Angus T Jones's future on Two and a Half Men unclear after video rant
Young actor has reportedly not left show despite urging viewers to boycott it on religious grounds

Angus T Jones, the 19-year-old star of high-rating American sitcom Two and a Half Men, has reportedly neither resigned nor been fired from the show despite calling it "filth" in a YouTube interview released yesterday.
Entertainment gossip site TMZ claims executives at CBS, as well as Two and a Half Men showrunner Chuck Lorre, have seen the infamous video rant but have not decided how to proceed and have not heard from the young actor.
"I'm on Two and a Half Men and I don't want to be on it,” Jones said in yesterday's online video. "If you watch Two and a Half Men, please stop watching it and filling your head with filth. People say it’s just entertainment. Do some research on the effects of television and your brain, and I promise you you’ll have a decision to make when it comes to television, especially with what you watch. It's bad news.
"I don't know if it means any more coming from me," Jones went on, "but you might not have heard it otherwise, so watch out. A lot of people don’t like to think about how deceptive the enemy is. He's been doing this for a lot longer than any of us have been around. There's no playing around when it comes to eternity. Let Christ work in your life… if I'm not doing his work, I might as well just die now.
"If I am doing any harm, I don't want to be here. I don't want to be contributing to the enemy's plan... You cannot be a true God-fearing person and be on a television show like that. I know I can't… I'm not OK with what I'm learning, what the Bible says and being on that television show."
Jones is thought to earn around $350,000 per episode for starring as Jake in the long-running sitcom. He was a member of the original cast, alongside Charlie Sheen and Jon Cryer, when the comedy first aired in 2003. Sheen was fired in 2011 and replaced by Ashton Kutcher.
"Jake from Two and a Half Men means nothing," Jones says in the interview, which was released yesterday via two videos by The Forerunner Chronicles, a religious group based in Seale, Alabama which is "dedicated to declaring the threefold message of Revelation 14:6-12" and is the work of Seventh Day Adventist preacher Christopher Hudson. Hudson is seen in the new video interviewing Jones.
Previous Forerunner Chronicles videos claim that the Tom Hanks film Angels & Demons is a propaganda piece funded by "the Illuminati and the Vatican", that MTV is run by Masonic occultists, and that an "Illuminati card game" predicted 9/11. One clip posits that the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan in 2011 may have been caused by HAARP, a giant antenna sited in Alaska that fires radio waves into the ionosphere to alter the climate.
"My television show has nothing to do with God and doesn’t want anything to do with God, so it is a strange position I am put in,” Jones said of his current employment. “I am under contract for another year so it is not too much of a decision on my part. I know God has me there for a reason for another year."
"Choose you this day whom you will follow," Jones concluded.
The headline-making comments came in the second of two "Testimonies" released by The Forerunner Chronicles. In the first, Jones talked about how he dabbled in drugs at the start of his career. "I was on a downward trend, living for myself… I wasn't using what I had been given to help others."
He also explained how he found God in December last year: "I had this feeling of warmth, acceptance, love – the best way I can describe it is being hugged by your most favourite person ever, but they're able to hug every single part of your being."
Jones went on to explain how a conversation in January with a friend – whom Jones believes was channelling the word of God - convinced him that continuing with his role on the sitcom was incompatible with his beliefs.
Jones has this year begun attending a Seventh Day Adventist church in Los Angeles. In an October interview with Seventh Day radio and internet media channel Voice of Prophecy (VOP), Jones stopped short of criticising Two and a Half Men, but said: “I'm not the same person… God is definitely using [my role on the show]. I am there for a reason for one more year. I don't think I would be on the show if God hadn't pushed me into it. I genuinely didn't want to do another year on the show. I'm hoping God will get the glory out of it."