This Week In Soapland: 21-27 July
EastEnders' Lola throws a curveball on Billy's big day - and is Karl about to be chucked out of the Rovers again?

The Olympics has been met with a sneer in certain quarters: “The Tubes are a nightmare and there’s foreigners everywhere,” being Shirley’s opinion. But torchbearer Billy is a man whose enthusiasm can’t be dampened, not even when Lola throws a curveball by going into labour on his big day. Now here’s a girl who should have spent more time reading Gina Ford and less time getting arrested. But that’s teens in Walford for you. Never happy unless they're giving birth while electronically tagged.
The local chemist would do well to stockpile home pregnancy tests, the rate they’re being used up. This time it’s Rachel who’s looking for the blue line following her drunken encounter with bonbon boss Jai, but we’re not exactly talking whoops of joy and Bugaboo brochures when the result becomes clear. Robbie also has a sour look after Megan loses patience with his sponging and perving. Could there be one less scowl around the Home Farm breakfast table in future?
Karl’s clothes have ended up in bin bags so often that it’s a wonder he bothers with a wardrobe. But now it looks like he and his belongings are out of the Rovers for good after the love cheat is caught mid bunk-up with Sunita. With Stella’s rage loud enough to shatter the optics in the Flying Horse two streets away, it isn’t long before the news reaches an emotionally raw Dev, who’s sent reeling and sobbing into his shelves of gypsy creams.