet of the Dead
A gentlewoman cat burglar, the scheming Lady Christina de Souza acts as a companion to the Tenth Doctor in the 2009 special Planet of the Dead.
Christina joins the Doctor and others after they are transported on a bus to a desert planet San Helios where they battle an alien threat together - but using a chalice previously stolen by the greedy Christina - to the Doctor's chagrin.
The conclusion of the story sees the Doctor allow Christina to escape arrest on the now-flyable bus.
Captain Adelaide Brooke

Who plays Adelaide Brooke? Lindsay Duncan.
First appearance: The Waters of Mars
Last appearance: The Waters of Mars
In the year 2059, the Tenth Doctor meets the stern Captain Adelaide Brooke on the Mars space station known as Bowie Base One.
A one-off companion for the 2009 special The Waters of Mars, Adelaide is revealed to be a pivotal figure in human history as her eventual death on the space station inspires her granddaughter to explore space and advance human civilization.
As such the Doctor must live with the knowledge of her fate but knows its importance as a "fixed point" in history.
However, towards the end of the story, the Doctor turns against this idea and abuses his power, declaring himself the 'Time Lord Victorious' when he lets the station be destroyed with an alien threat on board but saves Adelaide and the crew.
Aware of the importance of her death, Adelaide goes on to take her own life in her home, horrifying the Doctor but making him realise the error of his actions.
Wilfred Mott

Who plays Wilfred Mott? Bernard Cribbins.
First appearance: Voyage of the Damned
Last appearance: Wild Blue Yonder
Having previously appeared in a supporting role in the 2007 Christmas special Voyage of the Damned, veteran actor Bernard Cribbins returned as his character Wilfred Mott in the 2008 series, who was now revealed to be the grandfather of Donna Noble.
Wilfred was a recurring character in the 2008 series and at the conclusion of the series was heartbroken that his granddaughter Donna could not recall her life-changing adventures with the Doctor.
In the 2009/2010 special The End of Time, the sweet Wilfred acted as the Doctor's central companion in a fight against the Master and, later, the Time Lords.
The Tenth Doctor sacrificed his life to save Wilfred and it brought about his subsequent regeneration. Before his death, the Tenth Doctor delivered a winning lottery ticket to Wilfred's family.
The late Cribbins reprises his role as Wilfred in the 60th-anniversary specials opposite Catherine Tate as Donna and David Tennant, now playing the Fourteenth Doctor, with Wilf making his return appearance in Wild Blue Yonder.
The scenes were filmed before Cribbins' death at the age of 93 in 2022, with the episode Wild Blue Yonder containing a tribute to the beloved actor.
Amelia "Amy" Pond

Who plays Amy Pond? Karen Gillan.
First appearance: The Eleventh Hour
Last appearance: The Angels Take Manhattan (regular), The Time of the Doctor (guest)
Introduced in the 2010 episode The Eleventh Hour, Amelia Pond is a young orphan who was the first person that the Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) met and promised to travel with. Amelia waited when he left but he never returned - at least not until she was a feisty grown woman.
Amy then went on to travel with the Doctor and later was accompanied by her boyfriend-turned-husband Rory Williams.
They later discovered that Amy had a child named Melody Pond who eventually turned out to be the time-traveller River Song.
Amy and Rory later left the Doctor on multiple occasions but parted ways with him for the final time in the 2012 episode The Angels Take Manhattan when Rory was transported into the past by a Weeping Angel and Amy emotionally elects to join him, knowing they are forced to stay in that fixed time period. The pair live out their days together in the past.
Karen Gillan reprised her role as Amy in Matt Smith's final episode, the 2013 Christmas special The Time of the Doctor when she appeared as a hallucination before the Eleventh Doctor's regeneration.
Rory Williams

Who plays Rory Williams? Arthur Darvill.
First appearance: The Eleventh Hour
Last appearance: The Angels Take Manhattan
Introduced in the 2010 season as the boyfriend of the Eleventh Doctor's companion Amy Pond, the sweet nurse Rory Williams later joined the Doctor in the TARDIS as well until his death in the episode Cold Blood.
However, the character made an elaborate return in the final episodes of the same season and waited centuries to be reunited with Amy. The pair married in the 2010 finale The Big Bang and had a baby in the following 2011 season, who was later revealed to be River Song.
Amy and Rory later left the Doctor on multiple occasions but parted ways with him for the final time in the 2012 episode The Angels Take Manhattan when Rory was involuntarily transported into the past by a Weeping Angel and Amy emotionally elects to join him, knowing they are forced to stay in that fixed time period. The pair live out their days together in the past.
Speaking about the couple's exit, Darvill told "Obviously I found it very emotional, but also, I just thought was a perfect ending for them - slightly open-ended, but also really emotional and I liked that Rory had just been whisked away.
"I think that was a really good, shocking, surprising, sad thing. But Kazza [Karen Gillan] refused to read it. She refused to read the script for ages. And I was desperate to talk to her about it, because obviously it involved both of us.
"But every time I spoke to her about it, she was like, ‘I can't quite bring myself to read it yet,' which was really sweet. But then I was like, 'I mean, we’re filming it next week! You have to read it!'"
Professor River Song (Melody Pond)

