I’m a Celebrity 2019 recap – what happened in the jungle as Jacqueline Jossa crowned winner
Congrats, Jacqueline!

I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here! is back and every day RadioTimes.com will be keeping you up to date with with the latest goings-on in camp – from which of the I'm a Celebrity line-up is doing the next Bushtucker Trial to who is the latest evictee – in our daily recap...
Day 22 - The final three’s Bushtucker Bonanza as Jacqueline is crowned Queen of the Jungle
Our jungle journey has drawn to a close…
As Kate left I’m a Celebrity last night, Roman, Jacqueline and Andy prepared for their final day in camp – seeing each of our finalists take part in one last Bushtucker Trial.
Jacqueline’s trial was called Stake Out, seeing herhaving to lay down in a giant star on the floor with her arms and legs tied down and stay on the star for 10 minutes. In true BTT fashion she would have Jungle critters join her every two minutes. If she could endure the Trial she’d win starters for everyone, a drink and a surprise treat for the camp’s final meal.
Andy’s trial was called Bushtucker Bonanza. He was presented with 10 dishes – five of which will be classic Bushtucker and five of which will be a bit more tempting.
The first three stars were for main courses for camp tonight, number four is for a drink and number five is for a treat.
Roman’s final trial was called Panic Pit. Panic Pit was an underground chamber in which you lay on your back and strapped yourself in. You had to stay in the chamber for ten minutes and for every two minutes endured Roman would get a star.
All three celebrities got all five stars, ensuring a slap up final meal in camp.
Third place celebrity was Roman.
The 26-year-old placed third after his final Bushtucker Trial saw him win five stars for the camp's final meal.
"I've never had more fun, and I've never had an experience like that," he said of his time in the jungle.
Second place celeb was Andy, leaving Jacqueline crowned Queen of the Jungle.
“It’s been amazing!” Jacqueline said. “I cant believe I did all that stuff. It was a lot harder than I expected. I went in as one person, I feel like I’ve come out as another person.”
Day 21 – The finalists revealed and the Celebrity Cyclone rages once more
And then there were three. After weeks of critter-crammed challenges, screaming celebs and a just a few accusations of bullying, the 12 campmates have been narrowed down to a trio of finalists – Jacqueline, Andy and Roman – with Kate voted out of the jungle.
However, the penultimate day of I’m a Celeb was packed with plenty more than Kate’s goodbye…
Cometh the hour, cometh the Cyclone
Day 21 saw the return of one of the show’s most iconic Bushtucker Trials: the Celebrity Cyclone.
As per previous years, the task saw the remaining campmates – Jacqueline, Kate, Roman and Andy – donning lycra superhero suits and battling the elements in a bid to win four luxury meals.
Battling high-pressure water cannons, huge inflatable balls and a pack of formidable wind machines, the celebs had to heave four giant stars up a huge slippery slope.
Despite plenty of slip-ups and screams (most of which were courtesy of Kate), the campmates managed to move all stars up the hill with just seconds to spare.
And so they returned to camp sodden through, but with four luxury meals in the bag.
The celebs enjoy another scoop of luxury
Not only did the fab four earn themselves a meal each after the Cyclone, but they soon had the chance to win a dessert on top.
After making their way back to camp, they discovered four ice creams in a clear box sealed by four padlocks. The keys? Hidden around the site. And, in a cruel twist, the boxes were filling with water, meaning the celebs had to unlock them quickly or face the horrors of a soggy Cornetto.
Fortunately, the campmates found the keys with little problem and were soon chomping on their ice creams. Unfortunately, they were soon joined by ‘Lennie’ the giant lizard, who feasted on the camp’s bins.
“It was the most fascinating thing to watch,” said Roman. “He was twisting his neck and doing weird yoga moves just to digest the food. Kind of like James Haskell used to do.”
Bon voyage, Kate!
The episode ended with hosts Ant and Dec announcing that Kate was the ninth celebrity to be eliminated from the show.
"I can't believe I got this far!" Kate told the pair after exiting the camp. "You don't realise how hard it's going to be!"
Who will be eliminated next? And who will be crowned King or Queen of the Jungle? And, most importantly, will Lennie the lizard make a comeback before the end of the series? We’ll find out soon enough...
Day 20 - Missing Myles, Pump of Peril, and double elimination
There are just two days left until Ant and Dec bid the jungle goodbye for another year, and after a dramatic end to tonight’s episode which saw not one but two celebs depart, only four stars now remain to battle it out for the crown. Here’s what went down before the elimination…
Another Goodbye
A lot of stars have left the jungle in the last few days, but few exits have hit as hard as Myles’, and the remaining stars spent the morning lamenting the camp’s most recent loss - and not just because of his cooking skills
“He was amazing,” said Nadine, “Just so sweet, one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. Really caring, really kind.”
Her fears about missing the singer wandering about topless, though, were assuaged when Andy jokingly lifted his top to reveal his...slightly less toned body.
Bushtucker Trial - The Pump of Peril
After Caitlyn delivered news of today’s Trial - The Pump of Peril - the team decided that the two remaining boys should take up the mantle.
“It’s been some serious girl power, so we have to show up, otherwise they’re going to kick us out!” said Roman, who was understandably still reeling from being pelted with fish guts just a couple of days ago.
The challenge saw the pair asked a series of questions with two part answers, with Roman strapped to a spinning wheel and Andy trapped in a moving cage. Within reach of both of them were tiles with answers to the questions, and they each had to grab the corresponding tile to create a two part answer.
Of course, as was to be expected, this was no ordinary general knowledge quiz and both Andy and Roman had all sorts of creepy crawlies and (once again) fish guts to contend with as they attempted to answer the questions.
While the pair were able to correctly answer that Hugh Jackman was the star of The Greatest Showman, they struggled with other questions - such as identifying the saltwater crocodile as the largest reptile in Australia, but managed to take four out of six stars, meaning four meals for camp.
A bonus round saw the pair answering the punchline of a joke - with the correct answer meaning the stars brought back a drink for their campmates, in addition to the meals.
The campmates were disgusted by the appearance of the returning campmates but delighted with their performance - especially the news that they would be treated to a drink, with Kate exclaiming that she’d love a pina colada.
If you could be anyone for a day…
This question is always going to throw up some interesting answers, and it was no different in the jungle as Roman put the query to the campmates.
While Andy selected Cristiano Ronaldo instantly, Kate opted for either the Queen or Donald Trump - claiming that she wouldn’t want to look like the American president, but it would be interesting to see what a day in his life would look like.
Roman claimed that he would choose Jay-Z, which prompted Caitlyn to ask why he wouldn’t rather be Kanye - but he stuck to his guns saying that Jay-Z led a quieter life.
In the BT he said: “That’s quite awkward, let me tell you it was an odd one to be pressured by the parent of Kim Kardashian as to why I wouldn’t trade places with her husband.”
Dingo Dollar Challenge
Tonight it was Jacqueline and Nadine’s turn to have a go at a Dingo Dollar Challenge, with the pair finding a weather map and a newsreader’s desk in the challenge area.
Jacqueline read: “‘Welcome to the Jungle Weather centre. Where one is the anchor and the other is the presenter. Locate the country and the weather to match, finish the report and the dingo dollars you’ll snatch."
To begin with, Jacqueline took on the newsreader role with Nadine as the weather girl - matching the correct weather icon to the name of the country read by Jacqueline.
