“There’s something really, really sinister about this,” a police officer says of one of the cases followed in BBC1's new documentary series, Reported Missing.


The documentary, which runs for four episodes, follows police attempts to find missing people – with bizarre turns along the way.

Here's everything you need to know about Reported Missing.

When is Reported Missing on TV?

The four-part series in on Mondays at 9pm on BBC1.

What's it about?

Reported Missing (BBC)
Reported Missing (BBC)

The series tracks various police departments as they attempt to follow up on missing cases.

In the first episode, in Macclesfield, Cheshire, a man reports his five-year-old son Tyler missing – he hasn't seen him in 2 years due to a custody dispute with the boy's mother.

However, things take a strange turn of events when the mother denies the existence of the child, and neighbours claim never to have seen the boy.


The investigation grows more and more baffling, until police officers finally have "an appalling conversation" with the father.