Who plays River Song? Alex Kingston.
First appearance: Silence in the Library
Last appearance: The Husbands of River Song
Initially introduced as a guest character in the 2008 story Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead, Professor River Song encountered the Tenth Doctor and revealed that she was an important figure in his future.
However, the Doctor's first encounter with her was actually her last with his and she died in the same story but her consciousness was preserved in a virtual reality.
The character returned in the 2010 season as a recurring ally to the Doctor as the mystery of her true identity was eventually revealed the following year as the time-travelling daughter of Amy Pond and Rory Williams who has the ability of regeneration. River Song later became the wife of the Doctor in the 2011 episode The Wedding of River Song.
The character's final encounter with the Doctor in her own timeline occurred in the 2013 episode The Name of the Doctor when her virtual avatar form conversed with the Eleventh Doctor.
River Song did return, however, as the central companion of the Twelfth Doctor in the 2015 Christmas special The Husbands of River Song, which occurred before the character's death.
In the tenth series, The Doctor - while working in a university - is seen with a framed photo of River on his office desk alongside an image of his granddaughter, Susan.
Craig Owens

Who plays Craig Owens? James Corden.
First appearance: The Lodger
Last appearance: Closing Time
Office worker Craig Owens becomes the housemate of the Eleventh Doctor in the 2010 episode The Lodger.
The upstairs flat in the house is the subject of study and suspicion of the Doctor who moves in to investigate and befriends Craig in the process.
The Doctor encourages the nervous Craig to follow his dreams of travel and advancing his platonic relationship with his co-worker, Sophie.
In the end, Craig's love for Sophie helps the Doctor to prevent catastrophe involving the alien spaceship appearing as an upstairs flat. Craig and Sophie become a couple after this.
The Eleventh Doctor reunites with the couple in the 2011 episode Closing Time where Craig acts as his companion once again, now a father to his and Sophie's baby Alfie. Together, Craig helps the Doctor defeat a threat caused by the Cybermen.
Clara Oswald

Who plays Clara Oswald? Jenna Coleman.
First appearance: Asylum of the Daleks (as Oswin Oswald), The Snowmen (as Clara Oswin Oswald), Deep Breath (as Clara Oswald)
Last appearance: Hell Bent (regular), Twice Upon a Time (guest)
The 2012 season's premiere Asylum of the Daleks saw the Eleventh Doctor interact with a whip-smart human space traveller named Oswin Oswald (Jenna Coleman) who had been transformed into a Dalek. Eventually, Oswin helped the Doctor, Amy and Rory escape the Daleks' Asylum planet at the cost of her life.
The Doctor then met a second iteration of the character, a Victorian governess and barmaid Clara Oswin Oswald (also Coleman) in Victorian England in the 2012 Christmas special The Snowmen where she aids him in defeating the Great Intelligence, at the cost of her life.
A third iteration of the character, Clara Oswald (Coleman), was introduced as a school teacher in the 2013 episode The Bells of St. John after she is given the Doctor's number by a mystery woman (later revealed to be the female incarnation of The Master known as Missy) and helps him in his adventure at the time. The Doctor, puzzled by the mystery of Clara as "the Impossible Girl", invited her to join him on his time-travelling adventures.
Eventually, Clara sacrifices herself to save the Doctor by entering the Doctor's timestream, causing multiple iterations of Clara to appear throughout the Doctor's life and saving him on numerous occasions. The Doctor later saves her and restores her to life.
Clara develops a romantic chemistry with the Doctor and is with him when he regenerates into the Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi), whom she is initially suspicious of.
Despite this, and numerous difficulties in their relationship due to moral quandaries and the death of her boyfriend Danny Pink, Clara remains by the Doctor's side until her death in the 2015 episode Face the Raven.
However, the 2015 season finale Hell Bent sees the Doctor use Gallifreyan technology to extract Clara from her last moments of life and help her cheat death. However, the immortal being Ashildr (Maisie Williams) helps the Doctor realise that together he and Clara are the dangerous prophesied entity 'The Hybrid' and their partnership brings more harm than good.
When the Doctor tries to wipe Clara's mind of memories of him, she reverses this to wipe his mind of her instead. Afterwards, Clara resigns herself to returning to Gallifrey to face her death but intends to go on numerous adventures travelling time and space in a stolen TARDIS with Ashildr by her side.
Jenna Coleman reprises her role as Clara in the Twelfth Doctor's final episode, the 2017 Christmas special Twice Upon a Time when the Doctor's memories of her are restored before his regeneration and a manifestation of her tells him to not forget her again.