In true I’m a Celebrity fashion, Jacqueline found herself covered in leaves, glitter and sun cream, and when they swapped role, Nadine experienced water, snow, dirt and feathers!
Despite both claiming that they had a poor knowledge of geography (Jacqueline claimed she didn’t even know where England was on a map) they successfully completed the challenge - bringing back chocolate cupcakes to camp.
As the campmates dug into their treats, Caitlyn claimed “Oooh this is good” with Andy adding that the cakes were “like heaven.”
And then there were four...
Finally we bid farewell to Nadine Coyle and Caitlyn Jenner, who were voted off in a double elimination. As Caitlyn said, “We came in in a helicopter and we’re leaving together.”
Now only four remain...
Day 18 - Losing Haskell, Slop of the Pops and Jungle Radio
James Haskell’s eviction hits hard
After days of driving many I’m A Celeb fans crazy on Twitter, ex-England Rugby player James Haskell was voted out of the camp yesterday.
But while many viewers were celebrating, the atmosphere in camp was a lot more sombre.
Bushtucker Trial: Slop of the Pops
Since the public stopped voting for who they wanted to do the trials, the campmates have been deciding amongst themselves in the most diplomatic way possible: names out of a hat.
Today, there were only two left, DJ Roman Kemp and reality superstar Caitlyn Jenner, so the pair went off to the Bushtucker Trial area.
Slop of the Pops saw them each strapped to a rotating turntable as music played, tasked with bashing stars out of disco ball pinatas above them using giant microphones.
Of course, this being a bushtucker trial, they would also be hit with all manner of creepy crawlies and other nasty stuff including rotten eggs, liver and fish guts.
The stench was apparently awful and it certainly looked that way. Caitlyn and Roman were in such a rush to get through the trial that they repeatedly cut Dec off as he tried to say "your time starts now."
Despite all this, the duo managed to get all eight stars, meaning it would be full bellies in camp that night.
Caitlyn refused to speak to Ant and Dec afterwards, later describing the trial as “absolutely disgusting.”
Roman agreed, saying: “That was the grossest thing I’ve ever done in my life, it smells like bin juice.”
Fortunately, the campmates were very happy with their performance, although they were less excited about the smell they brought back with them.
Andy said: “I don’t mean to sound rude but they stank when they came back and I mean stank.”
Dingo Dollar Challenge: Pot Shot
This time, Dingo Dollar Challenge duties fell to Myles and Nadine who arrived at the challenge area to find a pool table and instructions.
They would have to answer questions with numerical answers, by potting whichever ball had the correct number written on it.
That may sound easy enough, until the revelation they would have to get into an oversized suit together, and use only Myles’ right arm or Nadine’s left.
After a bit of calibration, they were successful and visited Kiosk Kev in the hopes of bagging some chocolate covered strawberries.
The question this time was: “What percentage of adults understand the offside rule?”
The choices were 33% or 53%, with the campmates choosing the former option and losing out on their treat.
Kate poked fun at their losing streak, saying: “We’ve got to start answering the opposite [of what we think is right].”
Jungle Radio
As if the bushtucker trial and Dingo Dollar Challenge wasn’t enough, yet another task was given to the campmates tonight.
Two celebrities would have to take jobs at Jungle Radio, with Kate and Roman being picked due to their real world experience as presenters.
In order to win a full English breakfast for camp, they would have to enter a spider-infested radio studio and present a show, while their campmates rang in with answers to musical-themed questions about themselves.
Questions included what the number one song in the UK was when Ian Wright was born and when Rak Su won The X Factor.
Although the creepy crawlies were a particularly frightening prospect for Kate, the duo brought home the bacon (literally) by winning the luxurious breakfast.
Ian Wright is the fifth celebrity to leave the Jungle
He spoke to Ant and Dec about his experience in camp and who he wants to win.
Day 17 — Faceball, Jungle Panto, Karaoke and Fourth Celeb Exit
Celebrities Assemble!
Today's trial saw Kate and Andy become costumed super-heroes Captain Australia and Cockroach Man, tasked with making their way along an obstacle course high up in the air to collect eight giant-sized stars and rescue “damsel in distress” Jacqueline, who was trapped in a glass box filled with jungle critters.
The pair had to overcome green ants ("Scumbags!" growled Andy), hit a target with a boomerang, climb a tower and – of course – untie lots of fiddly knots, but were eventually able to cross the course and hit a buzzer which released Jacqueline, dropping her 100 feet to the ground. (A moment so epic/funny, the show played it back three times.)
The trio's efforts saw them secure all nine possible stars – and an octopus dinner – for camp.
Faceball – and the sequel... Nutball
With Caitlyn making a ball from plasters and dental floss, the boys devised a new game.“It’s a game of skill and bravery and it’s called Faceball,” explained Roman – and yes, it's exactly what it sounds like, with Roman, James and Myles scoring points by hitting each other in the face with a ball.
The game was later tweaked to become Nutball – which, again, is exactly what it sounds like. Oof!
Everybody Hates Christmas
The latest Dingo Dollar Challenge ended in disaster.
Though Ian and James were eventually able to complete their task – ticking off a Christmas list by correctly identifying what was hidden inside a selection of wrapped gifts – the camp plumped for the wrong answer when asked what percentage of adults think Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year.
The correct answer was if A - 34 per cent, not B – 54 per cent, which set off Christmas-loving Andy. "They’ve done us over - big style!" he fumed.
The Jungle Panto – Critterella
Later that night, the campmates were provided with props and costumes to stage their very own Jungle Panto – ‘Critterella’, incorporating jungle critters, electric shocks and stomach-churning “magical potions”.
Nadine played the title role, Caitlyn was the Fairy God-Mother, James and Andy were the Ugly Sisters, Jacqueline was the kangaroo transport to the ball and Myles and Ian were handsome princes Ant and Dec.
Kate was the panto’s narrator and Roman played…erm… Paddy McGuinness.
The Jungle Arms
Having nailed the panto, the campmates were granted entry to The Jungle Arms and were rewarded with drinks, chips and a karaoke session.
Highlights included Andy's enthusiastic cover of 'Mr Brightside', Kate and Jacqueline singing Girl's Aloud 'Sound of the Underground' with an encouraging Nadine as their “pushy mum” and Roman forgetting the words to 'Gold' by his dad Martin's band Spandau Ballet. (“I always preferred Duran Duran anyway.”)
James's jungle reign umplodes
James found himself in the bottom two with Ian and was eventually ousted from the jungle. Ol' Sausage Fingers departed sharpish – after all, we know he doesn't like dithering...
Day 16 — Flirty Myles, Goo, a New Leader and Third Celeb Exit
Did Myles flirt with Kate?
Resident ladies’ man Myles raised everyone’s eyebrows when he admitted to a “crush” on fellow campmate and Good Morning Britain host Kata Garraway — an admission that left the presenter more than a little bashful! Read a full run-down of the exchange here.
Nadine has an ‘offal’ time in the Bushtucker Trial
When it came to the day’s Bushtucker Trial, it was up to the jungle residents themselves to decide on who would complete the task on behalf of the camp.
After putting their named water bottles into a bag (everyone’s apart from Cliff, Ian and Myles’, who all recently completed challenges), it was Nadine who was selected.
