Your handy one-stop guide to watching the General Election on TV
How, where and who to watch, an hour-hour-by-hour guide to how it could unfold plus behind the scenes with the big-hitters, from Dimbleby to Paxman

Everything you need to know about this year's General Election night TV coverage, including when and where to watch, the main interviews and how it could all unfold...
How to watch
The BBC, ITV, Sky News and Channel 4 will all be covering the results as they come in throughout the night. Find out who are the main presenters for each broadcaster, as well as when each of them can expect to finally get some sleep.
Hour by hour
ITV host Tom Bradby reveals how late you'll have to stay up for the key results, including Nick Clegg's Sheffield seat, Nigel Farage's bid for South Thanet in Kent and the consituency that has predicted the election outcome every year since 1974...
The broadcasters' plans
From David Dimbleby's final election night broadcast to Jeremy Paxman's "alternative" coverage alongside David Mitchell on Channel 4, the studio machinations are arguably even more intriguing than watching the results come in...
How to stay awake
Wine and jelly babies for Paxman, cigars and bananas for Dimbleby. The two broadcasting giants reveal how they plan to keep their eyes open during the long night.