Who plays Nardole? Matt Lucas.
First appearance: The Return of Doctor Mysterio
Last appearance: The Doctor Falls (regular), Twice Upon a Time (guest)
The humanoid alien-cyborg Nardole is introduced as a supporting character in the 2015 Christmas special The Husbands of River Song before serving as the Twelfth Doctor's companion in the following story, the 2016 Christmas special The Return of Doctor Mysterio.
Nardole then serves as the secondary companion of the Doctor in the 2017 season until the finale World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls when he leaves the Doctor to help humans to safety from the Cybermen.
The character appears once more as a manifestation of the memories of the Doctor and he wishes the Twelfth Doctor farewell before he regenerates in the 2017 Christmas special Twice Upon a Time.
Bill Potts

Who plays Bill Potts? Pearl Mackie.
First appearance: The Pilot
Last appearance: Twice Upon a Time
Orphaned student Bill Potts is introduced in the 2017 season premiere The Pilot and swiftly becomes the companion of her university professor, The Twelfth Doctor, after losing her love interest Heather who turns into an alien puddle that can travel through space and time.
Bill joins the Doctor on his travels through time and space throughout the 2017 season until the finale World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls when she is traumatically converted into a Cyberman.
After the Doctor appears dead, Nardole leaves to rescue human refugees and she is left in her new form, Bill is saved from despair when Heather returns and transforms her into a form like her own and Bill returns the Doctor's body to Earth, leaving to travel space and time with Heather.
Actress Pearl Mackie reprises her role in the 2017 Christmas special Twice Upon a Time as a sentient avatar of Bill's memories collected upon her death. This version of Bill is reunited with the Twelfth Doctor and helps him to come to accept his regeneration into the Thirteenth Doctor.
Graham O'Brien

Who plays Graham O'Brien? Bradley Walsh.
First appearance: The Woman Who Fell To Earth
Last appearance: Revolution of the Daleks (regular), The Power of the Doctor (guest)
Retired bus driver Graham O'Brien is introduced in the 2018 season premiere The Woman Who Fell To Earth.
Originally from Essex, Graham found love late in life when he fell for his chemo nurse Grace (Sharon D. Clarke) during his treatment for cancer, which he later recovered from, and lived with her in Sheffield when he met the newly-regenerated Thirteenth Doctor.
Graham unites with Grace's grandson Ryan Sinclair (Tosin Cole) and Ryan's school friend PC Yasmin Khan (Mandip Gill) to help the Doctor fight an alien threat which tragically costs Grace her life. Afterwards, Graham joins Ryan and Yasmin on their travels with the Doctor, which serves to bring him and Ryan closer.
At the conclusion of the 2021 New Year special Revolution of the Daleks, Ryan elected to stop travelling with the Doctor in the TARDIS and Graham joined him. The Doctor gave the pair psychic paper to help them continue to investigate alien events on Earth. Graham helped Ryan learn to ride a bike in their final scene and they saw a vision of Grace smiling as she watched over them.
Actor Bradley Walsh reprised his role as Graham in the Thirteenth Doctor's final story The Power of the Doctor in 2022.
Ryan Sinclair

Who plays Ryan Sinclair? Tosin Cole.
First appearance: The Woman Who Fell To Earth
Last appearance: Revolution of the Daleks
Warehouse worker Ryan Sinclair was introduced in the 2018 season premiere The Woman Who Fell To Earth and swiftly joined his step-grandfather Graham O'Brien and school friend PC Yasmin Khan in aiding the newly-regenerated Thirteenth Doctor.
Sadly, Ryan lost his grandmother Grace during this story, the woman who had raised him. The series explored the difficulties that Ryan faces with racism growing up, as well as his difficult relationship with his father and his developing relationship with Graham.
At the conclusion of the 2021 New Year special Revolution of the Daleks, Ryan elected to stop travelling with the Doctor in the TARDIS and Graham joined him. The Doctor gave the pair psychic paper to help them continue to investigate alien events on Earth. Graham helped Ryan learn to ride a bike in their final scene and they saw a vision of Grace smiling as she watched over them.
Yasmin "Yaz" Khan