The challenge was called ‘Movile Home’ — a campervan divided into sections and loaded with ten stars hidden inside. Starting in the driver’s seat before moving into the ‘Movile Home’s’ kitchen and bedroom, Nadine struggled against the clock to find the stars — while also battling cascades of green goo, buckets of fish guts and offal dropped on her, and a number of critters including crabs, mealworms and green ants.
In the end, she managed to bag a total of ten stars (a full house!), prompting Dec to compliment her: “You made that look very easy.”
Unclaimed Baggage challenge spells disappointment
Andy and Caitlyn both headed to the Dingo Dollar Challenge area, where they found a pile of returned luggage, which they had to match to the right destination label.
Caitlyn said: “There’s got to be something to this because it can’t be that easy.”
Andy said: “So we’ve arrived at some kind of baggage hall and lots of bags are left behind. A tag will come out of the machine and we have to find the right bag.”
Caitlyn added: “And when all the tags are on the right bags, I’m telling you… we’re talking Dingo Dollars for us.”
They eventually managed to complete the task, but when it came to their visit to Kiosk Kev, disaster struck when the jungle residents back at camp gave the wrong answer to Kev’s question — missing out on jam and scones and leaving them all with empty stomachs.
Who is the new I’m A Celeb camp leader?
The time came for a new camp leader to be announced — something Caitlyn wasn’t very happy with. “Noooooo I’m not giving up my throne, I’m not leaving,” she said, hanging onto the big red chair.
After Kate got the majority votes, she asked Ian to be her deputy. “Ian do you want a bed and be my deputy? I wake up every morning and look at you.”
However, the pair soon faced challenges, as the campmates all requested new chores — proving a logistical nightmare.
Speaking in the Bush Telegraph, an exasperated Ian said: “Can Caitlyn do this, can Cliff do that, what’s Jacqueline going to do because she doesn’t want to go up and down…”
A third campmate left the jungle
We said goodbye to EastEnders' Cliff Parisi, who ended up in the bottom two with Caitlyn and was voted out by the viewers.
Day 15 - Stormy Ian, stormy weather and another campmate bids farewell
As we enter the third week down under, things are really starting to heat up in the jungle, and on day 15 we said goodbye to our second campmate - but only after an eventful night which included the worst storm since 1997...
Ian returns for yet another Bushtucker Trial
Not for the first time, it was Ian taking on the Bushtucker trial tonight - and on this occasion he faced the ominous Hell-Evator, being sent in a rickety looking lift to fetch stars from three different rooms.
Ian joked that a fellow football pundit might be behind his repeatedly being voted to take part in the trials - telling Ant and Dec “It’s Shearer man!”
Of course, this being I’m a Celebrity, there were a few surprises in the lift itself - as Ian was peltered with creepy crawlies from above within minutes of entering. He was clearly not amused, yelling “Why are you doing this to a brother?”
Eventually he arrived at the first room where he was tasked with collecting three stars in three minutes. The room was home to several pythons, which gave us the amusing sight of Ian briefly turning snake charmer as he chatted to the reptiles. Ant clearly approved of this choice - claiming “it relaxes them!”
“Somebody hates me,” Ian yelled at one point as he struggled to untie a star, “there’s a Tottenham fan out there!”
Next there was the control room, where he had to obtain four stars in as many minutes - amidst, rats, spiders and toads - or frogs as Ian called them, prompting Dec to jokingly warn, “Ian don’t call them frogs - they’re toads they hate that!”
The most disgusting room of all followed - the toilet, in which Ian was also given four minutes to collect stars from a bath containing a giant crocodile, a sink containing crabs and a toilet which was home to a yabbie.
With Ian struggling to untie the knots, he responded to a suggestion that he use his mouth instead of his hands with the immortal line - “I’ve already had penis and testicles in my mouth I don’t need toilet as well!
In the end, Ian took seven stars from the Trial - and although And and Dec reassured him he’d done a good job he clearly wasn’t happy with himself, claiming that he’d set himself a target of eight.
And back at camp he told Andrew that he was fed up of doing trials - and that he didn’t want to do one again. Uh-oh.
Things get stormy
The jungle is a fairly inhospitable environment at the best of times - so the last thing the campmates needed was a horrendous storm.
Having already witnessed heavy rainfall all night, what followed for the campmates was even worse - according to Ant and Dec it was actually the worst storm in the area since 1997! The thunder was so loud and ominous that James said it reminded him of Jurassic Park.
The campmates dealt with the torrential downpour as best they could - but it clearly wasn’t an ideal situation, with Nadine, Kate and Jacqueline all screaming as they ran for shelter.
Roman said “It was all nice and sunny and within 5 seconds the heaven’s opened, it was a complete downpour, it was mega,” while Cliff added “I’ve never ever seen rain like that.”
Myles added, “We all hid inside Caitlyn’s cabin and then took a picture on my disposable camera for the memories.”
Time to say goodybe
Unfortunately time came to bid goodbye to a second campmate, and this time it was Andrew Maxwell who was packing his bags, after appearing in the bottom two with Kate.
Andrew reflected on his time in the jungle, claiming, “It was really hard core, but also just amazing experiences” and adding that “relentless banter” had seen him through some of the toughest challenges.
He also looked back on his spat with Ian Wright - claiming that there were no hard feelings over their many disagreements.
“I love the man,” he said. “We’re really similar.
“Everybody’s a family man or a family woman, but I think both of us had the same level and got on the same rhythm of being down and missing our families at the exact same time.
“But there was never even a moment of personal animosity, there was a huge amount of affection – what’s not to love about the man!”
So, who will be the next star to find their time in the jungle at an end...
Day 14 – a frosty atmosphere, constructive criticism and Cliff's tips
The campmates expressed their sadness about the voting off of Adele the previous day – she was “one of the nicest people I’ve ever met,” a “major component” of the jungle team and they were “devastated” she had left – but life must go on, especially when there's food at stake...
Under Critical Construction
Out in the open and with a reasonable amount of room to move, the trial itself was a pretty tame affair – Myles had to crawl through a series of cages filled with (you guessed it) critters, unscrewing stars as he went using different tools sent over via a pulley system by builder’s mate Cliff while the duo communicated using walkie talkies. Roger that. Over. They got eight of eleven stars which meant enough food to go round.
Much more stressful was the process of actually deciding who would do the task in the first place, with James getting riled by the fact that Cliff had volunteered when he felt that names should be drawn from a hat so that everyone got an equal chance of having ants and cockroaches crawling all over them while trapped in a cage.
And it was not the only James-centred argument of the day…
Things get frosty after the Dingo Dollar Challenge
Roman and Jacqueline made a good job of the Dingo Dollar Challenge, which involved making cocktails at a jungle tiki bar. The catch was that they couldn’t use their hands, or in fact bend their arms, so had to pour the drinks from a height into their mouths and then spit them into the glasses. I’ll just have a glass of water thanks.
The real challenge came when it was time for their campmates to answer the $100 Dingo Dollar question, with James objecting to Kate’s approach of actually thinking about it and instead demanding an instant vote. He branded the situation “a circus of stupidity”, while Andrew M branded him “a maniac”.
“I’m not suggesting anything about anything ever again,” swore James. We’ll see about that…
To be fair though, the democratic process did see the campmates vote for the correct answer, and with a choice of lemonade or ice pops as a prize, Roman and Jacqueline played it cool. But unaware of the frostiness between the celebs, they were slightly puzzled as to why there wasn’t more excitement about the frozen treats. As Ant put it, “the ice pops were almost as chilly as the atmosphere in camp”.
