Viewers were left stunned by THAT naked balloon act on Celebrity Apprentice
“I will never unsee them penises”

We’re used to toe-curlingly awful moments on The Apprentice (we’re still having flashbacks to Kurran from last year) but the new celebrity edition for Comic Relief has quite possibly topped them all...
With both celebrity teams tasked by Lord Sugar to create two show-stopping events in order to raise as much cash as possible for Red Nose Day, the boys’ team leader Rylan Clark-Neal seemed to have it in the bag at first.

Pushing for a unique ‘sci-fi cabaret’ theme (and dressed as an astronaut to boot), Clark-Neal rounded up a galaxy of stars to take to the stage at The Bloomsbury Ballroom – with Cher even rumoured to be a last-minute addition to the roster.
However, despite praying it would be alright on the night, a comedy of errors saw the boys’ team overbook their schedule – forcing Simon Webbe and Louisa Johnson to only sing a minute's worth of music, and seeing them open with bizarre naked comedy act The Greatest Show on Legs.
The usually three-piece group take to the stage with strategically placed balloons to protect their modesty.

But with a man down, Omid Djalili joined the performance at the last minute – which then saw one performer drop a balloon, and expose... everything.
While the audience on the night were left feeling a little 'deflated' by the performance (“I don’t know what I just watched,” a dejected Rylan said)...
... the viewers at home found the whole debacle hilarious, taking to Twitter in hysterics.
Some pondered how the night went down the pan so quickly.
Others wondered how Cher would have felt about following such an act
However, everyone was in agreement that Rylan’s reaction was the highlight.
Rylan, who was watching along at home, added:
The girls’ team, led by Kelly Hoppen, seemed to be the clear winners: with Ayda Field roping in husband Robbie Williams, Alan Carr acting as compere and even Claude Littner getting involved in a conga.
But which team will have raised the most money for Comic Relief?
Celebrity Apprentice for Comic Relief concludes tonight at 9pm on BBC1
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