Kirk Sutherland and Beth Tinker are to have a 1980s-style wedding in early 2015. But despite Kirky dressing as Adam Ant for his big day, a question mark hangs over whether the groom will actually stand and deliver.


A case of pre-wedding nerves for Kirk is brought on by the arrival of Beth's family, who clearly think that he isn't good enough to join the rest of the Tinker clan.

With Kirk doubting whether he's worthy of his beloved Beth, it's left to Chesney to talk some sense into his pal. But is Kirk about to let the love of his life slip through his fingers? Actress Lisa George, who plays Beth, tells us more...

So how is Beth feeling in the lead-up to her wedding?
Beth is so excited. She can’t believe her big day is nearly here and that it’s actually going to happen! It’s a dream come true for her. She can’t wait to marry Kirk and have a ring on her finger so it’s official.

Why does she decide to have a 1980s theme?
I’d been asked to look at some wedding dresses for Beth and I had an idea in my head of what kind of dress I’d like for her. I suggested an '80s theme because Beth is a real '80s girl. A '50s theme was suggested too, but that is more me - Lisa - and not Beth. The '80s theme just suited Beth so much. I thought it was absolutely brilliant to have her go as Madonna - it’s definitely very ‘Beth’.

What does the rest of the wedding party make of the theme?
A lot of them embrace it. Tracy isn’t very happy - she thinks it’s ridiculous and tells Beth she thinks she’s making a joke out of her own wedding and isn’t taking it very seriously. But actually Beth does take it seriously - this is genuinely what she wants for her big day. Everybody looked absolutely brilliant in all the costumes as well!

How does it go when Beth's family arrives?
Brilliantly. It was great having Beth’s family there for filming. The chemistry on set was fantastic. It was as though we’d all been working together for ages - it was comfortable and we all clicked really well. I loved it. All of Beth’s family are as bonkers as she is, so we had lots of fun filming.

Does she have a good relationship with them?
Absolutely. Her dad doesn’t come to the wedding but Beth does thank her dad on her wedding day. In her speech, she thanks her "dear departed dad" and her mum says he isn’t departed yet, because he’s still alive. Beth explains that what she meant was that her dad is departed because he left the family...but she obviously still thinks a lot of him to mention him on her wedding day and to thank him.

We don’t know much more about her relationship with him, but I think she has a great relationship with her mum. There’s a bit of tension between Beth and her gran because her gran is so blunt and I think that’s possibly where Beth got her bluntness from too. They are similar, so they clash a little bit.

How does Beth feel when her mum mistakes Jason for Kirk?
They all think Jason is Kirk when he’s in the house fixing the radiator but Beth doesn’t think anything of it - she just tells them they’ve got it wrong. It doesn’t bother her at all because they don’t say anything nasty at that point.

Does Beth have any idea that Kirk is getting cold feet?
No, not at all. The only thing she gets a hint of is that he’s really nervous about the first dance because she tells him he has to practice it because she wants it absolutely perfect. She knows he’s having a bit of a wobble about that, but she tells him not to be nervous about it.

So what's her hen do like?
It’s a lot of fun. Beth goes to the Rovers with all the girls and she mistakes Billy the vicar for a stripper...she says to the girls she knows she’s said she didn’t want a stripper but actually she really did want one before thanking them! Then she realises Billy is actually a vicar and she changes her tune again and says she never wanted one anyway. Then they all go back to the house to drink and dance. It’s great.

If they do get married, what do you think married life will be like for them?
I think it will run pretty smoothly, actually. They are so well suited and both so happy with one another. As long as Beth always wears the trousers it’ll all be fine! Kirk would bend over backwards for her and is so accommodating, so I imagine it’ll be a great marriage. She’s made him so happy and vice versa. Kirk’s taken on her son too, so it’s the perfect outcome for her really. I think Beth was worried before she met Kirk that she’d be left on the shelf, but Kirk has made her dreams come true.

Did you and Andy Whyment have much input where the costumes are concerned?
The only input I had was with the skirt of the dress. Originally, prior to knowing it was going to be Madonna, I wanted it with netting and have it longer at the back and shorter at the front because I thought Beth would want to show her legs off, so that was incorporated into the Madonna costume. I really liked the idea of the bow in her hair instead of a veil...I thought it was very Desperately Seeking Susan. Costume did an absolutely amazing job of it all.

Can you remember your first scenes with Andy?
The most memorable scenes that stand out are when Beth and Kirk first got together, when Kirk rescued her from a bad date she was on! He was like her knight in shining armour when he rescued her in a van! We’ve had some really lovely scenes and also some comical scenes in the factory when they’ve been caught kissing behind the boxes!

What's the funniest thing that's happened during filming?
Gosh, we have funny moments all the time! The other day, for example, I was in the middle of a scene and I stood up and had a bra attached to my jumper and i had to struggle to get it off while looking as cool as possible! Me and Jimmi Harkishin are always laughing when we’re in scenes together, too. He absolutely cracks me up. We can’t help ourselves, it’s hysterical. We’re the worst for it.

And who wears the trousers in your working relationship with Andy?
Me, absolutely! Andy might not agree but it’s true [laughs]. I got Andy to practice the wedding dance and made him rehearse it! I put the song on in the green room and went through the moves with him. So yes, definitely me!


Watch a 60-second rundown of next week's drama on Coronation Street below:


David BrownWriter, Radio Times magazine and