Driving tips crazy
Today’s debating point was the politics of tipping – when to do it, who to and how much. Things we learnt included that Ian doesn’t tip his barber but always tips taxi drivers, and that Andy gets a £6.50 haircut. Caitlyn impressed by revealing that she occasionally slips her regular waitress $100 – but EastEnder Cliff trumped that by casually mentioning that each year he gives his driver “a nice present like a holiday or something like that.” Who knew a job on Albert Square was so lucrative?
Rice fried egg
The eight-star gift from above was emu eggs, which Ian and Kate turned into egg fried rice (or, given the size of the eggs, maybe that should be rice fried egg).
The meal seemed to go down reasonably well with most of the campmates but left a bitter taste for Kate, who felt her culinary efforts were being closely critiqued. “Cooking dinner we feel like we have nine pairs of eyes boring into us, watching our every move,” she told the Bush Telegraph.
Hell of a trial
No one left today (the next celebrity will be getting out of here tomorrow) but don't worry, the public have still been voting and that means Ian will be facing the next Bushtucker Trial, a challenge called Hellevator.
Suffice it to say, the former Arsenal man was not happy about the result (1-0 to the Spurs fans). Hopefully the task itself will lift his spirits...
Day 13 – The First Elimination
The 13th day in camp was unlucky for one celeb, who despite their best efforts in two gruesome challenges still found themselves in the public firing line...
Who is in Roman Kemp's phone?
But before all that, our campmates got down to what they do best - shameless name-dropping. As it turns out Roman Kemp had the starriest address book, with the likes of Ed Sheeran, Harry Styles and Justin Bieber all in his contacts.
“Roman has got Justin Bieber (on his phone), the most famous person I’ve got in my phone book is Ian Beale from EastEnders and I thought that was a good one," Jacqueline Jossa noted.
What was tonight's Bushtucker trial?
The celebs headed to the Sickening Circus for a special film-themed challenge, which saw the cursed and uncursed campmates facing off as they downed some seriously disgusting smoothies based on classic horror movies (The Hills Have Fish Eyes, anyone?)
Despite a bit of gagging, the gang managed to win all 12 stars to bring 12 meals back to camp - though Andrew, Cliff, Andy, Jacqueline, Caitlyn and Nadine were now cursed and would face the first public vote off.
“That was pretty tough, having to go up against your friends is horrible," Roman said.
What happened in the Final Reckoning?
Following a bit of introspection from Ian Wright, the six un-cursed celebrities had to head off to face a new challenge and attempt to give themselves immunity from the public vote.
Sitting in individual baths that filled with blood from the plughole, the celebs had to quickly fill a large clear tube alongside them as quickly (and splashily) as possible.
“It came curdling up, it was like a horror film” said Kate Garraway.
“The blood rushing from the plug is quite possibly one of the most horrific moments of my life," agreed Roman - and that was before the fish guts rained down on them!
In the end it was Kate, Roman and Adele who were left cursed and without immunity for the first vote, joining Andrew, Cliff, Andy, Jacqueline, Caitlyn and Nadine in the firing line.
Who was the first celebrity eliminated from I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here 2019?
After some pretty emotional speeches and goodbyes, Ant and Dec appeared in camp to wreak some havoc and send the first celebrity home.
And it was DJ Adele Roberts who ended up leaving the jungle, even after a problem with the I'm a Celeb voting app meant that only phone votes could be counted in the final tally.
"I'm just amazed I lasted this long," Roberts told Ant and Dec after her elimination. "At least I'm first at something!"
Now, 11 celebrities remain...but how will they fare now one of their number had departed?
Day 12 – Sinister Circus, Girl Talk and The Reckonings
In a bumper 90 minute episode of I’m a Celeb, our campmates had to fight to free themselves from being cursed….
Does the Queen watch I’m a Celebrity?
An early morning discussion in camp saw Caitlyn ponder whether Her Majesty tunes into the show.
Cliff said it was unlikely, with all the nudity and swearing – though apparently, Prince William is a big fan of the show, according to Ian.
There’s only one member of camp that’s royalty, however, and that’s Caitlyn, who opened up about telling her family about her transition.
“I went through every kid and Khloe [Kardashian] for some reason was p***ed off about something through this whole process, it’s been five or six years and I’ve really haven’t talked to her since,” she explained.
Andy read from the jungle laminate that they had now all been ‘cursed’, meaning they were doomed to rice and beans unless they could prove themselves in a series of trials and reckonings.
What was tonight’s Bushtucker Trial?
Ian, Nadine, Jacqueline and Romanwere the first celebrities given the opportunity to live the curse in the latest Bushtucker Trial, Sinister Circus.
The aim was to get out of water tanks as quickly as possible and would start the Trial shackled within the tank.
To free themselves from the shackles, they’d have to use ten keys tied to a ladder also in the tank and only one of those keys would undo the lock. They’d then have to unlock four combination padlocks on the tank roof.
Naturally, bugs, critters and creatures were going to slowly be poured into the tank.
While Nadine initially struggled with the challenge, both herself and Roman were the quickest to free themselves and found themselves lifted of the curse.
Who won the Second Reckoning?
Next up was Kate, Andrew, Andy and Caitlyn who had to endure a jungle banquet. The celebrities had to rest their chin on a red button whenever a service bell rang, and had to remain there until a service rang again. Celebs that failed to do so ‘failed’ – those with the least amount of fails rang the task.
As Kate struggled with the spiders, crickets and mealworms, it was Andy and Andrew who won the task with the least amount of fails – and were now uncursed.
When did Jacqueline Jossa meet Dan Osborne?
Nadine and Jacqueline had a heart-to-heart about their love lives, with Nadine revealing she once dated Jesse Metcalfe.
Jacqueline, meanwhile, opened up on her love life with husband Dan Osbourne – just days after she reportedly threatened to quit the show after ‘cheating’ claims emerged. Read the full run-down here.
Who won the Third Reckoning?
In a task titled Dead Ringers, Adele, Cliff, James and Myles had to endure time in a coffin which they had to unlock themselves from and ring a bell as their coffin filled with critters.
Myles and Adele were the first celebrities out the graves and were therefore ‘uncursed’.
When's the first public vote?
Ant and Dec went into camp and said our campmates are now fighting for immunity from the first public vote - so expect things to get even more tense...
Day 11 - Deadly Dungeon, Queen Caitlyn and another bean scandal
Bushtucker Trial: Deadly Dungeon
As revealed at the end of last night’s episode, Ian and James were the public’s choice to take on the next bushtucker trial. Some fans speculated they had been picked after giving Andrew a hard time about the washing up yesterday.
James and Ian called themselves Team Wraskell and the campmates expressed strong confidence in their trial prospects.
When they arrived at the clearing, Ant and Dec explained that Deadly Dungeon would take them into an underground maze of rooms and tunnels, each one pitch black and filled with critters.
The pair would be shackled together and required to navigate using only their hands in order to find stars hidden around in the darkness.
Ian made Ant and Dec laugh when he asked whether he would need his glasses to see in the pitch black...
Despite great determination and a positive attitude beforehand, Ian and James struggled as they scrambled around the Deadly Dungeon.
They had a lucky break after stumbling upon a star soon after the klaxon sounded, but after that the darkness got the better of them and they walked straight past a number of different stars.
Ian also suffered quite a fright on more than one occasion, making terrified noises after accidentally touching a crab and doing so again when a mixture of cockroaches, crickets and mealworms were dropped on him from above.
