TV chef Ainsley Harriott is the second celebrity set to grace the Strictly Come Dancing ballroom – and it looks as though he's already got a few smooth moves up his sleeve.


The former Ready Steady Cook presenter admitted he liked to strut his stuff in the kitchen this evening, when he was revealed as a 2015 contestant on The One Show.

"I do like the idea, especially when I'm gliding around the kitchen," he said.

And now we know what he's talking about. If he can dance like this – while squeezing lemons – we reckon the rest of this year's contestants will already be shaking in their rhinestone-studded boots...

Strictly Come Dancing returns this autumn on BBC1

See which other celebrities are rumoured for this year's Strictly Come Dancing series


Robin Windsor, Alex Jones and Sir Bruce Forsyth will be at the Radio Times Festival this September.
