Pokémon Legends Arceus release date time & pre-order bonus for Sinnoh prequel
Get ready to catch 'em all in this ancient era of Pokémon.

The Pokémon Legends: Arceus release date could not be closer now and expectations for the game are higher than we have seen for a Pokémon title in quite some time.
Taking players back to the ancient history of Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl's Sinnoh region, the game looks very different to its predecessors in the franchise.
And it appears as though fans are excited, because Currys has reported that the game is the biggest it has ever had on pre-order.
"Pokémon Arceus: Legends on the Nintendo Switch is officially the most pre-ordered game EVER in Currys history, with a projection of 25,000 to be bagged on launch day this Friday too," the retailer said.
"The latest edition of the game has broken Currys’ record for the most pre-ordered game of all time with over 9,000 units being ordered days before the game launches this week."
Let's hope it lives up to the hype! While we wait to find that out though, here is everything we know about Pokemon Legends: Arceus.
Pokémon Legends: Arceus release date
The Pokémon Legends: Arceus release date will take place on 28th January 2022. On that date, you'll be able to jump into this Sinnoh prequel for the first time and experience a whole new era of creature-collecting fun. Bring it on, we say.
What time does Pokémon Legends: Arceus come out?
The Pokémon Legends: Arceus release time will occur at midnight going into 28th January 2022. That's the midnight between Thursday and Friday this week. At that time, the game should unlock and you should be able to download/launch it whenever you want from that moment onwards.
Read more on Pokémon Legends Arceus:
- Pokémon Legends Arceus starters - which is the best?
- Pokémon Legends Arceus review - our final verdict
- Pokémon Legends Arceus mystery gift codes
- Pokémon Legends Arceus Bothersome Bidoof - all three quest locations
- How to evolve in Pokémon Legends Arceus
- How to change party, moves, nicknames and clothes in Pokémon Legends Arceus
- The Sea's Legend guide for Pokémon Legends Arceus - catch the legendary Manaphy
Can I pre-order Pokémon Legends: Arceus?
You sure can pre-order Pokémon Legends: Arceus! All the usual places to buy your AAA games should have it in stock. So that includes GAME who have it for £49.99 and Amazon who currently have it listed a tad cheaper at £44.99. We've seen one price better than that, too... see below!
Best Pokémon Legends: Arceus deals
There's a particularly good Pokémon Legends: Arceus deal at Currys at the moment - if you use the code ARCEUS15 at checkout, you'll get 15 per cent off the price, making your pre-order cost a very tempting £38.24. We'll update this section of this article if we see any better deals prior to the game's launch!
Pokémon Legends: Arceus pre-order bonus
There are a number of retailers offering pre-order bonuses for Pokémon Legends: Arceus, and we've listed them for you here:
- Pokémon Center pre-orders include Arceus plush toy (sold out at time of writing)
- Nintendo Store physical pre-orders include SteelBook and Poké Ball Cartridge Holder
- Nintendo Store digital pre-orders include 30 Heavy Balls in the game and 300 Nintendo Gold Points
- Amazon UK also offers the Steel Book and Poké Ball Cartridge Holder
- Amazon US digital pre-orders include in-game Garchomp Kimono Set
There is also an early purchase bonus for anyone that buys Pokémon Legends: Arceus before 9th May 2022 - if you buy the game before that date on any platform, you should receive The Hisuian Growlithe Kimono Set and the Baneful Fox Mask. Those are in-game items to dress up your character with.

Pokémon Legends: Arceus leaks
A number of Pokémon Legends: Arceus leaks have made it into the wild, with Polygon among the outlets that have been rounding up the leaked information. Click that link if you don't mind a few spoilers, but be very wary of social media and Reddit right now if you want to go into the game without any spoiler-based foreknowledge. The leaks seem to be fairly far-reaching, ranging from the game's title sequence to its deep gameplay mechanics and big story spoilers.
Read more on Pokémon:
- Pokémon Go friend codes - and how to find them
- Pokémon natures guide - all you need to know
- Pokémon type chart - strengths and weaknesses explained
- Legendary Pokémon - the full list
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- Best Pokémon gifts - the greatest merch
- Pokémon Go Unova Stone guide - what is it?
- Pokémon games in order - where to start
Pokémon Legends: Arceus reviews
Pokémon Legends: Arceus reviews have started to appear in Japan, with VGC going to effort of translating those non-English-language impressions into our native tongue. Words like "exhilarating" and "completely different" are being thrown around, with particular praised being piled upon the game's open world settings and creature-riding traversal system.
When is the Pokémon Legends: Arceus review embargo?
According to OpenCritic, the Pokémon Legends: Arceus review embargo will take place on 26th January at 2pm BST. At the time, you should see reviews start to appear from some of the biggest outlets in the west. When we're able to review the game ourselves, we'll be sure to add the link here.
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Which platforms and consoles can play Pokémon Legends: Arceus?
In news that should come as a surprise to nobody, you will need to be the proud owner of a Nintendo Switch if you want to play this - that's because Pokémon Legends: Arceus will be released exclusively on Nintendo Switch consoles, much like every other AAA Pokémon release since that console was launched.
We'd expect the game's luscious landscapes to look particularly good on the incoming Nintendo Switch OLED but it'll also work on older Switch models as well as the Switch Lite.
