Meet the stars of Doctor Who before they were famous

From a teenage Tennant to Peter Capaldi’s stint in The Beatles, here are some of our favourite clips of Doctor Who stars before they stepped aboard the TARDIS…

Jenna Coleman

No bit parts on Casualty and The Bill for the artist formerly known as Jenna-Louise Coleman: the future Clara Oswald made her screen debut aged 19 as teenage lesbian (© every tabloid newspaper, ever) Jasmine Thomas in Emmerdale, and went on to appear in 168 instalments. Here she is in her final episode, making a tearful farewell to her lover Debbie after being convicted of manslaughter for killing corrupt copper Shane Doyle.

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Also, if you skip to 13:40 in the clip below, you’ll see Jasmine with police officer Ross Kirk, played by Samuel Anderson – aka Clara’s doomed lover Danny Pink. Neither could have known that one day he was destined to die and be resurrected as a Cyberman. Though we’ve seen more far-fetched Emmerdale plotlines, to be honest.

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After leaving Emmerdale, Jenna played Lindsay James in school saga Waterloo Road, where she was sent to prison for killing another wrong ’un – this time her abusive dad. Basically, you don’t want to get on the wrong side of Jenna Coleman.