She stars in one of Britain's biggest TV series and he's carved a successful career after becoming the world's most beloved Boy Wizard but what do Louise Brealey and Daniel Radcliffe have in common?


Their wardrobe, apparently.

Sherlock actress Brealey was tweeting about her love for the Harry Potter actor after he wrote a piece about gender equality and the pay gap when she revealed that she'd swiped one of his old suits for Sherlock special The Abominable Bride.

You might remember her character, Molly Hooper, dressed as a man to rise up the ranks in the Coroner's Office. Here's the suit she sported.


But where have we seen Daniel Radcliffe wearing it? That is the question.

We did a little digging and our best guess is that it's a suit from his Woman In Black collection.


Any better guesses? Don't hesitate to share in the comments below.


Sherlock is expected to return to BBC1 in January 2017
