James May’s unemployment-themed YouTube videos attract more than two million views
Cooking a shepherd’s pie and playing Greensleeves on the recorder is almost like testing out brand new cars, right? Right..?

James May, currently bereft of his Top Gear presenting duties, has launched his own unemployment-themed YouTube channel. Well, changing the hoover bag only takes so long. It’s doing rather well actually, with more than two million views of his efforts in the kitchen and on the recorder.
Oh yes, the kitchen and the recorder. This is no petrol-head show. May’s not attempting to recreate Top Gear with an iPad. No one’s wearing double denim for one thing. So far May’s whipped up a shepherd’s pie and shown off his musical skills – once with a hangover, which slightly halted the high notes of Greensleeves – earning him an impressive haul of almost 92,000 subscribers.
In true ‘Captain Slow’ style, the making of said shepherd’s pie required five separate videos. Part four is simply titled ‘not sure’. But, breathe easy, he does make it to part five’s assembly and testing. May noted that he would actually like to amend the content of the videos, admitting that the chilli was “a bit much” and that two cardamom pods is “plenty” for a four-person pie. I hope Heston’s worried.
May also told his Twitter followers that he’s not going to advertise on his “U-tube” videos – yes, he’s lovingly dubbed it ‘unemployment tube’ – saying it would be “wrong to profit” from people’s kind indulgence. But he’s taking requests. Particularly as feedback suggests not many people really like his recorder playing. May's musical efforts aren’t “bossin’ it” like his pie, he admits. Mending toy trains looks like it’s on the agenda next, though. What more could we ask for?
Play us out James...