I’m a Celebrity 2017 day 10 recap: Iain redeemed himself, Kiosk Kath stepped up and a 'dark vibe' descends on the camp
If Iain's prediction is anything to go by, the harmonious paradise is soon going to be lost in the camp

After a week and a half in the jungle, it seemed as though the cracks were beginning to show between the I'm a Celebrity campmates in Tuesday's episode.
Rebekah was fuming at Jamie's snoring, Kez and Amir had some curt words over the fire and everyone was pretty pissed off at the producers for giving them a sinewy kangaroo tail as a delicious meal. In fairness, it did look like the sort of thing they'd be forced to eat in a Bushtucker Trial...
Here's all the highlights from last night's episode:
Iain Spaced his Fears
Iain Lee was voted to do the next Bushtucker Trial - Space Your Fears. Or the "daft spaceship one" as it was also referred to.
"I don't think they've got the budget to send someone into space," Iain rather confidently said in the Bush Telegraph. Although with all those jokes about Ant forgoing his cheques for the next year, we genuinely wondered if ITV had managed to rustle up enough millions to actually blast someone into space.
Instead, what we got was something that looked like it was out of Blue Peter (Ant's words, not ours) as Iain had to gamely climb aboard a papier-mâché plane filled with cockroaches, biting ants and mealworms. Basically, it was barely a step up from flying with a budget airline.
Iain was nonetheless grateful to be given the chance to redeem himself and another go at a trial after spectacularly crashing out on the Temple of Gloom the other day. But sadly for him it transpired that alongside water, one of his other massive fears was heights. Oh dear.
Ant called it "the TV event of the year" as the Star Wars theme played and Iain set about winning 11 stars for camp. Incredibly - and we have no idea how - he actually managed to win all the stars and was called a hero (but only by Jamie Lomas) when he returned to camp. It must've been his incredibly inspiring self-help talk he was giving himself as he traversed the space station. "It's perfectly safe, it's perfectly safe, it's perfectly safe, it's perfectly safe" he said, barely convincing himself or us viewers at home.
Kiosk Keith was replaced by Kiosk Kath
Kiosk Keith hadn't been fired for talking too much, but apparently had to be away from his post after suffering from a dicky tummy.
"Manager Off Sick - under temporary management" a sign read as Vanessa and Dennis made their way to try and win some treats after acing their muddy, piggy Dingo Dollar challenge.
The new friendly face who greeted them was Kiosk Kath.
No-one knew what the hell to think:
Things in camp could be about to turn nasty
Tensions between the campmates were rising higher than Iain Lee on a spaceship. First it was Amir and Kez endlessly bickering about logs on the fire like an old married couple fighting over the thermostat, but things only got worse when dinner was lowered down into the camp.
The main meal from the great leather bag in the sky was a kangaroo tail, which caused chefs Jennie and Rebekah to repeatedly poke it and wonder WTF they were going to do with their measly offerings.

As the camp were left decidedly unimpressed, Shappi and Iain retreated to the woods to have a heart to heart about feeling as though they'd disappointed Becky and Stanley respectively.
Iain also said there was a "slight dark vibe" in the camp. "Maybe this is the moment where Nirvana collapses?" he pondered. "I'm really scared that something's going to explode. There's only so far that people can compromise."
Well when that happens, we'll be poised - glued to the TV, popcorn in hand, looking on as their society crumbles.
Iain and Rebekah opened up
In a rare serious moment around the campfire, talk turned to mental health with both Iain and Rebekah opening up about having suffered from depression.
Explaining how he talks a lot about mental health on the radio, Iain said that he had experienced suicidal thoughts in the past, which prompted Rebekah to also speak about her own struggles both as a teenager and as a mum.

"When I was that age, it was something that we pushed under the carpet," she said of attempting suicide aged 14.
Iain said: "Wow, that’s incredible, I’m sorry to hear that. It breaks my heart to think that as a 14 year old you would consider doing something like that but it is really common."
Rebekah also added that she had experienced postnatal depression after giving birth to her second child and Iain then thanked her for being so open and honest and said he hoped "for my kids’ generation the way will be cleared slightly, I’m not proud that my head went that way, but it’s not a weakness."
Who’s doing the next Bushtucker Trial?
After being ruled IN on medical grounds (about bloody time!) it's probably no surprise that Stanley was finally voted to do a Bushtucker Trial. Both he and Rebekah will face the Fear Factory in tomorrow night's show.
I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here! is on nightly at 9pm on ITV.
Suicide is preventable. Readers who are affected by the issues raised in this story are encouraged to contact Samaritans on 116 123 (www.samaritans.org) or Mind on 0300 123 3393 (www.mind.org.uk)