Jenna Coleman gives a cryptic answer when quizzed on the Doctor Who Christmas special
The Victoria star has a puzzling response when asked if she was appearing in Peter Capaldi's final episode

Apart from how Pearl Mackie will fit into the story and who exactly Mark Gatiss plays, there’s one major question fans need answering about the Doctor Who Christmas special: will Jenna Coleman materialise? After all, when Matt Smith regenerated in 2013, his first companion, Amy Pond (Karen Gillan), reappeared with a goodbye message – could Coleman return as Clara Oswald to bid the same kind of farewell to Peter Capaldi’s outgoing Doctor?
Although we know she was asked to make an appearance, nobody has yet questioned Coleman directly on whether she is going to star. However, during a panel at Belgium Comic-Con, Facts, one fan put the question to Coleman. And her response is pretty cryptic.
“All I’ll say is that from February to late August, I was filming on Victoria,” Coleman said. “I did film goodbye and leaving videos for Steven [Moffat] and Peter.”
She added: “It was good. I was literally outside a trailer saying ‘hi!’ on [a] phone. Maybe some rumours have come from there. I don’t know.”
At first this doesn’t look too good for Whovians. Coleman is implying she barely had time to film a video for Capaldi and outgoing showrunner Moffat, let alone make an appearance in the Christmas special.
But if she really wasn’t appearing in the special then why not just say so? Why is Coleman only suggesting these rumours were unfounded? Our thoughts: if she was appearing in the Christmas special then isn’t that just the response she would have given? Wouldn't she want to imply that her Who days were over in a way that wasn't directly lying to fans?
Where's a truth field when you really need one?
Doctor Who returns to BBC1 this Christmas