9 burning questions we have after Broadchurch series 3 episode 2
With new revelations about what happened the night Trish was attacked, Miller and Hardy's case is becoming more and more complicated

Another week in Broadchurch has left us reeling and offered up more questions than answers in the search for Trish Winterman's attacker.
While Miller and Hardy continue their investigations, we've got some serious sleuthing of our own to do...
1. Why was Ian hiding his clothes and shoes?

Trish’s ex-husband seemed to be stashing clothes and shoes in a bag in a cupboard at home; after he’s finished speaking with Miller and Hardy he pulls them out to wash them quite thoroughly.
Could he be removing evidence of the attack on Trish? Or has Ian something else to hide?
2. Did Ian really take that taxi?

He claims that he shared a cab home with a number of Cath’s relatives, but did he really? We know he had an argument with Trish at the party and they both say he went back inside, but could he have come back out to attack her later, when he claims he’d already gone home?
3. Did taxi driver Clive's radio really go down?

Driver Clive Lucas tells Miller and Hardy that his radio went on the fritz, and his controller at the cab office confirms he was out of contact from about 10.30pm onwards. However, his radio seemed to be in perfect working order when he was chatting to them on the street.
Was it really broken? Has he had time to go and get it fixed? Or is he telling porky pies?
4. What was Clive doing while his radio was down?

He claims he spent the evening ferrying passengers back and forth from the party, but slips up after admitting he was sitting in the car park for a while. We know Ian said he saw a taxi with its light on in the car park. Could this be the same cab?
And could Clive have had time to attack Trish while he sat waiting for his fare?
5. Why was Leo so reluctant to help Miller and Hardy out?

The young lad got off to a flying start with Broadchurch’s finest by rubbing Hardy and Miller up the wrong way when they asked for samples of all the twine his father's business sold.
The glamour shots of models dotted around the office only served to infuriate Ellie even further – especially given what happened with her son Tom at school.
6. Do those fishing rods in the garage confirm that Jim could be the attacker?
Between those condoms in episode one and the fishing rods stashed in his garage in episode two, the evidence linking Jim to Trish’s attack is piling up.
New suspects emerge...#Broadchurch. Tonight 9pm, ITV. pic.twitter.com/4sF13lpsDm
— ITV (@ITV) March 6, 2017
We know fishing twine was used to bind Trish’s hands – could it have been Jim’s?
7. Did DC Katie Harford warn her dad about the investigation?

There was a pretty big revelation about Miller and Hardy's new young colleague Katie (Georgina Campbell) in episode two. It turns out she’s actually farm shop owner Ed’s (Lenny Henry) daughter, and has been tasked with looking into him as part of the investigation.
As if that wasn’t enough of a conflict of interest, she actually headed to visit him not long after and told him she needed to talk to him about something "just between us".
Did she warn him about the investigation? Only time will tell…
8. Who did Trish sleep with? And why doesn’t she want to say?

During the course of her interview with Miller and Hardy, it’s revealed that Trish had sex with someone on the morning of her attack. She refuses to name the person she had sex with when asked, claiming it was a stranger she met on a dating app, and immediately calls the interview to a halt.
Of course she’s feeling vulnerable and it really shouldn’t matter that she had sex, but why is she so reluctant to name the person she had sex with? Giving their name might clear them from the investigation.
Unless there’s another reason, and one that might stir up even more trouble…
9. Who sent THAT TEXT to Trish?

Was it her attacker? Or someone close to them, eager to shut Trish up?
Share your theories in the comments below...