Call the Midwife: what did you think of the series 5 finale?
Go on, this is a safe space. Let it all out...

What a series finale... We are used to reaching for our hankies during Call the Midwife, but never has an upsetting storyline felt so close to home.
The series five finale saw the Nonnatus nuns and nurses say a final farewell to a close friend, while connections were finally made between Thalidomide and the deformed babies being born in Poplar.
With an episode like this, we kind of expect you'll have something to say. Is the drama in rude health, or have you had enough of the tears and Thalidomide fears?
Was the death of Sister Evanglina more than you can bear? Will the drama suffer without her? Or were you pleased with the way her storyline came to an end?
Whatever you want to talk about, whether it's Barbara and Tom's fledgling romance or Doctor Turner's comedy camping shorts, we're here for you.

Tweet us @RadioTimes or let us know in the comments box below...