Matt Smith tells Doctor Who fans to #SaveTheDay with 50th anniversary teasers and Twitter hashtag
"Save The Day - The Day of the Doctor", urge the new stings for the upcoming 50th Anniversary Special

Last night, during the first episode of fantasy drama Atlantis, BBC1 unveiled the new idents and Twitter hashtag for upcoming Doctor Who special The Day of the Doctor.
Gold is the theme, as befits a 50th anniversary.
In the first teaser, a Tardis logo materialises at the centre of the date 23.11.13, while in the second, viewers are urged to #SaveTheDay, before Matt Smith adds "The Day of the Doctor".
Take a look below and tell us what you think – appetite whetted much?
Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor is set to bring together Matt Smith with his predecessor David Tennant and John Hurt's dark and mysterious new incarnation.
In case you hadn't worked it out, the adventure will air on Saturday 23 November, 50 years to the day after the first ever episode of Doctor Who was broadcast.