When they ran out of time and were finally released from the dungeon, it turned out that they had only found six out of a possible twelve stars, which was a frustrating result for Ian particularly who threw his helmet across the trial area.
He said: “I just don’t like not getting 12 stars.”
James replied: “It would have been very hard to get 12 stars out of that. We tried.”
New leader
After a few days with James and Jacqueline as camp leaders, the news broke that two new leaders were to take over, this time elected by members of the public.
Audiences had chosen Caitlyn to lead the camp, with Andy becoming deputy after placing second in the vote.
The new leaders had the task of reassigning the job roles of each campmate, ensuring each one had a different responsibility to before.
In their supreme wisdom, they decided on Roman and Nadine as camp cleaners, Myles and Jacqueline to wash up, James and Adele on water duty, Cliff and Andrew to pump gas, with Ian and Kate given the all-important role of camp chefs.
Roman told the Bush Telegraph: “Kate and Ian bicker at the best of times, I can’t wait to see them arguing over who is going to fillet the fish and chop the veg.”
With the hard work done, Caitlyn took her throne at the top of camp and joked: “I really feel good up here, I really feel a sense of power.”
Ian v Andy: Round 2
Following on from last night’s row over the washing up, relations between Ian and Andrew continued to be frosty on tonight’s episode as they clashed over food.
Read our full breakdown of the situation here.
Dingo Dollar Challenge
Nadine and Andy took on today’s Dingo Dollar Challenge, which this time had a science fiction theme.
Suspended above the ground on a rickety bridge were aliens which had to be paired up by the noises they made.
Nadine said: “We’ve got the strongest accents although we understand each other perfectly, our communication skills are on point.”
The campmates guessed the answer to the question correctly, revealing that a recent survey found 40% of men strongly believe that men and women are equal.
The campmates were rewarded with half a buttered crumpet each.
Who is doing the next Bushtucker Trial?
Day 10 — #SmuggleGate, Rows and Ark of Agony
What was Bushtucker Trial ‘Ark of Agony’?
As teased previously, Andrew was selected for the day’s critter-filled Bushtucker Trial, cheerily titled ‘Ark of Agony’. The first celebrity to do a trial alone, he was remarkably upbeat, jokingly declaring: "It's a day out. I mean it's a day out to Ark of Agony but it's still a day out.”
Once he arrived at the clearing, Ant and Dec revealed that the “ark” was just like Noah’s Ark, with two of every jungle critter lurking inside. There were 12 stars hidden inside the large animal enclosures — but to unlock those enclosures Andrew would first have to find the keys, hidden inside smaller animal enclosures.
Andrew adopted an Australian accent to calm the animals’ (and probably his) nerves as he tackled a host of critter enclosures, including millipedes, spiders, toads, rats, goannas, eels, burrowing cockroaches, camels and very snappy crocodiles.
He saved his last fear until the end, when he shakily tackled the snake enclosure, and in the end won ten stars for the rest of the camp.
Andrew’s washing up antics get him in hot water
Andrew triumphantly arrived back at the camp with the stars — and promptly landed himself in hot water after he said he was too tired to help Caitlyn with the washing up.
Some of the other campers were peeved on her behalf, with a disgruntled Ian commenting: “It’s amazing, some people are just not cut out for success. Don’t go and rest just kick on and do your job.”
He was further incensed with Andrew when James offered to wash up instead — but then scalded his foot with the hot washing up water.
In the end Ian and Roman cleared the washing up so noisily that they woke Andrew, before the former confronted him about the behaviour.
However, Andrew was quick to admit that he was wrong and that in future, “I’ll just do them when she wants to do them in [the] future, no bother my end”.
Adele clocks-on for Dingo Dollars
Adele and Cliff took on the Dingo Dollar challenge, as they (well, Adele…) attempted to tease out a riddle about clocks. As Cliff admitted: "I just gave up and let Adele do it all. Thank God for Adele."
After the dingo dollars were released, Kate raced to the Outback Shack to answer their question and help win the camp either crisps or chocolates.
Adele and Cliff cheekily pretended at first that the answer had been incorrect — before revealing their stash of chocolate treats to their delighted fellow campmates.
Campers punished for #SmuggleGate
It turns out that smuggling food really isn’t a good idea in the jungle, after Caitlyn’s decision to smuggle out some corn for a hungry Ian during Day 9 resulted in the loss of one of Andrew’s hard-won stars (much to the consternation of Andy…). Read our full run-down of #SmuggleGate here.
Who was nominated for the Bushtucker Trial?
Ian and James were picked to tackle the dungeon in the Bushtucker Trial on Day 11.
Day 9 – Roast dinners, #BeanGate and care package triumphs
Mission: reasonably possible
As was teased in the previous night’s episode, four campmates – Myles, Andy, Kate and Nadine – were recruited for a special mission to retrieve 12 care packages for the down-on-their-luck celebs.
After being flown by helicopter to another region of the jungle, the fab four learned that each of them would be responsible for recovering three packages in the wilderness. And they had only two hours to find them.
The location of the first four boxes: a rocky cliff. To get hold of these, each celeb had to abseil over the edge. And – as anyone who remembers day one’s skydive would expect – Nadine wasn’t particularly thrilled by the challenge.
“I cannot stand heights. I can’t even look out of the window of an aeroplane,” she said.
Fortunately, the four celebs made it down (albeit with plenty of squeals), collecting a care package each on the way.
Their next task: a classic co-ordination challenge. After swimming down a creek, Andy and Kate had to feed directions from a map to Nadine and Myles via a walkie talkie. While they suffered a fair few false starts, the two pairs managed to locate another four packages.
With eight packages in the bag and only 25 minutes remaining, the four campmates then had to retrieve the remaining boxes fixed above a rickety tightrope. Despite plenty of wobbling, all the celebs – even Nadine – managed to retrieve all prizes, meaning each celeb would enjoy a care package back in camp.
Mission accomplished.
Spilling the beans
Remember in Day 8 when all the celebs got cranky as they fought off hunger? When Ian and Andrew almost got into a full argument after discussing the next night’s meal? Well, all of that was completely pointless: turns out that the celebs actually had a trove of food to feast on the whole time.
While organising the camp’s rations chest, James discovered a secret stash of uncooked grub. "We have got to be way better at this food organisation, we’ve got 21 (packets of) beans in here!” he said, surprised.
Talking in the Bush Telegraph, Ian said: “Everyone was sitting there hungry yesterday not realising that we’ve got 21 packets of beans!”
“We didn’t need to go hungry at all yesterday,” added an exasperated Andrew.
So, who was to blame? According to James, #BeanGate was down to Myles and Nadine, who are in charge of food admin. Well, who were in charge of it, anyway. After the ratio scandal, James vowed to take control of the food chest himself.
Winner winner chicken dinner
It was time for the campmates who previously won a roast dinner to reap the rewards. All the celebs apart from Ian and newbies Cliff and Andy sat down at Snake Rock to enjoy helpings of roast chicken, Yorkshire puddings, vegetables and gravy.
“I thought it was a mirage,” said Roman. “I can’t help but think about Ian, Cliff and Andy. But I also can’t help but think about cauliflower cheese.”
After munching on their roast, the Snake Rock celebs returned to camp, Caitlyn passing Ian a piece of chicken she had smuggled out.
