Fans are predicting Eleven will be reunited with her mother in Stranger Things season 2
We've seen the house in the latest Stranger Things trailer somewhere before...

The final trailer for Stranger Things season 2 dropped on Friday, and it was packed with clues, including one potentially massive one relating to Eleven.
As many fans have pointed out, the house that a curly-haired Eleven bursts into in the trailer appears to be the same as that of Terry Ives.
Remember her? In season one, she's the woman Hopper tracks down who claims that her daughter Jane (who would be Eleven's age) had been kidnapped by Dr. Brenner, AKA Eleven's creepy scientist "Papa" from the research facility.
While some of the decorations have been moved, it certainly seems to be the same house. Given the meticulous manner in which the Duffer brothers co-ordinate every other aspect of the show – it's 1980s film throwbacks are ever expanding – it's unlikely to have been an oversight.
As Chief Hopper and Joyce Byers discover in season one when they visit the house to uncover the mystery shrouding the facility, Ives had participated in a series of studies involving psychedelic drugs and sensory-deprivation tanks, without realising that she was pregnant at the time. She was later told that she miscarried Jane during her third trimester, but never believed the story, and tried to sue Brenner for kidnapping her daughter.
The action all but confirmed that Eleven was Jane, as descriptions of Ives' daughter's powers were overlaid with clips of Eleven exhibiting those powers.
So, will season two see Eleven get back to her roots and finally meet her mother? Only a matter of days left to wonder...