What time is Sheridan on TV?
Everything you need to know about the Sheridan Smith special

What time is Sheridan on TV?
The Sheridan Smith celebration is on 9pm Sunday, ITV
What is it about?
Actress and singer Sheridan Smith performs songs from her debut album as well as other favourite numbers, accompanied by a live orchestra. In between musical numbers, she chats to host Alexander Armstrong about her life and career.
Will it be any good?
Sheridan Smith, star of the West End and numerous award-winning TV dramas, is given the old-school, name-in-lights treatment for this one-off mix of chat and song. It stands or falls on whether you can swallow its unusual tone: the host, Alexander Armstrong, has clearly been told not to overdo the compliments (“You can act! You can sing! You can dance! Where does all this talent come from?”), which jars with Smith’s giggly little-old-me humility. Having Smith simply tell stories direct to the audience between numbers might have helped her to own the stage and the songs – mostly show and movie tunes - more convincingly.
There is one extraordinary moment that does feel real: a stripped-down And I Am Telling You I’m Not Going that Smith, who in interview touches on personal loss and relationship problems, can barely finish.
Review by Jack Seale