Boarding the Arc of agony
The episode ended with Ant and Dec announcing that Andrew would be facing tomorrow night's critter-packed Bushtucker Trial.
Day 8 – Confessions, the Crevice of Cruelty and the camp comes together for the Live Trial
Our line-up have now been in camp together for just over a week, but already cracks are starting to show…
Camp yoga and crying
After a fitful night of sleep for Jacqueline, who struggled with James’ snoring, some of our campmates decided to try and unwind with some yoga.
While Kate and Adele “connected with the earth”, Andy was less than impressed, confessing in the Bush Telegraph that yoga “wasn’t really for him.”
The morning only got worse for Jacqueline after she discovered she had been voted once again to do another Bushtucker Trial, bursting into tears as she had to face the Crevice of Cruelty with Ian.
How many stars did Ian and Jacqueline get for camp?
It was a fairly claustrophobic trial, with Ian and Jacqueline having to enter to separate tunnels, with 12 stars hidden in the lower tunnel.
The celebrity in the lower tunnel had to get the stars and feed them up to the celebrity in the higher tunnel. Only then would the star count as a meal for camp.
The tunnels included critters such as crickets, toads, pythons and crocodiles – and while there were some hairy moments for both Ian and Jacqueline, the dynamic duo managed to score all 12 stars for camp.
Jacqueline was in much higher spirits, joking that she even managed to enjoy some parts of the trial. Rather you than me, mate.
Caitlyn Jenner opens up about her Vanity Fair photoshoot and transition
Caitlyn has cemented herself as one of this year’s most popular campmates both with our line-up and fans alike, thanks to her open and frank discussions around her life.
Tonight’s campfire chat saw Caitlyn discuss her amazing Vanity Fair covershoot where she announced her new name following her transition.
“For me this was a big FU to the millions and millions of people out there that had said terrible things about me,” she said. “And it just came out and it just shocked them.
“As soon as the cover of Vanity Fair broke, in the next 4 hours and one minute, it broke the world record for the fastest to 1 million followers on Twitter.”
Dingo Dollar Drama
After Kate and Roman scored $100 after tackling the Jungle Quiz, Kiosk Kev asked the camp, “What percent of adults do not trust politicians?’ A-59% or B-79%?”
The question caused a tense discussion amongst camp, with Andrew and James getting tetchy as they disagreed – Andrew even going as far as saying it’s “shambolic”.
However, the pair decided to hug it out and clear the air – with the team winning the jellybeans for camp.
Live Trial – Jungle Love Island
Andy, Kate, Myles and Nadine, travelled to the Australian Bush on a mission to win twelve care packages for camp – with the remaining celebrities having to take part in the live trial.
It was tense even before the live trial kicked off, with Ian, Andrew, James and Kate rowing about the order the stars were allocated.
After a brief row, Ian and James hugged things out tearfully before proceeding to the live trial.
The camp came together to win nine stars in Jungle Love Island, which saw our campmates drink cocktails, transfer pig testicles via their mouths and dive through pies
Read our full run-down of the live trial here.
Day 7 - a leader elected, chores given out, and more tears...
Bushtucker trial in Ol' Dingo Town
All twelve celebrities, including the five "outlaws" who have been doing time in jungle jail, were sent to Ol' Dingo Town for a group trial.
The stars that they earned were to be shared between all of them as they prepare to unite into one camp once again.
Ant and Dec informed the group from main camp that they would each be getting live critters from the town's so-called Pest Office, which they would have to hold in their mouth for 60 seconds in order to gain a star.
Meanwhile, the "outlaws" would be getting all manner of creepy crawlies dropped on them in jungle jail. The main camp celebs could free one prisoner for every three stars they earned.
Every member of the main camp nailed the challenge with their respective critter: Adele (spiny stick insect), Ian (six witchetty grubs), Cliff (beach worms), Caitlyn (yabbie), Nadine (six cockroaches), James (giant burrowing cockroach) and Roman (scorpion).
Names were pulled out of a hat to determine who was burdened with the remaining challenges.
Ian was picked to hold a huntsman spider in his mouth, while four celebs were subjected to eating challenges: Caitlyn and James each ate a cow's eye, while Nadine and Adele were dished up cow's anuses. Adele noted it was the second she's had to eat since joining the jungle, after eating a camel's anus in the Just Desserts trial.
Nadine pretended to faint before her nasty snack, referencing infamous former contestant Gillian McKeith.
Andrew, Andy, Kate, Jacqueline and Miles had cockroaches and mealworms dropped on them in jail, but were released one by one.
The celebs left Ol' Dingo Town victorious, with all twelve meals for camp.
James Haskell elected leader as chores given out
Upon returning to camp, the celebrities were tasked with voting in an impromptu election for camp leader.
James swept the vote and was elected, choosing Jacqueline as his deputy, with the pair then assigning chores for their fellow campmates.
Myles and Nadine are camp chefs, Caitlyn and Andrew are in charge of washing up, Cliff and Ian are camp cleaners, Roman and Andy are in charge of maintenance, while Kate and Adele are to man the gas pump.
James and Jacqueline had said Ian would moan no matter what they chose for him, but actually he was quite pleased with their decisions.
He said: “James is perfect to be a leader, when you look at the chores, they suit everybody. I know a leader when I see one.”
Andrew hits a wall
The extreme conditions of the jungle are enough to get to anyone and tonight it was Andrew's turn to get teary.
He went up to the leaders cabin and had a heart to heart with James and Jacqueline.
He said: “I honestly thought that I was gonna walk out, but I haven’t, when you’re tired, you just say ‘have I done the right thing’.”
Jacqueline said: “You’d never leave, I can tell that, you’re just tired.”
Andrew said: “I’m just a little bit overwhelmed right now.”
James said: “You’re brilliant, you bring so much energy and laughter.”
The camp leader said he'd look out for Andrew going forward.
Luxury items
The remaining luxury items were dished out, of which the most popular were Cliff's, who brought some festive fun to camp with a Christmas tree, and Ian's which was his favourite song - Kirk Franklin's "Looking For You" - which the campmates all boogied to.
Andy chose lip balm, Myles had a disposable camera, Andrew had an inflatable chair, Caitlyn had face cream, Jacqueline had a pillow with family photos on and James had a memory foam neck support pillow.
Two campmates chosen for next trial: Crevice of Cruelty
Ian Wright and Jacqueline Jossa were chosen to take on the next bushtucker trials. Jacqueline took the news particularly badly, bursting into tears and saying: "I don't want to do anymore."
Day 6 - the Snake Hotel, an outlaw freed and a close call
Day 6 in the jungle saw the campmates "rise and shine" (Caitlyn infringing her daughter Kylie's copyright there) bright and early, with Jacqueline nervous about facing another Bushtucker trial.
But in a twist, she had to pick another campmate to join her, picking Myles, who'd yet to take on a trial...
Jacqueline and Myles check in to Snake Hotel
Jacqueline and Myles arrived in Ol' Dingo Town, where they check in to Snake Hotel (it’s unclear if the snakes are the owners or the proprietors of this reptile-based establishment).
Six stars, each representing a meal for camp, were hidden within the hotel and had to be recovered within 10 minutes - Myles had to lie in a trunk outside and recover one star as snakes slithered around him, while Jacqueline searched inside the hotel, facing pythons at every turn but eventually recovering all five stars.
Next, she had to enter a secret tunnel (containing, you guessed it, more snakes), via a trapdoor and recover a series of keys, which she then used to release Myles, with only seconds to spare.
