JK Rowling tricks Piers Morgan into mocking his own words on Twitter
Featuring an extract from "The 100 British celebrities who really matter by Piers Morgan"

Good Morning Britain host (and Donald Trump fan) Piers Morgan has spent the last few days sparring on Twitter with Harry Potter author JK Rowling. But now we can safely declare Rowling the winner – after she tricked him into mocking a glowing profile of herself that he had written.
Rowling knew exactly what she was doing when she tweeted...
The mysterious wordsmith praises the novelist for "encouraging children to read, feel inspired and be creative", adding: "Ms Rowling definitely matters".
Where is this extract from? Er, only a Daily Mail article titled "The 100 British celebrities who really matter by Piers Morgan."
But Morgan seemed oblivious – and rose to the bait.
When people realised what was going on, the reactions were pure glee.
As he tried to wipe the egg from his face, Morgan insisted he had been in on the joke.
But to make matters worse in the Morgan household (or possibly better – the chat show host and Twitter provocateur clearly loves an argument), his own son is a fan of the Harry Potter series.
While Piers Morgan derided Rowling with "National treasure? She wrote a few wizard books," Spencer Morgan showed off his Potter tattoo and scarf.
Is he the Scorpius Malfoy of the Morgan family?