Where to watch and stream The World's Most Extraordinary Homes – is the property series on Netflix?
Find out where to watch and stream The World's Most Extraordinary Homes, if The World's Most Extraordinary Homes is on Netflix as well as your guide to what the property series is about

The World's Most Extraordinary Homes is a BBC television series that explores the incredible lengths that architecture can reach, discovering hidden beauties and stunning villas that without the show would be seen only by their wealthy owners.
Beyond just looking inside, the pair actually live, eat and sleep in the beautiful and unique homes in order to experience what life is really like for their inhabitants. We're dead jealous.
The series has aired two seasons so far and a third is in the works, although its release date has not yet been revealed.
Where to watch The World's Most Extraordinary Homes?
You can watch the series on Apple TV or Netflix. It's also sometimes available on BBC iPlayer after it airs on BBC Two.
Who presents The World's Most Extraordinary Homes?
The show is presented by Caroline Quentin and Piers Taylor.
Quentin is an English actress who played Dorothy in Men Behaving Badly and also starred in Jonathan Creek and Blue Murder, whist Taylor is an architect.
What are the best episodes of The World's Most Extraordinary Homes?
There are strong offerings from every episode, but if we had to pick our top three episodes it would be Norway from Season 2 (what could beat that stunning cliff edge summer house?) followed by Underground from Season 1 because of the unexpectedly beautiful architecture built below the surface, and finally India because of the sheer luxury.