Who plays Yaz Khan? Mandip Gill.
First appearance: The Woman Who Fell To Earth
Last appearance: The Power of the Doctor
Police officer Yasmin "Yaz" Khan was introduced in the 2018 season premiere The Woman Who Fell To Earth and aided the newly-regenerated Thirteenth Doctor along with her school friend Ryan Sinclair and his grandfather Graham O'Brien.
The trio went on to travel with the Doctor in the TARDIS and the series saw Yaz explore her family history and its connection to the Partition of India, her struggles with her mental health, and, later, her romantic feelings for the Doctor.
Yaz remained at the Thirteenth Doctor's side for the entirety of her run, departing the TARDIS in the 2022 special The Power of the Doctor, returning to life on Earth and reuniting with Graham and fellow former companion Dan Lewis.
Dan Lewis

Who plays Dan Lewis? John Bishop.
First appearance: Flux: The Halloween Apocalypse
Last appearance: The Power of the Doctor
Liverpudlian food bank volunteer Dan Lewis served as a companion to the Thirteenth Doctor in the 2021 season titled 'Flux'.
Alongside PC Yaz Khan, Dan aided the Doctor in this lengthy adventure and eventually accepted an invitation to join them in the TARDIS on their adventures.
Dan went on to appear in the specials Eve of the Daleks and Legend of the Sea Devils before departing in the 2022 special The Power of the Doctor when the character elected to return to his life in Liverpool on Earth.
The character reappeared towards the end of the episode when he reunited with Yaz and met Graham before attending a support group for former companions of the Doctor.
Ruby Sunday

Who plays Ruby Sunday? Millie Gibson.
First appearance: The Church on Ruby Road
Former Coronation Street star Millie Gibson made her debut as new companion Ruby Sunday on Christmas Day 2023, in the episode The Church on Ruby Road.
The character is named after the road referenced in her debut episode title as Ruby was a foundling and was raised by her adopted mother Carla (Michelle Greenidge) and adopted grandmother Cherry (Angela Wynter).
Ruby was the first official companion for the Fifteenth Doctor, played by Ncuti Gatwa. While she made her exit from the TARDIS in Empire of Death after finding her biological mother, it's been confirmed that she'll return to the show for the next season.
"Russell [T Davies]’s given me the gift of a really beautiful story arc, not only in season 1 but in season 2 also," she told Entertainment Weekly.
"Her family definitely structures her beliefs and her positivity. I think because I’m playing my age as well, it was so easy to express that sort of giddiness and young energy that Doctor Who’s not seen before."

Who plays Joy? Nicola Coughlan.
First appearance: Joy to the World
Derry Girls and Bridgerton icon Nicola Coughlan has been cast as the guest star in the 2024 Christmas special, Joy to the World.
Steven Moffat, who penned the episode, made it clear we're in for an emotional time, telling Ireland AM: "Nicola is wonderful in it, she will break your heart."
Belinda Chandra

Who plays Belinda Chandra? Varada Sethu.
First appearance: Upcoming
Varada Sethu's casting as a new companion was confirmed in April 2024, with a first look at our new TARDIS trio.
She said about her casting: "I feel like the luckiest person in the world. It is such an honour to be a part of the Whoniverse, and I'm so grateful to the whole Doctor Who family - because that is what they are - for welcoming me with open arms and making me feel so at home.
"I couldn't ask for a better team than Ncuti and Millie to be on this adventure with, this is SO much fun!"

Showrunner, executive producer and writer Russell T Davies said: "I first worked with Varada on a BBC production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and it's a joy to welcome her on board the TARDIS.
"Right now in the studio, shooting for 2025, we've got Ncuti, Millie and Varada fighting side by side - we need all three because the stakes are higher than ever!"
Sethu has already appeared in Doctor Who, in the season 14 episode Boom, as a different character called Mundy Flynn. However, it's been made clear that her companion will be a different character, named Belinda Chandra.
Doctor Who will return to BBC One and BBC iPlayer this Christmas. Previous seasons are available to stream on BBC iPlayer.
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Lewis Knight is the Trends Editor for Radio Times, covering trending titles from TV, Film and more. He previously worked at The Mirror in TV, Film, and Showbiz coverage alongside work on SEO. Alongside his past work in advertising, he possesses a BSc in Psychology and an MA in Film Studies.
Louise Griffin is the Sci-Fi & Fantasy Editor for Radio Times, covering everything from Doctor Who, Star Wars and Marvel to House of the Dragon and Good Omens. She previously worked at Metro as a Senior Entertainment Reporter and has a degree in English Literature.