Radio Times TV Judge Champion Round 2
It's time to judge the TV judges - who'll get your Radio Times Champion vote?

TV Judges are a tough lot to please. Whether you're serving up a succulent dish or giving a performance 110%, you just never know how they'll react - or how they'll rate your performance.
So isn't it high time they faced the same level of scrutiny?
We've popped together a shortlist of some of TV's finest judges and we want YOU to decide which one deserves the TV Judge Champion crown. You've whittled them down to just 16 contenders across four groups, and now it's time to decide who'll make it into the quarter finals!
So what are you waiting for, find your favourite judge and get voting!
You can vote as many times as you like but you MUST do so before Round 2 polls close on Saturday July 15th at 11AM BST
Having trouble seeing the polls? Try clicking here.