The Pub Landlord’s campaign for Nigel Farage's constituency will air as polls close on Election Day
Al Murray's campaign trail is set to be the focus of a Dave documentary to be shown as Britain awaits the first results from the General Election on 7th May

Al Murray's Pub Landlord is standing for Parliament. The leader of the Common Sense Revolution is battling Ukip leader Nigel Farage, no less, for the Kent constituency of South Thanet, with his election campaign poised to air on TV channel Dave as viewers await results on election night.
The 90-minute special follows Murray as he stands against Britain's established political parities as the sole candidate for his Free United Kingdom Party (FUKP) and will broadcast the minute polls close at 10:00pm on 7th May.
The documentary will feature fly-on-the-wall access to the 'Guv's' campaign trail and meetings with his trusted political advisors. It'll be edited right up until transmission, with footage from the very end of his campaign.
The show will also be updated with results and footage from election night, and then shown again at a later date, understands.
"This is the election story everyone wants to follow and we are delighted the Pub Landlord has granted us access," said the show's executive producer Jamie Isaacs.
"This documentary is an important step for Dave as we continue to broaden our offering and raise the ambitions of our originations. This is a bold statement about the direction of travel for commissions on Dave. I'm particularly pleased that The Pub Landlord has chosen to share his extraordinary story exclusively with our viewers," added the channel's general manager Steve North.
Dave’s Election Night Special will air on 7th May at 10:00pm on Dave