Are Camilla and Jonny about to rekindle their romance on Love Island?
After fights, fights and more fights, is the (love) dust now settling on Jonny and Camilla?

We’d say there’s been about an equal amount of animosity and love between Jonny and Camilla on Love Island.
There was that fight about feminism that left Camilla in tears and regretting having kissed him, and then there were even more tears when Jonny confronted Camilla after he'd heard her bitching – sorry, talking – to the girls about him behind his back.
Actually come to think of it, despite them being coupled up we can't think there's been much love between them at all! So we were even a little bit surprised when he chose her over Tyne-Lexy in the recouping, and even more surprised to see how well they're getting on in tonight's episode. In fact, are they getting on a bit too well?

After their budding romance ground to a halt almost before it began, friendship is definitely blossoming between the pair. Tonight, Camilla thanks Jonny for choosing her, to which he says:
“You don’t have to thank me for it. No it was my choice, I stand by my decision. You’re still a massive part of my journey in this place and I’m seeing you completely smash it and I was never going to be the one to end your journey. You’ve got to put up with my snoring for another week.”
Then Camilla responds by – shock! – actually opening up a little more to Jonny:
“I just want you to know that the way I react, it’s not to do with the way you are behaving or how someone else is feeling, it’s the way that I am as a person now, and I know that means sometimes I come off as quite difficult or standoffish, but it’s far more a reflection on myself than it is on anyone else. So I am sorry if I do come off that way.”
However, Jonny reassures her:
“Don’t apologise, you are who you are, I am who I am. Not everyone is going to see eye to eye on everything, that’s the thing.”
In the Beach Hut, Camilla says:
“I am pleased to still be here and I do want to continue trying to become a better version of myself which is what I think is happening, so I’m very grateful to Jonny.”
We don't really see Camilla as a second chance kinda gal, but literally anything seems possible in that villa...
Love Island airs tonight at 9pm on ITV2