Pokémon Legends: Arceus gameplay
Nintendo's Pokémon Presents live stream in August 2021 provided heaps of new details regarding Pokémon Legends: Arceus gameplay, and some of these details are major changes to the franchise's pre-established formula. You can watch the relevant segment of that live stream in the video embedded here:
In terms of gameplay changes, there will be more action elements here than you've ever seen in one of these games before, with the player-character physically having to dodge attacks from enraged Pokémon with red eyes - these wild encounters look something like JRPG boss battles, which is certainly a change from the norm.
As you journey around the Hisui region (a prototype version of the Sinnoh region from Pokémon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl), you'll be able to catch wild Pokémon and partake in a fresh form of battles.
Breaking from the tradition of totally turn-based bouts, here there will be an extra element of tactics in your battles - you can choose between Agile Style and Strong Style attacks. Agile moves might allow you to attack multiple times in quick succession, but Strong Style moves will do greater damage in a single blow.
You main goal will be compiling a Pokédex, but that's not all you'll be doing - it also looks like you'll be picking up survey/research tasks for a number of characters. These jobs, almost like side missions, will require you to observe certain behaviour or catch specific critters.
There will also be changes to the Poké Balls, with the one seen here now being made of wood, and a successful catch will see them blowing out steam and old-school fireworks instead of the usual sparkles.
As for your starter Pokémon in Pokémon Legends: Arceus, you can pick from Rowlet, Cyndaquil and Oshawott when choosing your partner at the start of the game.
Which Pokemon will be in Pokémon Legends: Arceus Pokédex?
Get ready for a long list, but here is every Pokemon that is included in the Pokémon Legends: Arceus Pokédex – with more potentially added after release.
- Cyndaquil
- Quilava
- Oshawott
- Dewott
- Rowlet
- Dartrix
- Pichu
- Pikachu
- Raichu
- Clefairy
- Clefable
- Vulpix
- Ninetales
- Zubat
- Golbat
- Crobat
- Psyduck
- Golduck
- Growlithe
- Abra
- Kadabra
- Alakazam
- Machop
- Machoke
- Machamp
- Tentacool
- Tentacruel
- Geodude
- Graveler
- Golem
- Ponyta
- Rapidash
- Magnemite
- Magneton
- Magnezone
- Onyx
- Steelix
- Voltorb
- Rhyhorn
- Rydon
- Rhyperior
- Happiny
- Chansey
- Blissey
- Tangela
- Tangrowth
- Mime Jr
- Mr. Mime
- Scyther
- Kleavor
- Elekid
- Electabuzz
- Electivire
- Magby
- Magmar
- Magmortar
- Magikarp
- Gyarados
- Eevee
- Vaporeon
- Jolteon
- Flareon
- Espeon
- Umbreon
- Leafeon
- Glaceon
- Munchlax
- Snorlax
- Bonsly
- Sudowoodo
- Aipom
- Ambipom
- Yanma
- Yanmega
- Murkrow
- Honchkrow
- Misdreavus
- Mismagius
- Gligar
- Gliscor
- Heracross
- Teddiursa
- Ursaring
- Swinub
- Piloswine
- Mamoswine
- Remoraid
- Octillery
- Mantyke
- Mantine
- Stantler
- Silcoon
- Beautifly
- Cascoon
- Dustox
- Ralts
- Kirlia
- Gardevoir
- Gallade
- Nosepass
- Probopass
- Budew
- Roselia
- Roserade
- Chingling
- Chimecho
- Snorunt
- Glalie
- Froslass
- Spheal
- Sealeo
- Walrein
- Wyrdeer
- Wurmple
- Turtwig
- Grotle
- Torterra
- Chimchar
- Monferno
- Infernape
- Piplup
- Prinplup
- Empoleon
- Starly
- Staravia
- Staraptor
- Bidoof
- Bibarel
- Kricketot
- Kricketune
- Shinx
- Luxio
- Luxray
- Cranidos
- Rampardos
- Shieldon
- Bastiodon
- Burmy
- Wormadam
- Mothim
- Combee
- Vespiquen
- Pachirisu
- Buizel
- Floatzel
- Cherubi
- Cherrim
- Shellos
- Gastrodon
- Drifloon
- Drifblim
- Buneary
- Lopunny
- Glameow
- Purugly
- Stunky
- Skunktank
- Bronzor
- Bronzong
- Chatot
- Spiritomb
- Gible
- Gabite
- Garchomp
- Riolu
- Lucario
- Hippopotas
- Hippowdon
- Skorupi
- Drapion
- Croagunk
- Toxicroak
- Carnivine
- Finneon
- Lumineon
- Snover
- Abomasnow
- Rotom
- Uxie
- Mesprit
- Azelf
- Dialga
- Palkia
- Heatran
- Regigigas
- Giratina
- Cresselia
- Phione
- Manaphy
- Darkrai
- Shaymin
- Arceus
- Petilil
- Basculegion
- Rufflet
- Braviary
- Goomy
- Bergmite
- Zorua
- Zoroark
As for the different forms of Pokemon, we believe that Hisuian form will be included, but we are unsure whether that will also apply to the likes of Alolan and others. We'll let you know if we hear more.
Pokémon Legends: Arceus trailer
Yep, there is indeed a trailer for Pokémon Legends: Arceus, and it sets the tone nicely for this unique prequel to the Pokémon RPG series! And if you want to watch that trailer for yourself, here it is for your viewing pleasure.
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