Celebrity Big Brother 2012: Natasha Giggs
She scored with Ryan Giggs in a saga that's been compared to a Jackie Collins novel

Name: Natasha Giggs
Age: 29
Famous for: Affair with Ryan Giggs
Bio: Model Natasha has been in the news in recent months following revelations that she conducted an eight-year affair with her husband Rhodri’s more famous brother, Ryan Giggs. She allegedly sold her story after discovering that the Manchester United star had been having another affair, with former Big Brother housemate Imogen Thomas.
CBB presenter Brian Dowling is very excited about the prospect of Natasha telling her tale on the show. "I think it's the greatest real-life soap story,” he said. “It's like a Jackie Collins novel. I think people can't get enough of that story."
Twitter: @NatashaGiggs
Natasha's not quite famous enough to be on YouTube, so instead here are some clips of Ryan Giggs scoring (goals, that is...)