What's your dream Doctor Who spin-off?
In the year that Class hits TV screens, we want to know what your dream Time Lord spin-off would be about

2016 is a big one for Doctor Who fans: we’ve got to make it through the next 12 months or so without a new series of our favourite time travel show.
All is not lost though. New spin-off Class is due to debut on BBC3 and BBC America this autumn, and we’re hopeful that showrunner Patrick Ness can pull something special out of the bag when he takes us back to Coal Hill school.
But what’s YOUR dream Doctor Who spin-off about? That’s what we want to know.
Do you dream (as many Whovians do, apparently) of Clara and Me spinning through space and time in a flying diner? Would you like to catch up with Rose and 10.2 in their parallel universe? Or follow the Paternoster gang on their next big adventure?
Perhaps you’d like to catch up with Luke Smith and see how Sarah Jane’s son is faring? Or tear through the universe with none other than Michelle Gomez’s Missy?
The possibilities are endless, and the choice is yours.Tell us what you dream Doctor Who spin-off looks like in the comments box below.
We’ll pick the best ones for publication on the site, and who knows what might happen next…