But more twists lay in store – not only were Jacqueline and Myles declared outlaws and sent to the jungle jail, but they had to decide whether to take their food with them or send it to the main camp, eventually deciding on the former after a game of rock/paper/scissors...
Ian sulks, Andrew chokes
Back in main camp, Ian wasn't best pleased to hear he wouldn't be getting fed – though to be fair, the letter delivering the announcement didn't mention that the decision was based on a game of chance...
The main camp, though, might have been better off with rice and beans – over at the jungle jail, Andrew almost choked on a rather large piece of camel fillet steak and had to be saved by his fellow outlaws.
It was an eventful few hours for Andrew, who - prior to his near-death experience - had donned his "budgie smugglers" to be washed down by Kate Garraway and had patched things up with Jacqueline, the pair having previously quarrelled over her refusal to volunteer for the jungle jail.
Minty, not chocolate-y
The latest Dingo Dollar challenge saw James and Caitlyn showered with bugs and very sloooooowly solve a series of puzzles in an escape-room set-up mocked up as a bank, eventually retrieving the dingo dollars from behind a locked cage in a safe at the back.
Unfortunately, there were no snacks to be had – instead, their prize was the chance to free one of the original outlaws: Andy or Cliff.
"I don’t know these guys," said James, "But I know Cliff played Minty in EastEnders and I’ve got a really good friend called Minty.”
Cliff was thrilled, the main camp less so, who were hoping for chocolate to be delivered, not Minty off of Eastenders. “Instead of food, we’ve got Cliff – another mouth to feed,” grumbled James.
(Upon his arrival, Cliff revealed to the celebrities that the decision about who got the six star meal was based on rock/paper/scissors, in case you were still mad about that particular injustice.)
A group Bushtucker trial
There was no Bushtucker trial vote throughout this episode - instead, all 12 celebrities will be doing the next trial in Ol' Dingo Town. Let's hope the campmates can work together to secure some grub – if Roman's UFO story is anything to go by, the lack of food is seriously getting to them...
Day 5 - Buffalo Bill, Jungle Jailhouse and the drawing of lots
On Day 5 in the jungle, there was no honeymoon period for new campmates Cliff and Andy - as they were thrust straight into action in the day’s Bush Tucker Trial and forced to spend an uncomfortable night behind bars, while there was a spot of tension back at main camp....
Baptism of fire for Cliff and Andy
Andy and Cliff have only just arrived down under - but they weren’t afforded the luxury of quietly settling in before taking on their first Bush Tucker Trial.
After saying a quick howdy to the new campmates, Dec explained that they would shortly be consigned to a Jungle Jailhouse - where a rough life awaited them.
But first they were tasked with retrieving stars in a Wild West themed trial that featured the usual assortment of beasts and creepy crawlies - in Dec’s words it was a challenge all about the good the bad and the BUGly.
They were each assigned a building to retrieve the stars from - Andy was to enter the General Gore and for Cliff it was Buffalo Bill’s Bungalow. "I've had a big breakfast I don't care," joked Cliff.
Andy went first, entering a room which contained animal organs, fish guts, twenty-five pigeons, thirty yabbies and, unsurprisingly, an “absolutely disgusting stench.” Despite his tribulations, Andy put in an impressive performance, passing the maximum five stars through the letterbox of the building safely into the hands of Cliff.
Cliff had animals of a much bigger scale to worry about - with two live buffalo inside the bungalow. He felt around for stars in various boxes which included all sorts of beasts, including scorpions, bearded dragons and mealworms.
“They’re fighting me the b***ards," he said, as he tried to obtain a star from a box hosting two crabs, while Ant, Dec and Andy all burst into laughter.
After his allocated five minutes had elapsed Cliff managed to pass three stars through to Andy - meaning between them they had secured eight meals for the camp. Cliff clearly thought he could have done better, saying “Sorry I wasn’t much help” but as Dec pointed out three out of five was pretty good.
Andy seemed to have the better time of the two - declaring that he “loved it” before the soap pair were escorted by the jungle sheriff to the jailhouse, which was every bit as basic as promised...
Tension at camp
Back at camp, the celebrities were informed of their new campmates' trials, and now had a big decision to make - should they keep the meals for themselves, or should two of them make the trip to the jailhouse to ensure Cliff and Andy were fed as well.
They were all in agreement in their decision to send food in the direction of the jailhouse, but were altogether less unanimous about who should make the journey. In the end they drew lots - but Nadine and Jacqueline asked to be exempt from the draw, much to Andrew’s dismay.
“I don’t think it’s fair,” he said. “I think it’s an ordeal that has to be shared.”
In the end Kate and Andrew went, but the issue certainly caused a bit of a clash - with it all getting a bit “tetchy” in the words of Ant. James remarked...“I think we’re heading into an interesting point, because people are getting tired and they are getting emotional.”
What’s in store for Day 6?
After watching the campmates - and the outlaws - dig into a meaty dinner of buffalo ribs, we learnt the identity of the next celebrity to take on a Bush Tucker Trial.
And tomorrow it’s the turn of Jacqueline - plus a partner of her choice - to face a nasty challenge, this time called Snake Hotel. Maybe she’ll regret not offering to go to the Jailhouse now...
Day 4 – new arrivals, disgusting sweet treats and pigeon problems
Day 4 was NOT a good episode for anyone enjoying a post-dinner dessert as Roman and Adele took on the first food-based Bushtucker trial of the series - though with two special new arrivals, their ice cream toppings weren't the only surprises.
Roman and Adele take on a disgusting Bushtucker trial in Just Desserts
The first of I'm a Celeb's classic eating challenges reared its head today, after Roman and Adele were voted into the Bushtucker firing line by the public (including, er, Roman's dad).
"This Trial is called Just Desserts, and I hope you are hungry because this is an eating trial," Ant said.
"What a lovely first date," laughed Roman.
Downing treats including Critter-Bocker glory (aka cockroaches and mealworms), Tirrama-spew (vomit fruit) Licky Toffee Pudding (aka duck tongues), Profiter-balls (festive turkey testicles), Mississippi Udder Pie (a cow's teat), Piggy Pudding (a pig's uterus), the pair tried to keep the food down by imagining other, more palatable dishes they might be eating instead.
An eye trifle - aka an "Eye-full" was a bigger challenge for Roman, especially when Adele misspoke...
"Come on, you don't want Caitlyn eyeballing you," she said.
"Don't use the word Eyeball," begged Roman before choking it down.
Meanwhile Adele managed to make her way through a Chocolate Gat-Toe (a sheep's foot) and Roman concluded his part of the challenge with a Cocky Road Ice Cream (yes, you guessed it, a bull's penis).
As for Adele, she had to call on the spirit of Jane McDonald to get her through her final dish - a Créme Poo-lee, aka a Camel's anus. And with that down her throat (lovely image), the pair had a full hour of stars!
"Full house," said Adele.
"Super super proud", added Roman.
"When Roman actually announced they got ten, I was euphoric," agreed Ian Wright.
"I knew they'd get it done because there was a camaraderie and a spirit and a belief. Everybody together, doing it for the common goal."
"That Trial sounds like the most disgusting thing I've ever her and I can't believe that they got 10 stars," said James Haskell (who also made a brief cameo, according to Roman, in the Cocky Road dessert).
"I was aghast."
