What are you most looking forward to in the Doctor Who Christmas special?
We've had our first sneak peek at the festive offering – but what are you most excited to see in it?

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas on our TV screens which, for Doctor Who fans, means only one thing: the festive special is coming!
This year's December Doctor Who offering will be a particularly poignant one because it marks Peter Capaldi and Steven Moffat's departure, and the dawn of Jodie Whittaker and Chris Chibnall's new era.
- The First Doctor feels “great horror” when meeting Peter Capaldi’s Doctor in the Doctor Who Christmas special
- The Doctor Who Christmas special sees both Doctors in a “personal crisis” says David Bradley
- Is Mark Gatiss playing the man who invented the blue Police Box in the Doctor Who Christmas special?
We've had our first sneak peek at the episode courtesy of Children in Need and now we want to know what YOU are most excited about when it comes to the special.
Are you eager to see more of David Bradley's take on the First Doctor? Excited for Pearl Mackie's Bill to make a comeback? Maybe you're just gagging to see Peter Capaldi's regeneration? Or curious about Mark Gatiss' new character, The Captain?
Perhaps you're just waiting to see Polly and Ben on screen again? Interested to see how the First and Twelfth Doctors get along? Or just glad you'll finally get a proper look at the new custodian of the Tardis, Jodie Whittaker's Thirteen?
Cast your vote and have your say!