It’s a question Ricky Gervais is sometimes asked on Twitter, but until now there has been no definitive answer: who would win in a fight between Derek Noakes and David Brent?


As we prepare to bid farewell to loveable care home worker Derek in tonight’s special, Gervais himself has a pretty good idea of who would come out on top in a tussle between the two.

“David’s a better striker but Derek’s wrestling… once they take it to the mat it’s all over,” Gervais tells with a laugh.

He has not yet formulated a plan for the two of them to be introduced on screen, but he has one idea up his sleeve.

“They would meet only if Adam Sandler made that movie. He could play all the parts then. I could do something like that for Comic Relief.”

So, should the two come face-to-face, would Mr Noakes' wrestling win the day? Or does David Brent – who has already demonstrated some highly physical dance moves in The Office – have some fancy martial arts moves up his sleeve?


Derek: the special airs on Channel 4 tonight at 10:00pm. Watch an exclusive message from Ricky Gervais below...
