The Voice Battle Round pairs revealed: who's going head-to-head?
Ricky Wilson, Paloma Faith, Boy George and’s singers literally sing against each other as the coaches much slice their teams in half

There’s a boxing ring in the middle of The Voice studio, which can only mean one thing: it’s the Battle Rounds.
(Unless you talk to Paloma Faith and then it’s the duet round, or the snuggles round, or anything else that doesn’t make it sound like a competition. She’s not on board with that.)
Tonight's first week of battles sees 12 pairs sing against each other in the hope their coach will keep them in their team. If an act loses the battle, there’s a chance another coach could steal them (they get two steals each). if nobody wants them, they’re sent home.
There’s some extra spinning involved in this year’s Battle Rounds – because us Voice fans just love all that dizziness - which we’ve explained in more detail here.
Ahead of the coaches’ umming and ahhing and insisting everyone is really good and well worth a steal, we check out which singers are going up against each other – and what tracks they’ll be performing.
Battle 1: Team Will
Singers: Irene Alano-Rhodes vs Lydia Lucy
Song: Cryin by Aerosmith
Irene’s first audition
Irene says: “It’s a competition and I’m psyched up and ready to fight [but] I’m really nervous about the battles. It’s the unknown that I’m worried about, the song choice and who I’m going to go up against.”
Lydia’s first audition
Lydia says: “The claws can come out during battles and if someone is going to be that way I will fight back. I never run away, I will stand my ground. I may be little in size but I have a big fight in me.”
Battle 2: Team Paloma
Singers: Dwaine Hayden vs Aliesha Lobuczek
Song: Kiss Me by Olly Murs
Dwaine’s first audition
Dwaine says: “It’s weird going into The Battles because there are two sides to it: the humbling side knowing that one of us could be responsible for the other not progressing, and then the competitive side which is like, nah forget you..."
Aliesha’s first audition
Aliesha says: “I want to show them even though I am young, I can be as good as someone with experience. I want to show them I can be professional."
Battle 3: Team George
Singers: Charley vs Harry Fisher
Song: I Just Can’t Stop Loving You by Michael Jackson
Charley’s first audition
Charley says: “I’m not ready to leave yet... I'm nervous because I think I will be older than anyone else and I’m worried the song choice might be too current for me. I’m not going to lie, I may be one of the oldest but I feel in awe of some of the kids on the show.... In the end it’s about me shining as a star on the stage."
Harry’s first audition
Harry says: “If you go all out in The Blind, you don’t have anything else to offer, I love riffing and I haven’t really done that yet so that’s exciting...a strong riffing girl would be the worst kind of singer to go up against!"
Battle 4: Team Ricky
Singers: Jolan vs Efe Udugba
Song: Beat Surrender by The Jam
Jolan’s first audition
Jolan says: “It’s easy to overperform when you are battling, you’re competing against them. I want to avoid that. I am excited more than nervous.”
Efe’s first audition
Efe says: “I’ve got my boxing gloves on and I am ready! I will be disappointed for the person that doesn’t make it through, but I will be glad that I did.”
Battle 5: Team Will
Singers: Charley Blue vs Scott & Vicki
Song: Black Magic by Little Mix
Charley’s first audition
Charley says: “When they first see me they assume I’m a classical singer, but when I rap, sing and play my violin I’m more powerful than expected. I’m hoping because of the way I look they might underestimate me which would be to my advantage.”
Scott & Vicki’s first audition
Scott & Vicki say: "“Being a duo could also be a weakness, there are two of us so we have to worry about our harmonies as well as singing with someone else. There’s also the added pressure of not letting each other down which the other acts don’t have.” On being the last duo in the competition Scott and Vicki said: “I guess that means we won the ‘Duo Voice’! We don’t know how many applied but to be the only duo to make it through is amazing.”
Battle 6: Team Ricky
Singers: Chloe Castro vs Alaric Green
Song: Hope There’s Someone by Antony and the Johnsons
Chloe’s first audition
Chloe says: “I have always been jealous of singers from previous series, it’s my favourite show and a massive opportunity.”
