"It takes over your mind!" – Peter Capaldi, Pearl Mackie, Steven Moffat and Brian Minchin discuss creating Doctor Who
What's it really like to be at the centre of one of the biggest TV shows in the world? The four key players gathered together to talk series 10 and more at the BFI & Radio Times Television Festival

How does it really feel to create Doctor Who, a show so popular, so scrutinised, so loved, so cared for and argued over for so many different people?
It's probably impossible to really know unless you're in the centre making it, but if you want some idea of exactly what went in to filming Doctor Who series 10, outgoing star Peter Capaldi, new companion Pearl Mackie, departing showrunner Steven Moffat and producer Brian Minchin are just the people to ask.
The video below is a full recording of the Doctor Who panel at the BFI & Radio Times Television Festival earlier this April, just one week before the launch of series 10 on BBC1.
In it, the four panellists talk with journalist Samira Ahmed about the making of series 10 – and what it feels like now it's about to go out into the world.
Peter Capaldi describes it as having to go through something like a "compression chamber", moving from life on the set of Doctor Who to the 'real world' outside.
Peter Capaldi had this to say to the cyberbullies targeting a Doctor Who fan
Pearl Mackie says she now can't hear water in the pipes without thinking of Doctor Who monsters. "It takes over your mind!" she says. Wonder whether she was warned of the psychological implications of being the new companion before she took the job?
But the best moments come when the audience ask the questions, and Capaldi contemplates the responsibility of playing this "mythic figure".
If you can't wait for series 10 to start, there's no better way of passing the time than watching this.
Doctor Who series 10 begins Saturday 15 April at 7.20pm on BBC1