Pokémon TCG Pocket Secret Missions explained: Full list and rewards
Every Secret Mission in Pokémon TCGP and the valuable rewards you can get.

Pokémon TCG Pocket has continued to delight us since its launch last year.
But then, bringing one of the world's most loved card games to mobile was always going to be a win.
This week, we had the Space-Time Smackdown expansion, which introduced the likes of Palkia, Dialga, and others from the Diamond and Pearl generation.
And with this update comes more Secret Missions!
So, let's take a look at what's been added, as well as the full list of Pokémon TCG Pocket Secret Missions and their rewards.
Pokémon TCG Pocket Secret Missions explained: Full list and rewards

Secret Missions in Pokémon TCG Pocket are hidden objectives which progress and are revealed to you once you start filling certain collections of cards, in exchange for distinct rewards after collecting them all.
For example, after collecting a full set of the rarest Gym Leader cards, you'll get a bundle of extra Shop Tickets, Wonder Hourglasses, and Pack Hourglasses.
Every Secret Mission in Pokémon TCG Pocket along with their rewards are as follows:
Complete the Kanto Pokédex!
This first Secret Mission is the one many players might know of already, since it's the answer behind how to get the special full-art Mew card that Pokémon TCG Pocket players were talking about shortly after the game launched.
To complete the Complete the Kanto Pokédex! mission, you need to collect a card for one of every original 151 Pokémon in the Kanto Pokedex.
Once you do so, the stunning Mew card will be given to you right away as your reward.
Genetic Apex Museum 1
This next Secret Mission is one of a trilogy reflecting each respective Genetic Apex booster pack.
In Genetic Apex Museum #1, you need to collect the following full-art 1-Star rare Pokémon cards which are available in the Charizard booster pack:
- Alakazam
- Charmander
- Gloom
- Lapras
- Meowth
- Pinsir
- Rapidash
- Slowpoke
For completing this set, your rewards will be 36 Wonder Hourglasses, 10 Shop Tickets, and 12 Pack Hourglasses.
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Genetic Apex Museum 2
Like with the Charizard version, Genetic Apex Museum #2 is the Mewtwo equivalent that requires you to collect the full-art 1-Star rare Pokémon cards available in its own Genetic Apex booster pack:
- Bulbasaur
- Cubone
- Ditto
- Dragonite
- Golbat
- Pidgeot
- Porygon
- Weezing
For completing this Secret Mission, your rewards will also be 36 Wonder Hourglasses, 10 Shop Tickets, and 12 Pack Hourglasses.
Genetic Apex Museum 3
For the final of the Genetic Apex Museum Secret Mission in TCG Pocket, you'll need to collect the following full-art 1-Star rare Pokémon cards from the Pikachu pack:
- Diglett
- Eevee
- Electrode
- Gyarados
- Nidoking
- Nidoqueen
- Snorlax
- Squirtle
Just like the previous two, your rewards for completing this mission will be 36 Wonder Hourglasses, 10 Shop Tickets, and 12 Pack Hourglasses.
The Gym Leader of the Kanto Region 2
This is the secret version of Themed Collection Mission called The Gym Leaders of the Kanto Region.
Instead of the two-diamond rare versions, however, you need to collect all full-art 2-Star rare versions of every Kanto Gym Leader Supporter card:
- Blaine (Available in the Charizard Genetic Apex pack)
- Brock (Available in the Pikachu Genetic Apex pack)
- Erika (Available in the Charizard Genetic Apex pack)
- Giovanni (Available in the Mewtwo Genetic Apex pack)
- Koga (Available in the Mewtwo Genetic Apex pack)
- Lt. Surge (Available in the Pikachu Genetic Apex pack)
- Misty (Available in the Pikachu Genetic Apex pack)
Sabrina (Available in the Charizard Genetic Apex pack)
This mission offers a slightly larger reward bundle than some of the others in this list - including 48 Wonder Hourglasses, 12 Pack Hourglasses, and 10 Shop Tickets.
The Immersive Four

