Big Brother 2014: See inside the new house
Artificial light, fake heads and possibly the most uncomfortable looking sofas ever - welcome to Big Brother: Power Trip

This year's Big Brother is built around the theme of power. Who's got it, what are they going to do with it and how do they keep it.
Initial information about the latest series, once more headed-up by Emma Willis, promised a high-tech house for the sixteen contestants with little focus on comfort. That, judging by these pictures, is exactly what they've got...
Comfy sofas? Nope. Perhaps there was no DFS sale. It's always so tough to know when they're happening.
Oof, that natural light just floods in, doesn't it?
A head on the table. Why not?
Who needs Changing Rooms when BB is coming up with these ingenious ideas...
Good looking tub. And a head filled with towels staring at you. Lovely.
Well, if you're on camera 24/7 anyway why not just go for it and have a row of chairs ready for the other housemates so they can sit and watch when you hop in the shower, eh?
Ah, the great natural outdoors
All rather Hunger Games-esque isn't it? Little pink cornucopia, clock-style lawns...
And a pool, of course. There has to be a pool, otherwise there'd be no excuse for bikinis...
Find out what else you can expect from the new series of Big Brother