Worried that the barrage of inevitable fan theories could distract you from the upcoming Twin Peaks series, or that they could even turn into spoilers? You might need to think more like creator David Lynch, who’s revealed he relishes in reading viewers’ guesses of what’s coming up next.


Lynch said he loved reading Twin Peaks theories in the early days of the internet when the series was first airing, saying that his colleagues would bring him stacks of printed paper showing what fans were honing in on.

"The papers they showed me, it was just people talking about the show," he told EW. "People talking, thinking, sharing ideas, being like detectives, seeing what they make of certain things, trying to figure things out and to share ideas. It was a beautiful thing.”

He adds that he hopes the new season encourages fans to do exactly the same, denying that they could get in the way of viewers enjoying the show: “This whole thing of [fan theories] leading people astray is interesting. But I always say, we all see something different in a story, and I love that. If things like this happen with Twin Peaks, it’s a great thing.”

He went on to declare his fondness for shows and films with ambiguous endings: “Some people don’t like not knowing things. They like a concrete thing, something that is what it is. Other people love room to dream. They don’t mind getting lost in a mystery. It makes them think and feel, and this is a beautiful thing.”

Lynch’s comments come weeks after Westworld writers Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy begged fans to stop correctly guessing the ending to the show and forcing them to re-write.

Expect some serious theorising when Twin Peaks arrives in the UK this May. Just don't expect to get any answers come the finale...


Twin Peaks will launch at 2am on Monday 22nd May on Sky Atlantic, in a simulcast with the US airing on Showtime. The episode will then be shown again at the more UK-friendly time of 9pm on 23rd May.
