Only Connect moves to permanent Friday night slot
The fiendish quiz show hosted by Victoria Coren Mitchell joins Mastermind and QI on BBC2, making Fridays a massive night for quizzers

Fiendishly difficult BBC2 quiz Only Connect is swapping its traditional post-University Challenge slot on Monday nights for a glitzy Friday night berth.
Starting tonight, 6th January, the show hosted by Victoria Coren Mitchell will help kick off the weekend for quizzers with a mid-series move to 8:30pm on Fridays that is told is for the foreseeable future. An Island Parish replaces Only Connect at 8:30pm on Mondays, leaving University Challenge as a lone beacon of quizzing excellence at the start of the week.
Nevertheless, Only Connect retains its status as the second half of a quizzing double bill, slotting in after Mastermind on Fridays and, together with QI at 10pm, making it a big night for BBC2 viewers with a penchant for puzzles and trivia.
Coren Mitchell told that the world of Only Connect is “strange and wonderful. We are celebrating an interest in knowledge for its own sake; there are millions of people who relate to that who aren’t necessarily catered for by a lot of mainstream TV.”
On Monday nights it regularly pulled in audiences of over two million. Can it beat that on Fridays? That's one question BBC2 bosses will be eager to answer.
Only Connect is on Fridays at 8:30pm on BBC2