Donald Trump’s upcoming interview with Piers Morgan is going to be the greatest interview you’ve ever seen. Nobody will make a better interview than this, believe us. It’ll be tremendous, folks. Tremendous. Why? It's set to feature a bigly and outright apology from Trump for previously retweeting Britain first posts.


Well, sort of. Although Trump addresses the occasion he passed on anti-Muslim videos from the far-right group to his 47 million Twitter followers, the US President repeatedly points out he knew "nothing about these people”. Because repeating something racist isn’t racist if you didn’t know the person who said it was a racist.

When asked by Morgan if he’d want to say sorry for the incident, Trump replied: "Here’s what’s fair: If you're telling me they're horrible racist people, I would certainly apologise if you would like me to do that. I know nothing about them."

He added: “I don’t want to be involved with people like that. You’re telling me about these people because I know nothing about these people.”

Speaking about the interview on Good Morning Britain, presenter Morgan said: “Donald Trump made it clear to me that when he did these retweets he had no idea who this person was, he had no idea who Britain First was. He just thought that the videos, which to him depicted ISIS-like behaviour deserved a retweeted. I questioned him on that.”

He continued: “I thought it was an interesting exchange, I don’t think he really wanted to go to the point of apology. But I kept pushing him and eventually we did get there.”

The full interview with Trump is set to cover “everything from trophy hunting, to Meghan Markle, to Europe, to ISIS,” according to Morgan. And since it’s airing at the end of this week, you’ve not got long to finish your Trump bingo cards – don’t forget to add the phrases “fake news/lying media”, “Gyna” (China) and “I’m the least racist person that you’ve ever met”, kids!


President Trump - The Piers Morgan Interview is on Sunday 28th January at 10pm
