What time is The Twinstitute on TV? What’s it about and how does it work?
Everything you need to know about the identical twins documentary

TV doctors – and identical twin brothers – Chris and Xand van Tulleken are back with a new documentary about, you guessed it, identical twins.
Here’s everything you need to know about the The Twinstitute, and what happens within its walls…
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What time is The Twinstitute on TV?
Twinstute will air on Wednesday 2nd January at 8:30pm on BBC2.
What is The Twinstitute about?
Perfectly timed around the New Year when self-improvement is all the rage, this fascinating new series shows you how to live your life better.
But how?
Well, twins and doctors Chris and Xand van Tulleken have set up “a unique centre for science” called the Twinstute, and invited 30 pairs of identical twins inside its walls to put rival health theories to the test.
Because of their matching DNA, identical twins are perfect for the experiments. In this six-part series, pairs of twins compete, with one trying out one theory and the other trying out another in order to help find out how we could all improve our lives.
For example, the twins will test out diet vs exercise, planning vs cramming and meditation vs swearing.

Who are Chris and Xand van Tulleken?
TV doctors Chris and Xand have made many shows together, including CBBC’s Operation Ouch, Horizon: Fat vs Sugar, Horizon: Is Binge Drinking Really That Bad for You?, The Secret Life of Twins and Medicine Men Go Wild.
Was it confusing making a documentary with 30 sets of identical twins?
Yes. The series actually underwent numerous reshoots because the entire production – Chris and Xand, the crew and the 30 pairs of twins – kept getting everyone and each other mixed up.
Definitely not helped by the fact that the participants were in matching outfits for most of the time, too.