7 things we NEED to discuss after tonight's Happy Valley
Things in the Calder Valley just got a LOT more interesting

Can you believe what happened on Happy Valley? Share the shock...

She's been goading "our Ryan" for weeks at school and claims he's been waxing lyrical about the dad he says he doesn't discuss.
Is she telling Tommy Lee Royce a few porky pies? And if so, how will he react when he finds out?
We have a feeling she's only had a taste of his dark side – and by the look on her face when he told her "that is NOT enough", we don't think she's too keen on releasing his inner bad boy, even behind bars.

Placing Vicky's body in the same location as the first murder victim – and err, creepily making her corpse seem more convincing – before burning down her flat might have seemed like a foolproof plan to guilt-ridden John, but it all went a bit wrong for him, didn't it?
Plucky wannabe detective Ann put two and two together, helping identify the body just in time for Mr Molesley to almost crash his car.
Will John be rumbled? Or can he wriggle his way out of trouble?

Julie Hesmondhalgh has certainly managed to shake the nice lady next door vibe she positively oozed in Corrie.
How ridiculous must poor John have felt, having murdered his mistress to cover his tracks only to discover the wife was actually doing the dirty on him too? Serves him right, if you ask us.
We doubt Mr Molesley would have referred to an early 20th century lady as a "pox merchant", though. He'd have handled it in a far more dignified way – albeit, while ironing his own shirts too.

As we mentioned, the wannabe detective helped identify Vicky Fleming, and she seemed just a tad too fascinated by that dead body.
She's been getting uncomfortably cosy with John, even agreeing to have a drink with him. Has she crossed a line? And will the knowledge of his circumstances (he told her he needed £1,000) come back to haunt her?

Last week Catherine's bosses hinted that the Knezovics (the Halifax mafia) may have copped that Ilinka was staying with Winnie, and said the pair could be in real danger.
With the guy from the human trafficking ring now dead, the pair should be fine, right?
Wrong. This is Happy Valley. If you've been given enough time to fall in love with a character, chances are they're going to be brutally killed at some point.
Or run over with a car. Repeatedly.

Catherine revealed that her son had been having a fling with his "nasty little bitch of an ex girlfriend while his perfectly lovely wife was in hospital giving birth to their first child", before the divorce papers came through in the post.
Will the lad who spent the last series complaining that his mother probably wished he'd died instead of his sister ever get his act together?

We know he's working with Frances to get his son back, but how will he go about it?
"You'll get what's coming to you", he screamed (among a barrage of obscenities) at his mother's funeral, but what is coming to Catherine?
Knowing Tommy, nothing good.