Love Island 2015: meet Omar Sultani
Omar spills on winning a £12,000 football bet, cringe-worthy dating stories and looking for love
Name: Omar Sultani
Age: 22
Day job: Former recruitment officer
Interesting fact: Omar won £12,000 on football bets so quit his job to spend the summer going on holidays.
Why Love Island? “I was going to do a season abroad, so this ties in perfectly. It’s a really good opportunity. I am looking to settle down now so if there’s a girl that I’m interested in then that’s a bonus, and if I win the [cash] prize then that’s also a bonus.”
Ideal girl? “Personality, someone who can make me laugh, a bit nuts, not embarrassed if I do stupid stuff. Somebody who’s happy to go along with the ride in that sort of sense.
“I don’t want to be too shallow, but my ideal would be someone who’s a bit oriental looking; Kim K, Nicole Scherzinger... Making me laugh is really important. A lot of girls that I see are really pretty, but they don’t interest me at all. With those girls you just see them a couple of times, you don’t pursue it any further.”
What would be a fun date? “I do like dinner dates, they’re fine. But something more adventurous like crazy golf when you can get hands on with the girl.”
Will you get steamy in the villa? “I’m not too bothered about the cameras, I do most things on camera. My mum has told me not to embarrass her but I’ve told her I can’t promise anything. I’m not bothered about stuff like that at all.”
How will you handle a love triangle? “If I want something I will 100% go for it. I’m not going to take a backseat. If I want this girl, I’m not going to let whoever this is sweep her away.”
Will you go after more than one girl? “If there are a couple in there, and I’m not really tied to one, I’ll see what I can do.”
What’s your worst dating story? “I’ve been on a date with a girl and the waitress was somebody I’d been texting. I didn’t know she worked there. [My date] walked out and I had a drink and settled the bill and went my separate way. That’s probably been the worst one.”
Love Island starts Sunday June 7th on ITV2