Get ready for an epic week in Erinsborough as Hendrix Greyson (Benny Turland) puts his neighbours in danger thanks to his dealings with bad boy Kane Jones (Barry Conrad).


A gun is fired, Harlow Robinson (Jemma Donovan) is kidnapped and lives are changed forever - and all because of some shady black jack card games.

Here are all your Neighbours spoilers for 8th - 12th February 2021.

Harlow kidnapped

neighbours harlow robinson

Hendrix is wishing he'd got a paper round rather than get embroiled in illegal card games with a local gangster to make some cash - not only is the skint teen in massive debt to dastardly Kane, he's being issued death threats on a daily basis by the baddie.

Buying a gun to protect himself leads to disastrous accident in which Shane Rebecchi (Nicholas Coghlan) is shot. Forced to admit he's up to his neck in it, Hendrix confesses to the cops his dealings with Kane - then Harlow is abducted in broad daylight by a hooded figure who drags her into a van…

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Kane caught as Hendrix faces the music

neighbours kane jones yashvi rebecchi

Super cop Yashvi Rebecchi (Olivia Junkeer) is on the case and manages to apprehend callous Kane. Dragging him to the police station he's interrogated over Harlow's kidnap. Surely he's behind her disappearance?

As Hendrix and Harlow's granddad Paul Robinson (Stefan Dennis) fret the search intensifies, as the extent of just how far the Greyson guy has veered off the rails comes to light. While Ramsay Street prays Harlow is found alive and well, Hendrix wonders what's a more scary prospect - a potential prison sentence or the eternal wrath of an angry Paul Robinson.

Shane and Dipi's second chance

neighbours dipi rebecchi shane rebecchi bea nilsson

Another consequence of the Hendrix saga is the aforementioned accidental shooting of Shane. The drama pushes him and Dipi Rebecchi (Sharon Johal) back together as she leaps to her estranged hubby's side and holds a bedside vigil as he goes in for emergency surgery.

Jay Rebecchi (Dhruv Malge) admitting his part in Hendrix's antics sees the Rebecchis pull tighter together and close ranks - bad news for Amy Greenwood (Jacinta Stapleton) and her fledgling romance with Shane. Will taking a bullet kill off the couple's future and see Shane reunite with Dips?

Sheila admits defeat

neighbours sheila canning des clarke

Now she's got Des Clarke (Paul Keane) as a secret weapon in her obsessive bid to win back Clive Gibbons (Geoff Paine), Sheila Canning (Colette Mann) plots a fake date with Jane Harris's (Annie Jones) ex to make the doctor jealous. Haven't they tried that already? Or is this storyline going round in circles with exactly the same end result?

This week even Sheila starts to think she's gone too far when her meddling causes an unnecessary falling out between Des, Clive and Jane. The heartbroken barmaid calls the quartet together to apologise for her actions, and finally gives her blessing to Clive and Jane. Until next week. Probably.

Elsewhere on Neighbours

neighbours nicolette stone
  • Nicolette Stone (Charlotte Chimes) owns up to being dragged into Hendrix and Kane's dangerous antics, and while she was just trying to find a way to pay off sleazy Ricardo it makes her co-parenting arrangement with David Tanaka (Takaya Honda) and Aaron Brennan (Matt Wilson) even more precarious. Could her lack of judgment be the last straw for the boys to call off the baby deal?
  • Kyle Canning (Chris Milligan) is crushed when he learns he poisoned the judge with his entry to 'Best Dish of Erinsborough', which then turns to anger when Roxy Willis (Zima Anderson) admits to using deadly wild mushrooms as a secret ingredient! Riddled with guilt when he makes it to the final, will Kyle come clean or push through (the recipe is in honour of late dad Gary, after all) and hope no one cottons on to his culinary cock-up?
  • Visit our dedicated Neighbours page for all the latest news, interviews and spoilers. If you’re looking for more to watch check out our TV guide.