Alaric’s first audition
Alaric says: “I want to go through to the very end. I know I’ve got a lot of stage presence, I can connect to the emotion of the song and give a really believable performance. People tend to look at me, people tend to gravitate towards me, and people feel safe and comfortable around me.”
Battle 7: Team Will
Singers: Aaron Hill vs Faheem
Song: Living For The City by Stevie Wonder
Aaron’s first audition
Aaron says: “I’m not arrogant but I believe in myself, the other person will have to do the same. Will told me I needed to work on my breathing after my Blind Audition, so I have been practicing every day and I want to show him I listened and took his feedback onboard. Vocally and performance wise I have so much more to show him, I feel like he hasn’t seen half of what I can do.”
Faheem’s first audition
Faheem says: “The intensity of being up against another singer and having to sing your heart out to progress to the next stage looks so fun. I feel if I can perform under pressure then I can perform anywhere. I’ve sung with people before but I’ve never battled someone so it gives me the chance to bring out the fire in myself. It’s going to be intense. I've got to bring the guns out. I want it to be serious. I want to come off the stage and it GO DOWN IN HISTORY”
Battle 8: Team George
Singers: Laura Begley vs Tobias Robertson
Song: Love Will Tear Us Apart by Joy Division
Laura’s first audition
Laura says: “The whole concept worries me, I don’t like the idea of having to battle someone, I’m not competitive as such and it sort of goes against my spirituality. It’s a weird situation to be in but I want to fight for it, so I will step up to the plate. I think I will keep calm, collected and focused on what I want to do.”
Tobais’s first audition
Tobias says: “It’s my worst nightmare. I like everyone and so to be in a battle environment is completely alien to me. But I know it’s a competition and there are real opportunities on the line so I will try my best."
Battle 9: Team Paloma
Singers: Jordan Gray vs Theo Llewellyn
Song: This Woman’s Work by Kate Bush
Jordan’s first audition
Jordan says: “It’s brutal but I really like the sense of competition, the meaning of the word competition is of Greek origin and it means people working together for a goal. The battles is a bit of the strongest will survive and I like the Darwinism of it all.”
Theo’s first audition
Theo says: “Since I did my first application it has always been a 'battle', but now it is more personal, it is more intimate, we are on the same team but we are battling for the same thing. It’s tense, someone is obviously going to be out, all I can do is make sure I perform as well as I can. If I haven’t given 100% I will feel like I have let myself down and my kids down.”
Battle 10: Team Ricky
Singers: Tom Milner vs Brooklynne Richards
Song: Tears Dry On Their Own by Amy Winehouse
Tom’s first audition
Tom says: “I have a lot of experience in performing and I am used to pressure, but I have to get my mind in that zone where I am thinking of no one else but me, if I am not in the right mind set it could be a problem for me.”
Brooklynne’s first audition
Brooklynne says: "My family don’t shut up about it, I’m like I know I got through but please can we not talk about it today, I just want to think about it myself, when we all talk about it I can’t process my own thoughts."
Battle 11: Team Paloma
Singers: Bradley Waterman vs Rick Snowdon
Song: I’m a Man/ Something’s Got A Hold On Me by Bo Diddley/ Etta James
Bradley’s first audition
Bradley says: “I’m determined to go out and win, I’m going to give it my all to get through. I wouldn’t want to go up against a big powerful voice, I think I’m most worried about being overpowered. If I did come up against one of those I wouldn’t try to outdo them, I would to do my thing and hope they like it."
Rick’s first audition
Rick says: “I am a bit nervous about the idea of singing with someone else as part of a competition. I don’t like the reality of it, but I understand it is all a part of the competition and we all have to leave at some point. I don’t want that to be now...”
Battle 12: Team George
Singers: Cody Frost vs Heather Cameron-Hayes
Song: Nothing Compares to You by Sinead O’Connor
Cody’s first audition
Cody says: “The only thing I’m worried about is facing somebody more mainstream then me, as I’m not a conventional person. I’m scared the fact that I’m different could go against me.”
Heather's first audition
Heather says: “I’m a bit nervous but I’m excited by the challenge. I think because I’m young people will underestimate me. I come across as nice, funny and sweet but my voice is real my strength. I’m determined go out and smash it."
See The Voice tonight from 7:00pm on BBC1