This is a layered Secret Mission among those in Pokémon TCGP, since you need to finish Complete the Kanto Pokédex! first.
To complete the Immersive Four, you need to collect the following Immersive full-art 3-Star rare Pokémon cards:
- Charizard ex (A1) - (Available in Charizard Genetic Apex booster)
- Mew ex (A1) - (Reward for completing "Complete the Kanto Pokédex!")
- Mewtwo ex (A1) - (Available in Mewtwo Genetic Apex booster)
- Pikachu ex (A1) - (Available in Pikachu Genetic Apex booster)
Completing this set of rarer cards in The Immersive Four mission entitles you to another larger bundle of rewards: 48 Wonder Hourglasses, 12 Pack Hourglasses, and 20 Shop Tickets.
The Legendary Flight Continues
This final Secret Mission for Pokémon TCG Pocket is an alternative to the Themed Collection mission called The Legendary Flight.
This last set of hidden objectives requires you to gather the following full-art 2-Star rare cards for each of the three Legendary Bird Pokémon:
- Articuno ex (Available in Mewtwo Genetic Apex booster)
- Moltres ex (Available in Charizard Genetic Apex booster)
- Zapdos ex (Available in Pikachu Genetic Apex booster)
Completing this last Secret Mission will reward you with 48 Wonder Hourglasses, 12 Pack Hourglasses, and a Legendary Birds Emblem.
Mythical Island Tale of Adventure
For this one, you'll need to collect a Mew ex and and Celebi ex (both Immersive Artworks), Mythical Slab and Budding Expeditioner.
Your reward is a Celebi Emblem.
Mythical Island Museum 1
For this one, collect the full artwork versions of the following Mythical Island cards: Executor, Salandit Serperior, Vaporeon, Dedenne and Marshadow.
Your reward is 12 Pack Hourglasses, 36 Wonder Hourglasses, and 10 Shop Tickets.
Mythical Island Museum 2
For this one, collect the full artwork versions of Aerodactyl ex and Mew ex.
Your reward is 12 Pack Hourglasses, 36 Wonder Hourglasses, and 10 Shop Tickets.
Mew ex Museum
For the Mew ex Museum, collect all four versions of Mew ex.
Your reward is 12 Pack Hourglasses, 36 Wonder Hourglasses, and 10 Shop Tickets.
Space-Time Smackdown Museum 1
Collect full artwork versions of Croagunk, Regigigas, Tangrowth, Combee, Shinx, Mamoswine, Drifloon, Shaymin, Mesprit, Bidoof, Heatran and Lucario.
Your reward is 12 Pack Hourglasses, 36 Wonder Hourglasses, and 10 Shop Tickets.
Space-Time Smackdown Museum 2
Collect full artwork versions of Rotom, Garchomp, Manaphy, Glameow, Spiritomb, Staraptor, Hippopotas, Carnivine, Gastrodon, Cresselia, Giratina and Rhyperior.
Your reward is 12 Pack Hourglasses, 36 Wonder Hourglasses, and 10 Shop Tickets.
Space-Time Smackdown Museum 3
Collect full artwork versions of the following: Yanmega ex, Pachirisu ex, Gallade ex and Darkrai ex. These need to be 2-Star rarity versions.
Your reward is 12 Pack Hourglasses, 36 Wonder Hourglasses, and 10 Shop Tickets.
Space-Time Smackdown Museum 4
Collect full artwork versions of the following: Infernape ex, Mismagius ex, Lickilicky ex and Weavile ex. These need to be 2-Star rarity versions.
Your reward is 12 Pack Hourglasses, 36 Wonder Hourglasses, and 10 Shop Tickets.
Champion of the Sinnoh Region
Collect full artwork versions of the following: Spiritomb, Cynthia (two-star full-artwork) Gastrodon, Lucario, and Garchomp.
Your reward is a Garchomp-themed emblem.
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