Thunderbirds Are Go, 5,00pm, ITV1


5-4-3-2-1! Hearing that countdown – and the orchestral blasts that accompanied it – will send a shiver up the spine of many when Thunderbirds is relaunched for a new generation.

Although the largely computer-polished visuals will meet resistance, care has been taken not to totally alienate fans of Gerry and Sylvia Anderson's 60s puppet show. Unlike 2004's wretched film fiasco, the general spirit of the original is upheld here, from the model settings and iconic launch sequences to the plasticky sheen on the characters' faces.

This hour-long re-introduction to the family of hi-tech rescuers gives us against-the-clock jeopardy, cool gadgets – and a few tweaks in personnel. Hardcore Fandersons will enjoy the in-jokes, subtle and otherwise. Calling International Rescue! Mark Braxton

Easter from King's, 5.30pm, BBC2

A sublime Gothic chapel. Choral singing unsurpassed anywhere in the world. BBC2 once again delivers the perfect, poignant way to reconnect with some Easter meaning before tomorrow's festivities and chocolate egg hunts take over. Easter from King's tends to be a meditative sort of service, with readings and music that span the whole Passion story from the Last Super and the Crucifixion to the Resurrection.

This year that means hymns such as There Is a Green Hill Far Away, When I Survey the Wondrous Cross and Thine Be the Glory, as well as some choral music with the tingle factor: Lotti's Crucifixus, John Ieland's Greater Love Hath No Man and the Scheidt motet, Surrexit Christus Hodie. Readings from the King James Bible and poems by Vassar Miller and Wilfred Owen complete the picture. David Butcher

The Voice UK: the Live Final, 7.00pm, BBC1

This is the way The Voice ends, this is the way The Voice ends, not with a bang but probably with someone wailing VERY LOUDLY as they strive to capture some terrifically high notes.

Spending hours on Saturday nights dragging your nails along splintered floorboards as certain contestants howl at the moon has been a characteristic of the series. After all, who can forget that version of Frozen? I truly wish I could let it go…

Yet, even though The Voice is such an odd beast, a talent show without too much talent, its desperate well-meaningness is, I suppose, endearing, even though the judges are far too forgiving.

But this is the final and doubtless there will be much tearful talk of journeys and dreams and passions as Ricky, Rita, Sir Tom and Will celebrate the successor to last year's Jermain Jackman. Alison Graham

End of the World Night, 9.00pm, Channel 4

The list show to end all list shows: a countdown of the ten phenomena that are most likely to wipe out humanity. Each is set up by a scene from a Hollywood apocalypse blockbuster, after which the talking-head boffins come in to say, no, a hostile alien invasion isn’t imminent and no, we probably won’t need Bruce Willis to nuke a moving asteroid. Where it gets interesting is in how large the grains of truth are.

It’s hard to know how seriously to take this programme – the narration doesn’t seem to be sure – but it raises serious questions near the end. Political issues that are set to be fringe topics at most in the election make up two of the top three. Jack Seale

Casualty, 9.10pm, BBC1

Cal, brother of Ethan (though the pair are somehow interchangeable, I can never remember which is which, like Ant and Dec), is in love with his brassy, charity fundraising girlfriend. To prove it, he does something despicable and very unbrotherly, even by Cal’s low standards. Poor Ethan spends most of his time peering painfully at clipboards (are you sure you’re wearing the right glasses, Ethan?). Will he ever want to patch up this damaged fraternal relationship?

Meanwhile, Connie’s mentor, who is in the final stages of motor neurone disease, and his friend, have a Thelma and Louise-type escapade when they flee their care home. But as this is Casualty, their happy day out is ruthlessly truncated. Alison Graham


Read more: Easter 2015: best TV on today, Easter Sunday
