Kit Harington and Rose Leslie's wedding could upset the Game of Thrones season 8 filming schedule
Quite a few Westerosi will be in attendance when the couple tie the knot, says the star...

Kit Harington, the Game of Thrones star who has just got engaged to his former on-screen love interest Rose Leslie, has landed the show with a headache: the filming schedule for the final series has to fit around the nuptials.
The wedding between the two stars – who played Jon Snow and his tragic lover, the Wildling Ygritte – will be attended by many of the cast members, said Harington, meaning it could pose a problem for the producer who is in charge of scheduling.
“I rang him up and I said, ‘I’m getting married and it’s your fault actually’," Harington tells the Jonathan Ross Show on Saturday.
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“I was like, ‘You need to factor in a Game of Thrones wedding by the way.’ They [the cast] have all got to be there so the whole thing has got to shut down.”
Asked whether he was having a Game of Thrones-themed wedding using the costumes, Harington laughed: “No. There is absolutely no chance of me convincing [Rose] of that.”
The couple announced their engagement in an advert placed in The Times newspaper late last month.
“The engagement is announced between Kit, younger son of David and Deborah Harington of Worcestershire, and Rose, middle daughter of Sebastian and Candy Leslie of Aberdeenshire”, it read.
And Harington shared some dangerously worded details of the moment when he popped the question.
“I did have some plans to do it, I was going to string up some lights in some trees and do all the romantic stuff but we were in the country and we were under this beautiful night sky and had a log fire burning and red wine and I blew my load early. Sorry that’s a really bad expression!” he laughed.
“I was meant to do it the day after with the lights. What I meant to say was, I popped my question a bit early. Not blew my load.”
The Jonathan Ross Show is on Saturday 7th October at 9:45pm