John Barrowman dressed in a sparkly Tardis tutu to honour new Doctor Who star Jodie Whittaker
Yes, you read that right

It's safe to say that the Thirteenth Doctor and Captain Jack Harkness have gotten off to a very strange start.
You see, Doctor Who and Torchwood star John Barrowman has continued his annual tradition of donning outrageous San Diego comic-con costumes in truly epic style, with Barrowman pirouetting around a stage at the US comic convention in a spangly Tardis dress to the delight of fans.
“I totally blinged myself out!” Barrowman said. “I am the transgender Tardis!”
And Barrowman made clear that the dress was an attempt to honour the recent casting of actress Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor in Doctor Who, with the Broadchurch star revealed to be the first female version of the Time Lord in a special broadcast last weekend.
"This is to celebrate all the changes that are happening and being hated on Doctor Who right now,” he explained, to happy cheers from the audience. Definitely one of the weirder welcomes we've seen in the Whoniverse...
Fans will get to see Whittaker take over from incumbent Doctor Peter Capaldi this Christmas, in a special festive episode that will also see David Bradley play the First Doctor in place of original star William Hartnell.
Meanwhile, we’ll all be seeing that gorgeous tutu in our mind’s eye for weeks and months to come.
Hard image to shake, that.
Doctor Who returns to BBC1 this Christmas