Young Apprentice 2012: Meet Max Grodecki
"If you follow the crowd, you don’t get seen"

Name: Max Grodecki
Age: 16
Lives: Kent
Education: Currently studying for A Levels in Economics, Latin, Early Modern History and English Literature
About: Despite his years Max has already become something of an entrepreneur, making his living trading in vintage clothes and other antiques. In fact, he once acquired an unidentified Lowry sketch, which he sold for £1000 profit.
A keen musician, Max plays double bass, piano and cello and enjoys going to the opera in his free time. He also regularly attends auctions and theatre exhibitions, and when he's not soaking up culture he'll be found either sailing or riding horses.
Citing Steve Jobs as his business inspiration, Max says: "If you have a natural charisma and ideas, they can get you very far..."
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