Dec says he's "never been so nervous" as he volunteers for deadly Britain's Got Talent magic trick
Roped into a trick by a blindfolded knife-thrower, Ant McPartlin jokes that Dec needed toilet roll after becoming this death-defying magician's assistant

Declan Donnelly says that he's "never been so nervous in my entire life" when he's roped into a death-defying magic trick on Britain's Got Talent this weekend.
While both Dec and Ant McPartlin might not be strangers when it comes to getting involved in acts' performances on BGT, this one's definitely on another level.
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Poor Ant and Dec are both are asked onto the stage by Andrew Lee - a knife-throwing magician from Malaysia - who promptly volunteers Dec to wear a black board around his neck.

The 42-year-old presenter is then asked to stand still while Andrew puts a blindfold on and then throw a knife at Dec.
If you're wondering where the magic part comes in, there's a really clever trick involving Ant and a pack of cards. It has to be seen to be believed.
Does Dec survive? Well - spoiler alert - since the Britain's Got Talent auditions filmed, he has gone on to present Saturday Night Takeaway - and will also be hosting a full live week of BGT in May...
When the whole ordeal is over, Dec says: "I’ve never been so nervous in my entire life," as Ant calls for toilet paper. Oh dear.
A nonplussed, Simon, however, reckons it's one of the most amazing thing he’s ever seen on the show. He's not wrong.
Britain's Got Talent airs Saturdays on ITV