Who is Montana Brown? The Love Island contestant was once asked to pay half a Nando's bill on a date
She's terrified of being "pied" on Love Island. Don't worry, we had to Google it...

Love Island 2017 contestants: Montana Brown
Age: 21
Facebook: MontanaBrownOfficial
Instagram: montanarosebrown1
Occupation: Economics student
From: Hertfordshire
Up until recently, Montana hadn't had much luck in the Love Island villa. Despite coupling up with Dom on day one, he was soon stollen off her by Jess.
Since then, she's found it hard to find someone she has a genuine connection with – and we were left wondering why all the boys kept leaving her on the shelf! She'd survived elimination after recoupling as friends with the likes of Sam and Dom (again), but it now finally looks as if she's found someone she's interested in.
When Alex was put into the villa as part of a challenge, she immediately took a shine to the personal trainer - and the feeling was mutual!
The pair have now shared a night in the Hideaway together and seem to be going from strength to strength.
Where have I seen Montana before? "I've never been in the newspapers myself but my ex was a footballer," she says. "I was seeing a couple of professional rugby players too." We hope that wasn't at the same time!
How she thinks boys would describe her: "I'm independent, spontaneous - I don't like to plan too much. I take every day as it comes. I'm quite fun. I always have massive FOMO."
…and how she’d describe herself: "Funny, sensible... but fun. Can I say fun and funny in the same one?"
Her worst date was when: "This guy just came out with 'Do you want to go halves on a baby?' and i just thought 'no, I don't actually. Not with you.'" Crikey, we don't even know what that's meant to mean.
What she hates in a man: When he makes her pay for Nando's. "This guy who made me pay for half my Nando's," she says of a previous rubbish date. "I offered to pay half because as a lady, I think you should always offer to contribute. But I wasn't expecting him to let me.
"He said yes and I was like, 'It's only £7, are you taking the mick?'. What a stinge-bag! I gave him a tenner and told him to keep the change. I think the majority of the time in a relationship, the guy should always pay."
Her biggest fear in the villa is "finding a boy I like, opening up to him, and getting pied. Nobody likes getting pied." We don't see Alex as the pieing type (is that even a word?).
Anything else I should know? She reckons people would think she's "quite posh" (she went to private school) and Montana is a keen baker, too! Just look at this beauty she whipped up:
Love Island airs 9pm on ITV2.