Comedy has always been an essential element of Coronation Street’s appeal, and brassy barmaid Glenda Shuttleworth can always be relied on to raise a chuckle with her bang-on banter while she pulls pints for the Rovers’ regulars.


Musical theatre star Jodie Prenger has played lovable Glenda since 2002, and has bagged a nomination for Best Comedy Performance in the Soap Awards 2024 sponsored by Inspired Villages.

In an exclusive interview, the fun-loving star reveals her Corrie comedy icons, and which character she wants a Dynasty-style catfight with out the back of the pub.

Are you pleased to be nominated for Best Comedy Performance?

It’s the most surreal thing, you’re out there doing your stuff having a grand old time, then you realise people are watching! You kind of forget. It sounds bizarre but even when somebody recognises me in public I think they’re staring because I’ve got lipstick on my teeth again!

Who are your all-time Corrie comedy icons?

Jack and Vera. To this day I still think they’re the most iconic double act, they worked as well as Eric and Ernie. My family used to run hotels in Blackpool and the Duckworths reminded me of the people who’d stay while they worked the summer season, getting the bar going at night. They were just like characters I’d grown up around so I loved them even more.

What’s stood out as a highlight for you this year?

Events at the Rovers like the speed dating night are so much fun to film, and the last one which ended with the break-in was what I love about Corrie – lots of comedy coupled with heartbreak. It was like two stories combined, buy one get one free! Corrie is incredibly warm but can also have you on the edge of your seat.

Who makes you laugh in the cast?

I love scenes with Peter Gunn (who plays Brian Packham) and Patti Clare (who plays Mary Taylor), it’s like entertainment within the entertainment. There can be a lot of retakes in scenes with Mary because people start laughing and the shoulders are going!

Would you like more dramatic storylines for Glenda, such as the pub robbery?

She always puts on a front, it was nice to let that mask slip a bit and show different sides to the character. With her past I often wonder why Glenda went off on the cruise ships for years, was it for the fame or was she driven away? Glenda once said about her mother she felt she was ‘too much for her’, so obviously something heartbreaking went on in the family. It would be great to explore.

Have you enjoyed the family feud between Glenda and George?

It’s hard to fight with somebody you love, Tony Maudsley (who plays George) and I have such a great rapport once we’ve stopped filming an argument we end up laughing! I feel like I’ve known Tony forever, even though we’d never met before I joined Corrie. I hope Glenda makes it up with her brother soon!

Glenda is dressed in green as she talks with an annoyed Michael in The Rovers
Coronation Street. ITV

Are you pleased Glenda finally got a love interest?

God love her, she’s been on every dating site. Michael dumped her and I’m still not over it, but hey-ho, she had a little dalliance with a toy boy. Some fans want her and Steve McDonald to get together, one even called them the next Jack and Vera! Actually I used to have a tight perm like Vera’s years go, and I wore these huge glasses. I looked like the love child of Russell Grant and Deirdre Barlow – how could Steve McDonald resist that? I don’t know what Tracy would have to say, I’m missing her in the show I’ve got to admit.

Who would win in a fight between Glenda and Tracy?

Could you imagine? It would be like Dynasty in polyester. I’ve already got the shoulder pads! The staircase at the back of the Rovers isn’t that high, I could do my own stunt if Tracy pushed Glenda down the stairs!

Is there anyone you’ve worked with you’d like to bring in as a guest star?

I did a play called One Man, Two Guv’nors with Owain Arthur – he’d be great in Corrie but he’s busy doing the Lord of the Rings for Amazon now so what can you do? Cheeky… We had a lot of fun on stage.

What would you like to happen for Glenda in the future?

She’s a hopeless romantic and I’ve always been a bit of a Mills and Boon myself, so I’d like her to find love again. Although maybe just for a bit! If she got married, knowing Corrie they could have you going down a sinkhole on your wedding day. The dress would get filthy. Once I’m down I can’t get back up, but that’s my own life!

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The Soap Awards 2024, sponsored by Inspired Villages, will take place on 13th July. Find out the nominees ahead of the big day!


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