What time is X Factor's Bootcamp on tonight?
The (gasp) Wall of Songs arrives, an act does a runner and Dermot O'Leary sings

I've been waiting all week to see Bootcamp's new Wall of Songs and, let me tell you, this new X Factor format doesn't disappoint.
Not only do the acts frantically run at a wall to try and rip off the song they want to sing, Dermot O'Leary gives a little rendition of Kelis's Milkshake. Yes, the one about bringing all the boys to the yard.
Why is Dermot singing?
Why has the host decided after all these years to show that he has his own pleasant vocals stashed away, I hear you cry? Well, it turns out a lot of the singers don't actually know all of the songs on the wall. Step in Radio 2 DJ Dermy to give a quick blast of each unknown track to the completely panicked singers.

Where's the dancing?
Despite insiders telling us the dance test is back this year, it seems like the Wall of Songs and the following auditions offered just too much good footage as we don't actually see any of it. We'll just have to imagine how that all went down. Or, you know, watch Strictly next week to get our dancing fix. Ahem.
Someone does a runner
Bootcamp wouldn't be Bootcamp without some DR-AMA. There's one group who just can't get along, despite bagging one of the greatest songs of all time in the form of Ain’t No Mountain High Enough. But it's nervous James Wilson who skips out entirely. The 34-year-old joiner was ever so nervous in his first audition and the pressure of the Line Challenge gets too much. He heads back to the hotel leaving his teammates Samantha Atkinson and Rebekah Ryan high and dry. But with moments to spare it looks like he could make it back in time to see the judges...

The judges' categories are revealed
For those that make it through Bootcamp (two rooms full of people are rather swiftly sent home) it's time to find out who their mentor is for the Six Chair Challenge. The judges do the dramatic walk into the room where they're promptly bundled by their entire category.
But, if you can't wait that long to find out and want a sneaky peek, we know which judge has which category already. Find out here.
So, what time is it on?
See The X Factor tonight from the earlier time of 7:30pm on ITV