Pigeon problems
In one of the more avian Dingo Dollars challenges, Kate and Myles had to balance eggs on poles as they navigated them through a maze...but frankly we couldn't keep our minds on that when the pair had such fetching pigeon costumes on the whole time, even when they folornly returned to camp after their fellow contestants got a trivia question wrong.
Clearly Nadine isn't much of a pigeon fancier...
Who are the I'm a Celebrity new arrivals?
At the end of the episode, newcomers Andrew Whyment and Cliff Parisi were revealed to the other campmates - just in time for some more jungle food torture/light entertainment fun in the next episode. Hooray!
Day 3 – fear for breakfast, possum for dinner and a helping of just desserts
Day 3 was when the two camps finally came together as one, ate, drank, swapped advice and showed off their party tricks. But not before the underprivileged Snake Rockers had taken on a truly terrifying trial…
Face Your Fears
The early Bushtucker Trials are where the celebs first have the dawning realisation that telling the production crew what their biggest phobias are was probably not a great idea. And this challenge, Face Your Fears, could not have been more literally named as they each had a gallon or so of creepy crawlies poured into a close fitting helmet while attempting to unscrew stars, against the clock, from a box filled with (what else?) more creepy crawlies.
Everyone acquitted themselves well, even those who didn’t get both of their stars (Andrew’s technique of bellowing like a frustrated bull through his horrific helmetful of cockroaches was particularly memorable) but it was Jacqueline who really impressed.
Her fear of spiders had her shaking before they came anywhere near her so the fact that she braved some of the longest-legged arachnids you’ve ever seen crawling over her face to get both of her stars in record time made it even more impressive. She faced her fears and the Snake Rockers took a mouthwatering seven out of ten stars back to their new campmates.
The talent show off their talents
As the two sets of celebs were reunited at the (relatively) luxurious Croc Creek, the vibe was fantastic. I don’t know about you but, forget conflict, I like to see everyone getting on. And as well as sharing their mutual admiration, advice for coping with fame and a possum expertly cooked by Myles (and – as Wrighty rightly said – tasting of Jacqueline’s bravery), they also shared their party tricks.
Myles kicked off with a bit of beat boxing and scratching, but it turned out Kate ‘boots and cats’ Garraway could hold her own in that department. Then Jacqueline unleashed a disturbingly accurate baby crying sound, Andrew unveiled his uncannily realistic didgeridoo and Roman rounded things off with his impressions of a certain presenting duo…
And for dessert… here’s who’s doing tomorrow’s Bushtucker Trial
Cut to the next morning and said presenting duo strolled into camp to reveal who the public had voted to do the next Bushtucker Trial. It turned out they hadn’t quite been able to make up their minds and had chosen both Adele and Roman to take on something called Just Desserts. You have to wonder whether Ant and Dec had a hand in that second celebrity selection…
Day 2 – Noo-noos, dirty bogs and a whole load of critters
30,000 cockroaches, a giant stinky swamp and Kate Garraway shrieking “they’re going up my noo-noo!”: the second day of I’m a Celeb had it all.
Caitlyn tears up...
The main focus of the episode, however, was on Caitlyn Jenner. The day started with the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star leaving her bed in the early hours for a cry.
“Did you wake up this morning and think ‘oh my god, it’s real. I’m actually in the Jungle with all these idiots?’” James Haskell asked her when the camp had woken.
“No,” Caitlyn replied. “I woke up in the middle of the night and went through that.”
Brutal. Absolutely brutal.
Caitlyn and Kate are Bugged Off...
Although Caitlyn appeared to later relax in camp – opening up about her sex transition to the other celebs – she soon had to face the first Bushtucker Trial of the series, Bugged Off, with Kate.
As Ant and Dec explained, this challenge would see the pair trapped in two perspex boxes suspended twenty metres in the air. Strapped to the floor, Caitlyn and Kate had to drop 20 coloured balls into a moving basket at ground level, with every ball on target earning the camp a meal.
Just one problem: each cage was filled with a swarm of cockroaches and rats mid-challenge.
Despite Kate screaming for her “noo-noo” and Caitlyn having to pull a critter out her ear, the pair made it out the task alive. Unfortunately, they only won a measly four meals, which were split between the main camp and Snake Rock.
However, thanks to the first Dingo Dollar Challenge of 2019, the campmates were able to grab a smidge more grub.
After Jacqueline and Andrew successfully completed a light-switch-based puzzle, they were given the opportunity to win a bowl of crisps from Kiosk Kev. However, before they bagged the munchies, the campmates at Snake Rock first had to answer one question: What percentage of adults would rather have a perfect body than a perfect face? A) 54%, or B) 24%.
The correct answer? 10 points if you said A) a perfect body.
For answering correctly, the camp was able to gorge on the crisps. Well, gorge on seven crisps each, anyway.
Jane McDonald comes to camp...
The day wasn’t over yet, though. The celebrities in the main camp (Kate, Nadine, Adele, Roman and Myles) were gathered by a swamp for night time challenge Put Your Oar in It.
This tasked the campmates with passing 10 baskets – each packed with a luxury item for one of the celebrities – over the swamp using only oars.
Their efforts: undoubtedly admirable. Their overall takings: abysmal. The celebs only managed to rescue two baskets, those containing luxury items belonging to Kate (some concealer) and Adele (a picture of Loose Women's Jane Mcdonald).
The episode ended with the Snake Rock celebs preparing to face tomorrow night’s Face Your Fears challenge together.
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Day 1 – Power pairs, the Pontoon of Doom and pants on your head
We may only just be 24 hours into the latest series, but already we’ve seen tears, allegiances and creepy-crawlies as our campmates made their way to the jungle.
We also saw the much-welcomed return of Ant McPartlin, who was back on top form as he and co-star Declan Donnelly sassed Piers Morgan, Prince Andrew and the tabloid press in the first five minutes.
Who has the power?
The I'm a Celeb opener saw our celebs split into two groups and put into pairs after a good old-fashioned swimming competition in a bid to become “power-pairs” and win a place in camp.
Ian and Jacqueline, Roman and Myles and Andrew and Kate would battle it out to become the first power pair; leaving Adele and Nadine and Caitlyn and James to battle it out for the second one and a place in the better camp.
The series saw the return of The Plank challenge, which saw the celebrities battered by high-wind as they navigated planks 334 feet above Surfers Paradise.
With a combined time of 1.45 seconds, Roman and Myles became the first ‘power-pair’, with the remaining celebrities heading to Snake Rock.
Nadine, James, Caitlyn and Adele were expected to take on the Pontoon of Doom – while James and Adele had to canoe downstream to collect tokens, Nadine and Caitlyn had to collect keys after skydiving over 10,000 feet.
Nadine got a little teary, but Caitlyn was on hand to comfort her – revealing Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner had previously skydived.
After collecting their tokens in the fastest time of five minutes and 21 seconds, Nadine and Adele became the second “power-pair” and were taken to camp.
Settling in...
While Adele, Roman, Myles and Nadine arrived into the main camp and enjoyed a slap-up dinner of kangaroo shanks, the campmates down at Snake Rock were left with basic rations of rice and beans – which Ian managed to burn.
The night ended with Kate and Jacqueline putting their hair in underwear to stop the insects crawling around.
Hopefully, the rest of their jungle experience won’t be so pants…
Elsewhere, Caitlyn and Kate will be facing the first ever Bushtucker Trial, Bugged Off, of the series.
I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! continues every night at 9pm on ITV