10. Star Wars/Star Trek

The classic, and probably the first time that the general public realised there were different flavours of nerd. Star Trek and Star Wars may share half of their titles, but they’re very different animals. The debate over which is better has raged since Star Wars first premiered in 1977, but the internet has only made it more pronounced and specific. For instance: who would win in a fight, the Enterprise under Captain Picard, or Darth Vader’s Star Destroyer?


Even the casts have waded into battle. The slanging match William Shatner (Captain Kirk) and Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia) got into on YouTube is a mere echo of the war that rages, even now, on forums and playgrounds across the world.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BYNdTHjstI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nU2jqIRjJVI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPiWm4mGgyg
