Russell Tovey was sat next to the flight passenger from hell and he live tweeted the whole thing
The Him & Her and Banished star was venting his frustration on the aeroplane wifi when two passengers a few rows down came to his rescue...

Russell Tovey is man who knows how to live tweet – remember 'couch girl', who he randomly discovered sleeping on his sofa? – so it's no surprise that while flying from London to New York, he decided to take advantage of the free wifi on board.
Not long after discovering he could in fact tweet in the air, he began to share his tales of airline passenger woe after being seated next to someone who was less than ideal to fly with.
As the situation escalated, Tovey's frustration grew...
... and grew ...
... and grew.
Poor Russell just couldn't catch a break.
But just when it seemed like all hope was lost, the power of social media kicked in.
A clearly delighted Tovey couldn't believe what was happening.
It didn't take Tovey long to discover where his new friend was sitting.
He got his hands on the precious piece of fabric.
And they all lived happily ever after.
Me & @Schoppi_A met @russelltovey on our plane. Thank you @Lufthansa_DE @Lufthansa_USA "Always You"
— @0EmissionCar (@0EmissionCar) October 3, 2015
Except for the mysterious blanket stealing man – who knows what happened to him, eh?